The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1848: Lost?

Fu Yanshan was in a hurry, Zhu Hexuan was the same, and kept anxious eyes on Qin Dong. Qin Dong’s ability is clear. The relationship between Qin Dong and Yan Yurou, he understands more, how can he not understand, Yan Yurou has almost been forced into a desperate situation, why Qin Dong did not worry at all, not even nervous. But under the eyes of this public, Zhu Hexuan couldn’t rush to ask questions, but he could only be anxious.

"Hey... Yan Yurou, have you had no strength?" Cai Jing's means gradually showed results. Yan Yurou's fighting style, which consumed her spiritual power very quickly, did not pose enough threat to Cai Jing.

Yan Yurou’s spiritual power was almost exhausted at this time. He slammed his body and his head suddenly had a strong sense of dizziness. He almost didn’t fall down.

" shameless villain!" Yan Yu's hateful teeth tickle, but his body did not have half the strength, and he knew that he wanted to kill Cai Jing, but it was difficult to climb the sky.

"Oh... although I am a shameless villain, I am at least a living person, but you, it will take a long time, it will become a dead person!" Cai Jing looked like a hungry wolf, showing a sharp sly tooth. [

"There is a kind of you come to kill me, come!" The strange atmosphere that didn't know where it came from, still continued to work in Yan Yurou's body, and with revenge hopeless, Yan Yurou at this time has completely lost his life. Courage, just ask for death and be freed.

"Jinger, since she has come up, why don't you work hard and fulfill her, it is a good thing." Cai Dingjun's heart completely fell to the ground, looking pale, crumbling Yan Yurou, sneer .

"Okay! Just listen to it!" Cai Jing should have a sigh of relief, and he will walk slowly toward Yan Yu.

Cai Dingjun repeatedly shook his head and said, "It’s a pity, it’s a pity! This long-haired girl’s appearance is very rare. But it’s not smart enough, too dead-hearted, and I’ve sent myself to a dead end. But she loves her so much. My brother, just can go to reunite with her brother."

"Cai Dingjun, how is your heart so poisonous, are you still human?" After listening to Cai Dingjun's cold words, Zhu Hexuan's straight beard was tilted up.

Cai Dingjun sneered and said, "What is scorpion venom? This is the case, you are dead and alive! Besides, this is also the gimmick that promised it. Since it has promised, it should have a sense of death."

"You... If you are going to die, is your son, will you say that?"

Cai Dingjun heard a big laugh and said, "Of course! I am the most reasonable person. If Yan Yuru kills Jinger, I have no objection. It is a pity that this girl is too poor to be my son. Opponent. Hahaha..."

"Enough!" Fu Yanshan couldn't listen, and slammed it, interrupting Cai Dingjun's words.

In dealing with Yanshan, Cai Dingjun always fears and does not dare to make a second time. Even if he is unwilling, he can only close his mouth.

Shi Qing’s eyes were picked and slanted to Fu Yanshan. The secluded question asked “Yanshan, do you have anything to say?”

Fu Yanshan did not pay attention to the teacher's birthday, just looked at her, and then turned his attention to Cao Xiaoxian, Shen Sheng "This contest is here! Yan Yurou lost! Later, she will not find Cai Jing's trouble!"

"No! I have not lost!" Fu Yanshan's words were just exported. Shi Qingxi, Cao Xiaoxian had not responded, and Yan Yurou rushed to shout.

Fu Yanshan’s heart faintly hurts, shaking his head, full of pity and looking at her, “Yan Shutou, lose is lost, although you are a woman, but I still hope that you can be stronger, face the reality.”

"No! I will never... never admit defeat!" Yan Yurou’s painful shouts shouted loudly through the entire hidden peak, which was so sad. In order to prove that he has not lost, Yan Yuruo clenched his teeth and forced him to Cai Jing. However, he took a step and the body swayed sharply, almost falling to the ground. Although Yan Yurou insisted on her strong will, she turned pale and covered with a large drop of sweat.

Fu Yanshan sighed and looked at Cao Xiaoxian. "You take Cai Jing away!"

"I am afraid this is not okay?" Shi Qingyi chuckled, and his look was indifferent.

Fu Yanshan's brow wrinkled, full of anger, "Why, you really want to put her to death?"

"There is nothing wrong with this. I don't think there is anything wrong with it. Yan Yurou is not always trying to kill Cai Jing? If so, why can't Cai Jing kill her? Yanshan, you are a gang of masters, whether it is Yan Yurou Still Cai Jing, are my disciples of Wan Peng Gang, you must be flat in this bowl of water."[

"You..." Fu Yanshan’s eyes spurted out anger and stared at Cao Xiaoxian without hesitation.

Cao Xiaoxian noodles with sneer, but did not answer, her own teacher Qing 曌 for her endorsement, only listen to the teacher Qing 曌 曌 曌 “ “ “ 延 延 延 延 延 延 延 延 延 延 延 延 延 延 延 延 延 延 延 延 延 延 延 延 延 延 延 延 延 延 延 延 延 延Prestige is very important."

"Okay! Don't say it anymore. I paid Yanshan to concede it. You...reck you!"

Fu Yanshan's life, vertical and horizontal, and countless battlefields, facing the strong enemy, is like crossing the river. How much of this is facing life and death, Fu Yanshan has never been too soft, and has not recognized the loss. But this time, in order to preserve Yan Yurou's life, he even said that he would admit defeat. It is obvious that he really did not want to see Yan Yurou dying in the hands of Cai Jing.

Whether it is Zhu Hexuan, Chen Chang, Du Jingyu, or Cai Dingjun, Cai Dingshan and Zhao Weihu, they are all living. Looking at Fu Yanshan's eyes, all are filled with incredible and deep surprise.

At this time, Qin Dong’s heart was also touched by the shackles. He suddenly discovered that Fu Yanshan was not as bad as he imagined.

Can push Fu Yanshan to this part, Cao Xiaoxian is naturally very proud, and she also knows that things can only end here, and then continue, Fu Yanshan will certainly worry, that is not what she hopes to see. Moreover, Yan Yurou is really not a killer for her, but it is a tool to suppress Fu Yanshan. Now that the purpose has been reached, there is no need to put Yan Yurou to death.

In the heart flashed a series of thoughts, Cao Xiaoxian decided to accept Fu Yanshan's admit defeat, ending this contest. However, when she was about to instruct her to teach her, Cai Dingjun did not hesitate to squat up. "How can it be done? Yan Yurou hates me with my father and son, and will never give up. She will not die, my son Cai Jing I live in danger every day."

"Cai Dingjun, you don't have to sell it here cheaply! You have already tortured jade to this way. What do you want? Do you want to put her to death, are you willing?" Zhu Hexuan heard, a pair of eyes The beads almost bulged out of the eyelids and yelled at Cai Dingjun.

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