The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1748: The peak of the peak (1)

The iron-clad speculation was very bold, and he immediately stunned Yulin and He Zong. Think carefully, what can't be done by a superpower who has an eleventh-level peak?

Seeing Yulin and Hezong have touched, and the iron is dry. "Even if there is no Qindong, I am afraid that Wanpeng will not continue to go too far. Not to mention the four big hospitals, it has never been broken. The infighting, and I faintly feel that the two palaces between Qiankun and Qiang are not as calm as before. In the past year, the change of the wife of the Lord has been very clear, and you must be very clear. Plus the threat from the Eudemons The bigger the coming, the even the ethereal palace that is making waves, these internal and external factors will inevitably lead to the drastic changes of Wanpeng in a short period of time."

Yulin suddenly woke up to God and looked at the iron. He asked, "Are you talking about this, is it my father's worry?"

Tiegan will not conceal Yulin, nodded, said: "The lord did say to me many times." Immediately, Tiegan turned his attention to Hezong, "Hegongzi, if you really want to be with me The lady looks at it, and you have to do something at this critical time. If you can rely on the power of Qin Dong to resolve the long-cherished wish between your master and my grandfather, this is a feat of merit! It will not only promote you. The good relationship with my family lady, more about Yu Wanpeng, and even the interests of the heavens in the sky. Smart, ethereal two hospitals, is the power that Wan Peng can not afford to lose."

See Yulin and Hezong. I haven’t made up my final determination yet. I know that such a big decision is not for the two of you who can do it. But don’t forget, your master didn’t see it for yourself. Through the energy of Qin Dong, but you have seen it. Under this circumstance, it is your responsibility to be a disciple to stand up and take care of everything, lest your master should make a wrong judgment because he missed some important information. Lead to irreversible catastrophic consequences."[

"I really want to break with the Shangde Bieyuan and fight against them?" Yulin muttered.

The iron dry shook his head. "There is no need to do this at first. If Cai Dingjun is not biased, not guarding, and will let Cai Jing stand up and bear the consequences for everything he has done, then naturally he will be happy. But if Cai Dingjun does not have such a heart and mind Enlightenment, it’s not too late to fight again!"

Yulin gently nodded, his eyes involuntarily cast his face to Yan Yurou, who could not think of it. Wan Peng helped the fate of the four houses and the two palaces. At this time, they were tied to this weak girl. . It's a bit ridiculous, but fate is like this, it's elusive.

"Even if it is just to preside over justice, we should also help Yan Yurou!" After a short period of thought, Hezong took the lead in making a decision. Looking at Yulin Road, "Yan Yurou and Sundial's enemies, not everyone knows, among the four houses and two palaces, there are not many people who know. The reason why Yan Yurou's grievances are too late to stretch, no Is it because Suntech’s school is very deep? We Wanpeng has always been the leader of the famous family, but there has been such a disgraceful thing, this should not be. It’s time to stand up and do something, isn’t it ours? Is the responsibility of the disciple entering the room?"

Yulin sighed and said, "You said it is good! I only hope that Master and his old man will finally understand my pains."

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