The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1760: Noisy! (2)

Seeing that Tan Yang is so tough, Zhao Weihu came to the fire and said, "What do you want to do?"

"Before He Zong has already said, Zhao Xipin must personally confess to my master and listen to my master's disposal!"

"Impossible!" Zhao Weihu was deeply in love. When he was willing to be guilty of this kind of grievance, he refused to think about it.

"If this is the case, then I can only report to my master truthfully! At that time, if my master moves the wrath of Thunder, your father and son can not regret it!"

"Jokes! I am not scared by Zhao Weihu!"[

Seeing that Zhao Weihu and Tan Yang are getting more and more stiff, Du Jingyu feels uncomfortable. If, because of this incident, the hidden show is close to the ethereal hospital, then his situation is passive. Zhu Hexuan is the head of the four elders, and it is not a good match.

"Tan Yang, since Mr. Zhao said it, this time is just a misunderstanding. I don't think it is necessary to disturb your master. Anyway, your master's reputation is not really lost..."

If Du Jingyu is not so embarrassed about He Zong, Tan Yang can be more polite to him, but now, Tan Yang is half-faced and will not give him. Before Du Jingyu finished speaking, Tan Yang said coldly, "No one is filthy you, Du, you are naturally light and light."

Du Jingyu's face changed, Shen Sheng "Tan Yang, what do you mean by that?"

"It doesn't mean anything!" Tan Yang is very simple. "This matter has nothing to do with you, you don't have to worry about it."

"There is no such thing!" Du Jingyu was once so degraded by a junior, and his straight beard was tilted up.

Although Tan Yang’s words are rude, they are justified. Du Jingyu simply can’t pick up the problem and wants to make trouble, but he doesn’t know where to start. Hey, he doesn't want to eat.

"Good! Zhao brother, if this is the case, then the two of us will take the Greek products together to go to the private show to go to the hospital. I don't believe, in front of our two faces, Zhu Hexuan will really know what the Greeks are. Du Jingyu airway.

This is of course what Zhao Weihu hoped. After listening, he was very busy and thanked Du Jingyu.

Tan Yang sneered in the heart, Du Jingyu wants to join forces with Zhao Weihu to give Zhu Hexuan pressure, this wishful thinking is too loud to play. Turning to look at He Zong, Tan Yang sighs "Hexiong, I think you may wish to invite Chen Elder to our hidden show. Zhao Xipin not only filthy my master, but also filthy Chen elder, presumably his old man must also have Say it."

Du Jingyu couldn't help but sigh, good guy, this Tan Yang is silent, and is shrouded in the light of Gu Jianxin. It turned out to be the same. This is based on the way of his people, and he is ugly.

The combination of Zhu Hexuan and Chen Chang is that Du Jingyu does not want to see it anyway.

"Of course!" He Zong would like to know, nodded heavily.

Zhao Weihu's face also became heavy. Chen Changruo really went to the hidden show, and he was connected with Zhu Hexuan. Then he brought Zhao Xipin to the hidden show, and then wanted to bring it out intact. I am afraid it will be difficult.

Just when Zhao Weihu and Du Jingyu felt awkward, Chun Ying stood up again and said, "Zhao Xipin is very whispering to our wife. It seems that in order to prove the innocence of our wife, I can’t ask my lady. Moved to the hidden show."

Zhao Weihu and Du Jingyu are already very troublesome. Wan did not expect that Chunying would have to insert a hand. Du Jingyu was shocked and looked back at Zhao Weihu. Zhao Weihu’s face was bitter and he had to drop bile.

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