The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1835: Strong pressure! (2)

"A nonsense!" Zhu Hexuan stunned. Chen Chang and Du Jingyu are also angry and angry.

Cai Jing stunned the power of Cai Dingjun, and he was murderous and evil. Who did not know the whole Wan Peng? This Cai Dingjun's face is really thick enough, actually said that Cai Jing is a gentleman, this is a big joke.

Yan Yuru listened to Cai Dingjun's words, and he was so angry that he was very red, and his eyes were tearful. He almost didn't cry out on the spot. Think about your younger brother, if you are harmed by others, you are still being slandered by evil, the world is big, is there anything more embarrassing than this?

"Cai Dingjun, you are still an elder, you can't stop, rumors, insulting others' innocence?" Yan Yu's anger is unstoppable, and he is screaming at Cai Dingjun.

Cai Dingjun had a hatred of Yan Yu, and then heard her anger, naturally it was anger, and screamed, "Smelly girl, you are looking for death!" I only thought that killing Yan Yurou, there would be no suffering, Zhu Hexuan and others have no reason to be more difficult to Cai Jing. [

Cai Dingjun thought it was quite beautiful, but he did not think about it. Zhu Hexuan had already prevented him from this hand. Cai Dingjun had just raised his hand and Zhu Hexuan’s palm was moving with the momentum.

"Cai Dingjun, do you want to scatter wild in my hidden show?" In a cold voice, Zhu Hexuan and Cai Dingjun’s palms slammed together. This time, Zhu Hexuan gained momentum and exhibited 80% of the repairs. The first opportunity, the two men's hands on the ground, Zhu Hexuan body shape is only a slight sway, Cai Dingjun is involuntarily backwards back three steps, his face changed for a while.

"Zhu Hexuan, you don't want to bully too much!" After eating a small loss, Cai Dingjun was even more annoyed, and he was forced to make a second attempt.

"Cai Dingjun, I advise you to calm down!" Chen Chang saw it and snorted, and came forward with Du Jingyu, forming a corner with Zhu Hexuan.

With Cai Dingjun's cultivation, one of the three people alone can barely have a five-point winning odds, but at the same time, he has to win the first three, but there is no chance of winning even one point. Cai Dingjun saw Zhu Hexuan three people clearly set out to force him, his heart was angry and sorrowful, but there was no way at all, and he felt awkward.

"You...what do you want to be?" Cai Dingjun certainly is not willing to take the soft, but this situation, in this situation, he is not convinced, how can it?

Zhu Hexuan’s face is solemn and irony, and he said, “It’s still the same sentence, killing people, and Cai Jing must die! However, in your sentiment, we can allow him to self-discipline!”

"No! Hey, I don't want to die, I don't want to!" When Zhu Hexuan's voice fell, Cai Jing cried.

Zhu Hexuan snorted, and his voice was sullen. "Why do you know why today!"

"Impossible!" Cai Dingjun screamed and said, "You want my son's life, you have to step on the body of my Cai Dingjun!"

Zhu Hexuan frowned and screamed "Cai Dingjun, you can think about it, don't force us to do things we don't want to do?"

Cai Dingjun put his hands on the sneer and sneered. "Let me come to this set? I don't know the thoughts of the three of you? You are on the surface of my son, but the person who actually has to deal with me is me!"

Zhu Hexuan, Chen Chang, Du Jingyu, three people look at each other, the heart is dark, this Cai Dingjun is a personal thing, the reaction is not generally fast. Since everyone understands people, it doesn't make much sense to deny it. Zhu Hexuan has come to a default.

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