The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1779: Tricky! (2)

Du Jingyu smiled bitterly, not blaming Chen Chang for having such an attitude. Who would have let them two full fights for most of their lives? Chen Chang has such vigilance, but it is human nature.

"Master, you misunderstood Du, and he really wants to fulfill me and my heart." Hezong hurriedly stood up and said.

Chen Chang looked at him and said, "Stupid apprentice, you are too simple. Du Jingyu hates that our masters and apprentices are not dead. Can he be so kind, marry the baby daughter to you?"

Du Jingyu frowned. "Chen brother, you are clearly the heart of a gentleman's heart. You said that I am playing tricks, then you talk about it, what kind of intrigues do I play?"

"How do I know? If I have so many flowers and intestines, you have long since died."

"Master, listen to me..."

Hezong is anxious to explain, but Chen Chang does not give him a chance, he will put his hand in a loud voice. "Don't say it! Your experience is too shallow, you don't understand anything. You can't watch the fall of the teacher." Fire pit. Surnamed Du, you have listened to me, and immediately take your daughter to leave, this family, you don't even think about it!"

"Chen Chang, I am Du Jingyu Ming Ming is a good heart, but you have to be a liver and lungs, really do not have this reason!" Du Jingyu face ups and layers of trouble. Although his current state of mind is much wider than before, he is not a saint. Chen Chang was so criticized for no reason, he could not help but be annoyed.

"I care if you are kind or licking your liver and lungs. In short, this is not the case!"

"Master, don't always have a prejudice against Du Chang. This time, Du Chang is not only for the marriage of my heart and the heart, but also to bury the old man with you. There is no intrigue, you think too. too much."

"Globe! What do you mean by this? Is it because the teacher is a little belly, not as good as Du Jingyu's generous?" Chen Chang was furious and screamed.

He Zongzhen is a little bit smirking. In Chen Changping's day, it is very enlightened, but as long as he has a relationship with Du Jingyu, he will be like a person.

"Master, how can the child have that meaning? I mean..."

He Zong’s words have not been finished yet, Du Jingyu’s eyes suddenly light up, a look of ignorance, pointing to Du Jingyu’s “Well, I know what kind of intrigue you are playing. You want to use your Daughter, come to the feelings of our masters and apprentices, to achieve the attempt to disintegrate my drifting house. Du Jingyu, you are really not a normal poison wow!"

Once this person is blinded by hatred, he will lose the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, but this imagination will be leaping and leaping. After listening to Chen Chang’s self-righteous judgment and analysis, He Zong was crying out on the spot.

Du Jingyu is also a helpless face, although he has already expected that this trip will not be smooth, but I did not expect that things will be so tricky.

"Master, what are you talking about? Is Du Du is such a person?"

"You shut me up!" Seeing He Zong again and again, and then talking to Du Jingyu, Chen Chang is even more annoyed, and screams "You are not a kid! A woman, can you betray Master?" I have been together for your parenting and teaching over the years. Isn’t it better than a woman? If you still recognize me as a master, give me over and stay away from the girl!"

"Master, you..."

"How? If you are a teacher, do you not understand, or do you really want to be this gimmick, but don't recognize me as a master?" Seeing He Zong's face hesitating, Chen Chang is both angry and sad, roaring like a lion. stand up.

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