The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1775: Terrible and complicated woman! (2)

Fu Yanshan was silent for a moment, "I have always suspected that the reason why my wife, Shi Qing, had such a big change in a short period of time was because someone controlled her mind. However, I have never been able to find out. There is enough evidence to prove this. Do you have three years of perennial beside her, can you answer my question?"

"Is it controlled?" Chun Ying, Xia Ying, and Qiu Ying are all face to face. They never thought about this problem. The wife of the helper of Wanpeng Wanpeng was actually controlled by people, which sounded ridiculous.

Seeing that the spring shadows of the three people did not make a sound, Fu Yanshan coughed, and simply made the words clearer. "I am talking about Cao Xiaoxian!"

"Ah!? Cao... Cao Xiaoxian?" Chun Ying could not help but screamed.

Qin Dong’s brows also wrinkled, and this name is not the first time in his ear today. [

"Help the Lord, do you suspect that Cao Xiaoxian controlled his wife? This... How is this possible? I have seen her more than once, the girl is very cute, simple, not like someone who can do this kind of thing." Du Jingyu shakes Head, subconscious.

"Cute, simple? Hahaha..." Fu Yanshan suddenly burst into laughter. After a long while, his face looked sharp and stared at Du Jingyu's eyes. "If I said, her repair is Absolutely not under me, even higher than me, would you believe it?"

"This..." Du Jingyu squatted on the spot and his mouth was open. He couldn't say a word for a long time.

Cao Xiaoxian, Du Jingyu knows. A little girl in her twenties is cute and cute, and human and animal are harmless. Such a hairy donkey in the eyes of Du Jingyu, there is actually a more powerful repair than the perfunctory, which really makes him unacceptable.

Qin Dong’s heart sank slightly. He originally thought that Cao Xiaoxian was suspicious, but he did not expect that her cultivation would be so terrible. Since Fu Yanshan said that her cultivation is higher than him, it will never be targeted. It must be based on this, and this will make such a judgment. Reminiscent of Chunying’s talk to him, the terrible red light that appeared in the bedroom of Shiqing’s bedroom, Qin Dong believed that Fu Yanshan’s statement was at least 80% credible.

Fu Yanshan turned to look at Qin Dong, said, "This woman is very high, and her mind is extremely deep. I think her ultimate goal is not only in my Wanpeng help, she must have more. Even..."

"Even she is likely to have some connection with the Eudemons!" Fu Yanshan's words say that half of the abrupt end, seems to be a concern. Qin Dong smiled slightly and took the words behind him.

Fu Yanshan’s eyes are bright, staring at Qin Dong, a slow but powerful road “good! After all, if Wan Peng’s help is disintegrated, it is most beneficial to the Eudemons!”

"Scorpio! Cao Xiaoxian turned out to be so terrible and complicated, then... Isn't that lady she is very dangerous?" Chun Ying's direct cold sweat came out and said busy.

Fu Yanshan Road "At least until I was defeated, Wan Peng help completely fell into her hands, the lady will not have something."

Du Jingyu realized that the situation was serious and he hurriedly said, "We must not wait like this, we must act!"

Fuyanshan Road "There is only one way at the moment, that is, to remove Cao Xiaoxian, but I can only rely on me alone, I am afraid it is very difficult to do."

"And me! Now I have also entered the tenth level, should I be able to help?" Du Jingyu did not want to talk about it.

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