The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1729: Tiger and wolf war! (2)

The Dark Lord Wolf King is not a fool. He immediately realized that this sweep is not something that it can resist. It is a hard-working body that slams on the ground, and the tail of the tiger leopard. Its hair passed over, and the heavy sweep was on a huge stone beside the king of the Dark Lord. The boulder, which is full of one person, was actually bursting under this sweep, turning into a gravel and smashing everywhere.

Fortunately, everyone has their defenses, and they are dodging in time, so that they have not been hit by the fish pond.

"Spring Shadow Sister, this tiger leopard is really strong metamorphosis, I think the Dark Lord Wolf King will plant sooner or later! After it has finished packing up the Tiger Leopard, it will definitely turn over and clean up us. We are still hurrying to go now?" Qiu Ying looked worried and joined the spring shadow.

Chunying himself was also worried. She was lightly clustered and looked at Qindong. When she saw Qin Dong, her face was relaxed and calm, and her mind immediately calmed down. I think that Qin Dong is not weaker than Fu Yanshan's cultivation, and she smiles in her heart. She is experiencing too few phoenix waves and calming down too much. There is such a super master in Qindong, how big is the tiger leopard?

Seeing Qiu Ying still looking at himself, Chun Ying shook his head decisively, saying, "Don't worry! Please enjoy this tiger and wolf war."

"What...what?" Qiu Ying did not expect that Chun Ying would give her such an answer, and the whole person could not help but squat.

But Chun Ying did not intend to explain to her, but turned her head and smiled at her. And her smile, no doubt makes Qiu Ying feel a little confused.


Along with a sorrow, the body of the Dark Lord Wolf King slammed a few blood arrows, and Qiu Ying hurriedly fixed his eyes. It was discovered that when she spoke with Chun Ying, the Tiger Leopard had already caught Opportunity, slap on the body of the Dark Lord Wolf King.

Although the body of the Dark Lord Wolf King is extremely strong, but it can not stand the steel claws of the Tiger Leopard, the injury is inevitable, but at the same time, the Dark Lord Wolf King also showed his fierce side, although A claw, but refused to retreat, but the body suddenly twisted, with super flexible, open the big mouth, straight into the lower abdomen of the tiger leopard bite.

From the very beginning, the Tiger Leopard did not put the Dark Lord Wolf King in his eyes. At this time, he was really taken aback. A pair of tigers exploded and four iron claws. At the same time, they were heavy on the ground, only hard. On the ground, there were four shocking deep paw prints. With the help of this trend, the Tiger Leopard hardly pulled up its huge body and pulled it up by three feet. This has evaded the **** mouth of the Dark Lord Wolf King.

Although the Spring Shadows had also fought with the Dark Lord Wolf King before, they did not expect that the Dark Lord Wolf King would explode such a terrible fighting power, and they all looked at each other. Can not help but think, if the Dark Lord Wolf King took out such fierceness to deal with them at the beginning, can they persist until now. At the same time, everyone raised a big question mark.

"This black demon giant wolf king is really not simple!" Spring shadow nodded and sighed with emotion.

This fierce attack by the Dark Lord Wolf King obviously angered the Tiger Leopard. The shape of the tiger leopard is still not falling in the air, so it is a huge mouth, and it makes a roar of the world. In this roar, not only the anger of the tiger leopard, but also the violent fluctuations of spiritual power, it is almost comparable to the sound of killing power, going straight to the black demon king wolf.

Although the black demon giant wolf king is fierce, but the gap between it and the tiger leopard, but it can not be erased by fierceness alone, this arrogance, the black devil giant wolf Wang Shengsheng shocked back ten Steps, so that the Dark Lord Wolf King is even hard to stand still, and the figure is left and right...

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