The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1774: Is there a problem with elixir? (1)

This is definitely the moment that He Zong dreams of, and it finally becomes a reality. Happiness came so suddenly, so fierce, that Hezong was trembled and could not be himself. Without much words, He Zong rushed to Du Jingyu to focus on nodding, no words, but a commitment made with heart, Du Jingyu apparently read the mind of He Zong, revealing a smile, the eyebrows are full of gratification.

The body was shaken, Du Jingyu said loudly, "It seems that it is time to go to the other hospital to take a trip and see Chen Chang this old thing."

Du Jingyu’s words came out and immediately shocked He Zong. Instinctively thought that Du Jingyu was looking for Chen Chang’s account. How is this done? Du Jingyu is now a genuine ten-level monk, which is a level higher than Chen Chang. He is looking for Chen Chang to settle accounts, and Chen Chang can be a good idea.

"Du elder, you..." He Zong was nervous and widened his eyes.

Du Xintong also quite dissatisfied and shouted, "Hey, what are you doing?"

Seeing the expression of He Zong and Du Xin’s nervous worry, Du Jingyu first gave a slight glimpse, then burst into laughter.

Du Xintong didn't rely on it. He grabbed Du Jingyu's arm and said, "I don't care. You promised me and He's brother. Then you and Chen Elder are relatives. You can't go to Chen Elder's trouble anymore. I don't allow !"

Du Xintong sprinkled her, and pouted a small mouth, clustered with frowns, very cute. The softest part of Du Jingyu's innermost heart was suddenly touched by the shackles. When I think about it, I almost lost such a lovely daughter. Du Jingyu’s heart is full of embers, and I am more fortunate.

Some of the beloveds shaved the Qiong nose of Du Xintong, Du Jingyu smiled and said, "You look at this girl, where do you want to go?"

He Zong and Du Xintong looked at each other and asked Du Xintong’s question, "Are you not looking for Chen’s trouble? Then what are you going to look for?

Du Jingyu laughed and said, "What else can you do? Of course, it is a kiss! I am over, and you and He Zong are past, but Chen Laotou’s level is not as good as mine."

Du Jingyu did not say that Du Xintong and He Zong did not expect that he mentioned this, and both of them lived. Look at me, I look at you, and the look becomes dignified. Du Jingyu’s words are not wrong at all. Chen Chang’s temper is not worse than Du Jingyu’s. His level must also be a thunderous fire.

Seeing that the two were silent and did not speak, Du Jingyu smiled and said, "So, I have to personally talk to Chen Laotou. The disintegration between the two of us has opened up, and the good things of both of you have become a matter of course."

"Hey, you... are you telling the truth?" This will make Du Xintong really surprised. He Zong is also full of excitement and can't hide it.

Du Jingyu nodded and sighed. "Speaking, there is nothing wrong with the old man between Chen and Chen. I have to blame us both for having the same bad temper. Oh, it’s time to settle everything. , started again."

"Hey! You are so good!" Du Xintong was happy, but he rushed up, and he kissed Du Jingyu.

Du Xintong and He Zongxi became a group, Du Jingyu turned and looked at Fu Yanshan, and took a ritual. Fu Yanshan smiled and waved his hand. "It's all old partners. You don't have to be polite. Jingyu, after so many years, you finally broke through, and it's really gratifying."

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