The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1837: Scorpion ruthless! (2)

"Oh! No more noisy! Zhu Hexuan, Chen Chang, Du Jingyu, this palace ordered you to immediately put Cai Jing, do you dare to defy?"

If it is the teacher's birthday, it's better to say that the teacher can celebrate this situation, and it is clear that there is no point to reason. This makes Du Jingyu, Chen Chang and Zhu Hexuan very embarrassed.

It is impossible to smash the fact that the teacher Qing dynasty has been controlled by Cao Xiaoxian, and can not obey the command of Shi Qingyu to put Cai Jing in a dilemma. Even if it is savvy, such as Zhu Hexuan, there are quite a few helpless things at this time.

All of this seems to be within Cao Xiaoxian's calculations. Seeing her face is as deep as it is, the city's extremely deep appearance makes Zhu Hexuan feel jealous.

"No! I can't just put Cai Jing, I can't let my brother die!" Seeing Zhu Hexuan three people were suppressed by Shi Qing, the most anxious is Yan Yurou. In the heart of a cross, Yan Yurou shouted. [

Shi Qingyi took a look at Yan Yurou, and a face suddenly became cold like ice. "Where is the wild donkey, no big or small, dare to scatter in front of the palace! Cai elder, give me a hand!"

"Oh... it’s under the order!" Cai Dingjun couldn’t ask for it, and the evil laughed and he deceived Yan Yurou.

"You dare!" Zhu Hexuan guards eagerly, where many of the control, see Cai Dingjun forced to Yan Yurou, a drink, rushed to come forward, Yan Yan soft behind him, glaring at Cai Dingjun.

Cai Dingjun's eyebrows are picking, the cold road "Zhu Hexuan, are you stupid or awkward? Madame's order, do you dare to defy?"

Zhu Hexuan turned his head and looked at Shi Qingyu. Shen Sheng said, "Mrs. My apprentice is really stunned. I have no words in front of my wife. But in the end, it is justifiable. I ask, who is watching me?" The enemies are in front of you, but they have no hope of revenge, but they can still remain calm. Jade is just a loud voice. If it is me, it will already kill and kill!"

Teacher Qing sang, cold channel "So, Zhu Long is trying to kill the palace?"

Zhu Hexuan frowned. "Mrs.'s words are heavy, Zhu can not want someone, daring to dare to take the world's big and big!" Zhu Hexuan is back to the teacher's words, but has been staring at Cao Xiaoxian, his eyes spurting anger.

"Hey... Zhu Changsong seems to have something in his words." Cao Xiaoxian’s eyebrows were slightly stunned and cold.

Zhu Hexuan bit his teeth and said to the teacher, "Mrs. I am also thinking about your reputation. You don't want to be a slap in the face?"

"Hey! The reputation of this palace, you don't need to worry about it! Cai elder, what are you doing, don't do it?!"

When the teacher’s voice fell, Cai Dingjun rose like a ghost, and Zhu Hexuan’s heart was in a hurry. He was about to stop and block. I didn’t expect that Shi Qing’s move was a step ahead of him. He was the first to insert him and Cai Dingjun. He blocked it.

"Zhu Hexuan, this palace is here, do you really want to rebel?" Shi Qing's screaming, let Zhu Hexuan's heart can not help but jump. When he realized that it was not good, the pain of Yan Yurou came from his ear.

Zhu Hexuan turned his head and looked at it. The annoying steel mouth was full of bites. I saw Yan Yurou's meager body, actually under the palm of Cai Dingjun, flying out, the top of the right cheek, red and swollen, five red fingerprints, clear and incomparable. The corners of the mouth are cracked, and the blood flow is like a note, not to mention. The slap of Cai Dingjun is by no means a general weight.

"Yurou!" Zhu Hexuan exclaimed, hurriedly flew out and took Yan Yurou to the volley. Seeing the horror of Yan Yurou in the arms, Zhu Hexuan did not feel bad, just as if someone had inserted a knife in his heart...

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