The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1783: Mad Zhu Xuan Xuan! (2)

Du Xintong made a burst of laughter and said, "Hey, don't ask again, come with me!"

See Du Xintong's innocent answer, Du Jingyu is more curious in his heart, step by step to catch up with Du Xintong, take her, and shoot like a glimpse of the light to the hidden show.

Hidden Show House.

Qin Dong, Tan Yang, Yan Yurou, Huo Wei, Mi Fen, Zhuang Hu, six people, have not yet stepped into the door, they will hear Zhu Hexuan’s roaring sounds, and at the same time, a stock of horrible spiritual power, shooting everywhere, hidden Several buildings in the show house were unable to withstand the impact and suffered damage.

"It's awful! It must have been Master's illness and committed again." Tan Yang changed his face and everyone accelerated their pace. [

Sure enough, Zhu Hexuan was like a mad mad lion at the same time, flying back and forth, Gu Jianxin as a target, fierce attack, constantly venting the spirit of the body. Poor Gu Jianxin didn't know what was going on. In the face of Zhu Hexuan's crazy attack, it was like a boat that was bumping in the squally winds. It was a wave of uncertainty. The situation can be said to be dangerous to the extreme.

When I saw Tan Yang and others came back, Gu Jianxin immediately saw the savior, and shouted loudly, "Tan Yang, fire, you come, Master, he is crazy!"

"Brother, you first stand up, I and Xiaodong think about it." Tan Yang shouted.

"Top your grandmother's legs! I want to be able to stand up to the top!" Gu Jianxin listened, almost no gas back, Zhang mouth shouted.

However, Tan Yang did not care, turned to look at Qin Dong, and asked "Xiaodong, Master's situation seems to be more trouble than the last time, almost lost reason, how should this be good?"

Qin Dong's eyes flashed, his brains turned sharply, and his face was quite heavy.

The mad Zhu Hexuan, fighting power to chase the ten-level monk, Gu Jianxin eight levels of peaks, where can resist the live? Zhu Hexuan is also a stormy attack. The direct shock of Gu Jianxin Yuanfu trembles, and his physical strength is almost broken. It is already critical to the extreme.

But when he looked back, he found that Tan Yang, the two of them did not come up to take the handle, but surrounded Qin Dong, and what he was discussing. Gu Jian’s annoyed teeth must be bitten, and screamed, “Bastard! Is your brain broken? The kid is only the third-level peak. Do you have a fart with him? Don’t come over and help me, otherwise You are not a master."

"Master brother, you don't understand, you don't want to be awkward." Tan Yang brows, a little dissatisfied with Gu Jianxin.

After listening to this, Gu Jianxin’s eyes must jump out of his eyes, and he’s crazy. “I don’t understand, you know? You TMD, this is to make me die!”

When Tan Yang looked back, it was discovered that the situation of Gu Jianxin was really bad. Zhu Hexuan does not count the cost of spiritual output, so that Gu Jianxin rushed into the minefield at this time, the whole body is full of spiritual fluctuations enough to make him smashed. No wonder he is so nervous and annoyed.

The situation is critical, Qin Dong can not take care of that many, eyebrows pick, rushed to Gu Jianxin and said, "You are getting out!"

"Wipe! You stink in front of me with a big tail wolf? If I can pull out, I have already smoked it, use this you are noisy here?" Gu Jianxin violently shouted.

Qin Dong could not help but see, he really did not expect this.

The look was a slight sigh, and Qin □ reached out and grabbed it. An invisible spiritual power instantly broke through the rhythmic fluctuations of Zhu Hexuan and directly covered Gu Jianxin. Gu Jianxin was shaking nervously at this time, and was suddenly covered by Qin Dong’s spiritual power.

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