The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1827: Being a person can't be too arrogant! (1)

The repair of Wenqishan is far less advanced than that of Huang Xiuze, and the injuries suffered are not as heavy as Huang Xiuze. It is naturally smoother to treat. It took less time for a cup of tea, and Wenqishan has recovered.

"Qin brothers, I am really convinced! Your cultivation is so high, it is really inscrutable!" stood up, Wenqishan looked at Qindong, and the worship in his eyes had reached a point where he could not add. Recalling the talent, Qin Dongxiong's ultimate spiritual power, sweeping the ups and downs in his body, the wounded meridians, almost healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. If it is not personal experience, Wenqishan can't believe it. .

Before the moment, Wen Qishan still felt that he was weak and did not even have the strength to stand. At this moment, Wen Qishan felt that the body was full of spiritual power, and the spirit was full of joy. This day, the strange feelings of the earth, let Wenqishan have some Can't be yourself.

Qin Dong waved his hand. "Don't say this! It's time to deal with these three guys."

Qin Dongyi refers to the thunder and three people. When Wen Qishan is on the air, he does not hit one place. The body is vertical, and he does not say anything. He opens the bow left and right, and each gives three big mouths. The thunder of the three people who hit the thunder broke, the teeth fell off, and they screamed. [

"The name of the text, you dare to hit me ... oh!" Thunder anger can not be suppressed, is about to open his mouth, Wen Qishan raised his hand is a series of slaps, the thunder of the thunder on the spot became a scream.

"The things that don't open your eyes! It's been this time, so crazy, I really don't know how to live!" Wenqishan yelled.

"When is it now? Do not think that there is a surname Qin to support you, what is great! The name of the text, you really dare to kill me?" Thunder hysterical shout.

"Hey? Why don't you dare to kill you?" Qin Dong sneered and came forward.

When the Thunder looked at Qindong, his eyes obviously converge a lot. It is not as fierce as watching Wenqishan. The faint road "is surnamed Qin, your cultivation is high, but it is not invincible! You ask Wenqishan, our Zhao’s cultivation has stepped into the tenth level. Do you really have to be against the tenth-level monk?”

Wenqishan turned to look at Qindong, "He said that he is right! Zhao Weihu's current cultivation has indeed reached the ten-level situation of the monks. Our Huangye nine-level mid-level rumors are not his. One enemy."

Listening to Wen Qishan said that the Thunder has some arrogant words. "You are surnamed Qin. You heard it. I advise you not to mess with it."

"Look at your appearance, how do I feel that it is not Zhao Weihu, but you who have a ten-level situation?" Qin Dong sneered and looked at the Thunder.

"You... what do you mean?" Thunder looked tight.

Qin Dong suddenly raised his hand and grabbed the thunder's neck. The five fingers tightened slightly, and the eyes of the Thunder were filled with painful colors.

"I mean, you are too arrogant!"

When Qin Dong’s gloomy voice sounded, the Thunder only felt a cold chill, rising from his heart, and his work in the blink of an eye swept through his body, freezing every drop of blood in his body.

"You... if you dare to kill me, Zhao is... will not let you go." Thunder struggled and said.

"It’s so good! I don’t intend to let Zhao Weihu go! If you die, let him take the initiative to come to me, it will save me a lot of trouble!” In the end, Qin Dong never gave the opportunity to speak to the Thunder. In a crisp crack in the bone, the Thunder was completely gone.

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