The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1759: Du Jingyu's murderous! (1)

"Hey! What are you talking about? What happened to Yulin’s brother and He’s brother, what’s wrong with it?” Du Xintong was not happy, and took a small mouth and came forward.

"Hey! There are teachers who have their own! Chen Chang is not a thing, this kid is not strong enough! In short, I will listen to you! Yulin, let me see you next time with this kid." Together, I will interrupt your legs!" Du Jingyu waved his hand and looked very harsh.

Yulin’s talents are brilliant, and Du Jingyu’s words have always been obedient, so Du Jingyu rarely reprimanded him like this. The unprecedented pressure suddenly fell on the shoulders of Yulin, causing his heart to shake. He originally wanted to say something good for He Zong. At this time, he did not dare to say anything.

"There is no reason for this!" Du Xintong sighed and was very angry. Yulin was afraid of Du Jingyu, but she was not afraid. She looked straight at Du Jingyu and said, "Hey, you are also the elder of Wanpeng, the status is respected, how can you be so confused?"

"Heartheart, you..." Du Xintong slammed Du Jingyu in front of so many people, so that Du Jingyu was somewhat not coming to Taiwan, but he wanted to even scream with Du Xintong, but he couldn't keep his heart. Just such a baby girl, he is a baby on weekdays. [

Du Xintong was also spoiled, and no matter what Du Jingyu’s face could not come down, even Du Jingyu’s chances of speaking were not given. He rushed and said, “Chen Chang is Chen Changlao, Crane Big Brother is Crane Big Brother, how can you put them two? People are confused? You and Chen’s elders have a gap. That is the matter between you. Why should we be involved in these younger generations? Are you a respected elder, don’t you be afraid of being laughed at?

Du Xintong’s words were very weighty and unrelenting, which made Du Jingyu shocked and his eyes were even more rounded. This is related to Du Jingyu's famous name in this world. Even if he is distressed by Du Xintong, she will not be able to trample on his face in such a large audience.

"Enough! You shut me up!" Du Jingyu was really anxious, a roar, straight to the heart of Du Xintong scared.

"It seems that I really spoiled you. I have reached the age of marriage, but I still have a child's heart. I know it!"

"I didn't make a fuss, I said all the facts!" Du Xintong was still a little scared at first. He could hear Du Jingyu saying that he was not convinced, but he was not so afraid, and he screamed at Du Jingyu.

"You still say!?" Du Jingyu is even more furious, and he is going to fight. He Zong rushed out and took Du Xintong tightly behind him.

There are many rumors about Du Xintong and He Zong. Du Jingyu also heard about it, but he did not see it with his own eyes, so he did not pay attention to it. At this time, He Zong actually jumped out to protect Du Xintong, and Du Xintong also maintained the same kind of Hezong. Du Jingyu realized that the rumors were not empty.

Is this still ok? The disciples of their own enemies actually came to seduce their own daughters. This is even more annoying to Du Jingyu than to face the public. You Hezong is not to protect Du Xintong, well, I will see if you have a bit of skill. Du Jingyu’s heart snorted and directly displayed a 10% pressure, which was like a storm to Hezong.

Although He Zong is also prepared, Du Jingyu's power is so strong and powerful, but it is far beyond his imagination. He only feels the pain of breathing. Hezong feels that his shoulders are pressed against two giant mountains. , endless pressure, straight to his legs, keep making a creaking sound, it seems to break at any time.

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