The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1825: Chicken-hearted! (2)

Wen Qishan's decision must not let the Thunder three people be jealous, although they all know that Wen Qishan is heavy and almost lost his fighting power, but the three still dare not venture.

The little five sons are through the three men's virtues. Even though the three of them are all above the fifth level, they are still not afraid. They sneer and say, "I see you three cowards, or hurry up! Wait for me." Come back, you just want to go and you can't go."

"Wenqishan is crazy, what is your qualification for this kid to yell in front of the grandfather? Or, I will clean up you first, then clean up Wenqishan!" Thunder seems to be irritated by the words of Xiaowuzi. One burst, the body shape suddenly fluttered, and fluttered like a ghost to the little five.

Xiaowuzi couldn’t pass the cultivation. Where can he live in the thunder, Wenqishan saw it, his heart was tight, and he hurriedly played a trace of spiritual power in the body. He wanted to stop the Thunder’s offensive, but what he did not expect was The Thunder played actually turned out to be illusory, and the sound of the East hit the West. The figure was suddenly broken, and the Xiaowuzi was let go, and it turned to Wenqishan.

Although Wenqishan realized that it was not good, he wanted to make a response, but he couldn’t afford to even gather a little bit of spiritual power. He could only watch the Thunder’s fingertips and point to himself. [

In one breath, Wenqishan Zhou’s eighteen large holes were sealed, and the Thunder was relieved.

On the side of Zhu Cheng, Yan Wei and the two did not expect that the Thunder would suddenly play such a hand, seeing all the big things, shouting "Lei brother, doing a good job!"

The Wenqi Mountain was inhabited, and the Thunder was very proud. The faint road "The singer of this surname is guilty, and he was almost stunned by him."

From the very beginning, Wenqishan knew that he could not escape the thunder of the thunder, so even if it was given by the Thunder, it did not show too much panic, but it was especially annoying. I am stunned by someone I can't look down on.

"The surname of the text, now what else do you have to say?" Inhabited Wenqishan, the Thunder no longer scruples, sneer and asked again and again.

Wenqishan stared at him and said, "I don't have anything to say about these three pieces of you. But you remember, many lines of injustice will be self-sufficient! One day, three of you will eat your own evil!"

"Wenqishan, I really admire you! They are all dead, and they can't forget to teach others. You are honest, accidental, and so many people are regarded as heroes, what about you? You are not the same. We must not die in our hands?"

"It's also dead, it's different! I am dead in Wenqishan, but I will be remembered by the world. However, people like you, after death, people will only clap their hands and celebrate, and you will be stinking forever!"

"There is no reason! I have to see if things are really like you said." Wen Qishan's words made the Thunder very annoyed, and screamed, and he would go down to him.

"You are not allowed to kill the big brother!" Xiao Wuzi saw this scene and rushed forward to stop Wenqishan with his body.

"Hey! If it’s not your kid, the grandfather’s arms won’t break! Do you think that only Wenqishan is going to die? You are also going to die! Since you are so anxious, then we will send you on the road as you wish. "The Thunder looked so sharp, and the voice said gloomy."

"Thunder, you dare!" Wenqishan hurriedly screamed, "Thunder, believe me, if you dare to kill this little brother, you will die without a place of burial!"

"What do you say?" Thunder wrinkled his eyebrows and asked.

Wen Qishan sneered and said, "Thunder, have you forgotten the means of Qin Shaoxia so quickly? You just hit the little brother and slap in the face, Qin Shaoxia will cut off the arms of the three of you. Think about it, he If you know that you killed this little brother, how would he deal with you?"

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