The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1786: The elders will also wear b! (1)

All these signs are signs of spiritual rebellion and ignorance. If I continue to do this, I am afraid that Chen Chang will have to endure the fate of the explosion.

"Master! You insist on it, hold on!" He Zong is holding Chen Chang, and the hero is in tears. However, Chen Chang seems to have reached the last moment, even the consciousness is no longer awake, let him be painful, but he has not responded.

"He Zong, you let it go!" Du Jingyu bit his teeth, decisively pushed He Zong aside.

Set the gods, the whole body will be sacrificed, and will inject into the body of Chen Chang at any cost. Du Jingyu didn't ask for anything else at this time, only to protect Chen Chuan's heart. As long as the heart is still undecided, the meridians burst and become a waste, at least to save their lives.

When Du Jingyu injected spiritual power into Chen Chang's body, he discovered that he thought everything was simple. At this time, Chen Chang’s internal chaos is far beyond his imagination. Because of the influence of Xiandan's potency, the spiritual power of Chen Chang's life has not only become extremely aggressive, but the level seems to have also improved. Du Jingyu even can't suppress the whole body's spiritual power. After a while, Du Jingyu suddenly spit out a blood arrow, and his body shape was uncontrollable and he stepped back three steps. [

"Hey!" Du Xintong exclaimed, hurriedly grabbed the previous trip to help him.

Du Jingyu Chong Du Xintong waved his hand to indicate that he was fine. Then he said with a look of amazement, "It's too powerful! I can't suppress it completely."

Du Jingyu’s words seemed to mean the last glimmer of hope. After his voice fell, the surrounding area immediately fell into a dead silence.

At this time, an unusually strong golden light suddenly shocked everyone's mind. The people looked up and subconsciously, only to see a golden beam of light, suddenly revealed from the golden light curtain in midair, just shining on Chen Chang's body. Chen Chang’s figure has risen in this golden light column and has not entered the golden light curtain.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Du Xintong asked in amazement.

Du Jingyu’s face was filled with infinite joy, and the voice was once trembling. “There is a rescue, maybe Chen’s brother still has a save.”

"Really!?" Hezong heard it, and immediately excited, and looked at Du Jingyu with disbelief, the tiger's body shivered slightly.

Du Jingyu only had such a feeling, but he did not dare to pack the ticket. He looked at the golden light curtain and only kept praying in his heart.

This moment seems to have solidified, and it has become surprisingly difficult. Every second is infinitely stretched, making people feel as if they are as long as a century. Everyone's eyes are locked on the golden light curtain, and they are not willing to move away for a moment.

It seems that after a long period of thousands of years, a whistling sound suddenly rang through the clouds. This whistling sound, full of enthusiasm, shocking people, as if it can be transmitted thousands of miles away, and prolonged.

"Ten-level situation!" Du Jingyu gave an exclamation, his face was full of shock and incredible.

Just when everyone was facing each other, a huge body suddenly stepped out of Jinguang. His body was covered under the golden awns, as if it had been set with a golden rim, filled with mighty sacred momentum, at first glance, it was like a god.

"Master!" Gu Jianxin, Tan Yang, Huo Yan, Yan Yurou Qi Qi exclaimed, watching the golden body in the air, his face full of shock.

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