The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1742: Ten levels of peaks! (2)

The feet were only slightly on the ground, and they immediately triggered a long-lasting strong earthquake, which shocked everyone in the horror and stunned.

The improvement of each level of realm is a qualitative change. But the surprise that brought Qin Dong was not strong this time. Hold your fist and feel the power in your body. Like a big river, roaring and roaring, a kind of supreme pride, in the body of Qin Dong crazy, like his fist, not holding the air, but the heavens and the earth .

In the eyes of Chun Ying and others, at this moment, Qin Dong is the heaven and earth. Everyone's gaze seems to be welded, and it is condensed on Qin Dong's body, and one inch can't move. Every move of Qin Dong, even every breath, seems to have an amazing power of ghosts and unpredictable, deeply affecting their hearts and their nerves.

After another hour, the power of Qin Dong gradually converges and weakens, and everyone is slowly freed from the pressure of the monks.

"You... are you still a person?" Xia Ying looked at Qin Dong and asked involuntarily. [

Tan Yang listened to the big sister, and quickly blocked her mouth, and hurriedly said, "You are crazy! Have you asked this question?"

In Tan Yang’s screaming, Xia Ying responded, and he was busy with a chill, and he was full of horror and looked at Qin Dong. I was afraid that Qin Dong was not happy, and waved her hand to destroy her. Just as prey faces hunters, fear is almost instinctual.

Qin Dong grinned and said, "I'm sorry, I must be shocked."

Qin Dong’s smile was like dissolving the warm sun of the Wanli Glacier, which shocked everyone’s heart and calmed down in an instant. If you don't know it, who can imagine that even a simple smile can have such a magical power.

"Master! I really admire you! You are the **** in my heart!" Tan Yang came to Qin Dong step by step and jumped and held him.

Qin Dong also knows that his secret can no longer be conservative. He is not angry with Tan Yang’s name to him. However, Tan Yang’s such derogatory behavior can not be tolerated. If someone else misunderstands his ‘preference problem,’ it will not be worth the loss.

The shoulders shook a little, and a strong force directly sent Tan Yang to the earthquake. A master of the eight-level peak, in front of Qin Dong, is not as vulnerable as a baby. It can be seen that Qin Dong’s cultivation at this time has reached the realm of awkwardness. Inevitably, another person made an exclamation.

"I'm sorry for the Spring Shadow Girl, the heart of Mu Ling was originally a gift from the Dark Lord Wolf King, but I did not ask for it first."

"No... It doesn't matter, I..." Qin Dong's spring movie sister, I was so flattered that I couldn't afford it, and her mind was confused.

"Master, can you tell us what kind of realm is your cultivation?" Tan Yang's hippie smiles came together.

"Tan Yang! How do you understand the rules of the kid? Is this kind of question that can be asked casually?" Xia Ying’s disappointment with Qin Dong was completely dissipated. At this time, he took the initiative to teach Tan Yang. Qin Dong Jiewei.

In heaven and earth, the realm of monks is like the age of a woman. It is definitely a taboo topic. You can guess, you can try, but you can't ask, no one will tell you.

Tan Yang was also curious at the moment, didn't think so much, was scorned by Xia Ying, and he was also a straight hoe. Qin Dong is more than free and confession in their imagination, and replied cheerfully, "Take the blessing of the spring movie sister, my cultivation can reach the eleventh peak in such a short period of time."

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