The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1707: awesomeness! (1)

Yulin and Hezong looked at each other and looked at them together. For a long while, Yulin’s words were “Tang Xiong, why are you yelling at us?”

Tan Yang knows that the two will not believe, and there is no good voice. "Do not believe, you ask Yan Shimei, her dark-winged dragon, that Xiaodong used his talent to get."

"Yan Shimei, Tan Xiong, he said... is it true?" Yulin still couldn't believe it, and hurriedly turned to look at Yan Yurou.

Yan Yuru nodded in excitement, "is true!"

"There are people in the world who have such incredible talents..." Yulin was very silent for a while, only to sigh with faint sigh. [

"It is no wonder that with the cultivation of Qin Shidi, in the face of the tiger leopard's momentum, it can be farther away than we are." He Zong's face is also full of shock, muttering.

"Listen to Xiaodong's howling, he seems to have met the tiger leopard. Unfortunately, we didn't even have the strength to stand up, let alone help him." Tan Yang rubbed his fist and looked annoyed.

"吼~~~" Tan Yang’s voice just fell, and the tiger leopard’s snoring sounded up again. This time, the direction of the buzzing sound seemed to be closer to them, the kind of power that could crush the human bones. It also suddenly increased by 30%.

Tan Yang, Yu Lin, He Zong, Yan Yurou, the four people had almost reached the limit. At this time, they could not bear it anymore. Not only Yan Yurou, but the slightly higher level of Tan Yang could not help but spurt blood, and the spiritual power in each body. Under such pressure, the speed of consumption is surprisingly insufficient to describe. It is like a broken balloon, as if only a few breaths of work, the spiritual power of the four people has been warned.

Tan Yang’s expression was bitter and shook his head. “If you go on like this, even if Xiaodong can finally serve the tiger leopard, I’m afraid we can’t see it.”

Tan Yangzheng said everyone's voice, the voice fell, and the four people silenced together. Now, in the face of absolute power, they have only one thing left to do, and it is quietly waiting for the last moment.

"I rub! Even if it is dying, let me see what the tiger leopard looks like? Or else, isn't it too shameful?" Yulin smiled and shook his head and complained.

"Look, what is that?" Tan Yang ignored the complaints of Yulin and suddenly gave an exclamation.

The other three looked up and saw a splendid golden glare, floating from their front, like the second sun in the sky, over the top of their heads. Then in the horrified eyes of the four people, a golden light was radiated and shined on them.

This golden light is so warm and sturdy that it can dispel the most unbearable cold between heaven and earth. The most surprising thing for the four people is that when the golden light shines on them, it is like a powerful protective cover, which frees them from the powerful cruel pressure of the tiger leopard, as if In a flash, the mountains and the mountains that were pressed against them were removed. The long-lost ease and freedom made every hole in the body of the four people reveal the unspeakable comfort and coziness.

"This... this golden light is..." Tan Yang stood up subconsciously, his face full of incredible and deeply confused.

He Zong, Yu Lin, Yan Yurou also stood up, eyes, doubts and shocks on the face, no less than Tan Yang.

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