The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1850: Commandment!

Such a brave, brave and fearless woman, always keeps an eye on herself, to take her own life, to be who she is, and to be afraid of being practical. Cai Jing had a special fear of Yan Yurou. At this time, he even made up his mind to kill Yan Yurou completely. With such a thought, Cai Jing’s shot is naturally ruthless and ruthless. At the same time, the whole person is also flying with the flying body. The fierce spiritual power is invisible and murderous, just like the devil’s fangs and biting. The weak Yan Yurou.

At this time, Yan Yurou’s body is like a dry desert. It can no longer squeeze even a drop of spiritual power. Only the strange atmosphere of the group still circulates, like the vicious cobra in the desert. It is terrible.

"Brother! Sister is sorry for you, my sister will come to you to apologize!" Yan Yurou was deeply saddened in the heart, Fengmei closed, and both palms followed, and greeted Cai Jing. It’s just Yan Yu’s double palms. There’s no half-power, and the power of this push is not as good as the old-fashioned candle in the wind, not to mention the terrible power of resisting Cai Jing’s fire.

"Hey... Yan Yurou, your death is here!" Seeing this scene, Cai Jing is more confident and bold. He does not leave any backhands and attacks with all his strength. The whole person is as straight as a rifle with no return, and he wants to wear Yan Yurou.

Everyone in the room is a well-known person, and the situation of the two is known at a glance. Zhu Hexuan, Chen Chang, Du Jingyu and others all have pains in their hearts, closing their eyes and turning their heads, turning their heads and turning their heads, can't bear to watch the drama of this scene. [

Cai Dingjun, Cai Dingshan, Zhao Weihu's stream is a schadenfreude, and it is a good show. The death of Yan Yurou will be a technically loud slap in the face of Cao Xiaoxian on Fu Yanshan. For them, this means an extremely important victory.

Fu Yanshan made a long sigh, as he said to Yan Yurou, his face was full of cockroaches. Before today, Fu Yanshan never believed that there are people in the world who want to keep it, but what they want to do but can't do. For decades, Fu Yanshan once again tasted the taste of losing, more bitter than any loss he had experienced before.

As Cai Jing's body shape is getting closer, the death scent that Yan Yurou feels is getting stronger and stronger. In the midst of it, she even saw the brother who had been dead for a long time, smiling and waving at her. However, at this time, Yan Yurou suddenly found himself in the body, suddenly a vast and pure, exudes a powerful force like the sun.

This power is so strong, so sacred, more than before, through her body, sucking all the spoils of her spiritual power, but also to force more than one. As soon as this power entered her body, it was like the hot sun tore off the cold darkness. The strange smell, even the chance of rebellion, was destroyed by this vast force.

Immediately after this great force, he quickly swam in his body. In the blink of an eye, she was already the capital of the desert, the meridians, and was refilled by the surging spirit. The weak body that was originally weak like a noodle, in this blink of an eye, re-stretched. The long-lost force filled the feeling of swaying, and Yan Yan was so mad and excited that he only wanted to sing his neck.

At this time, Cai Jing’s attack came to her, without any hesitation. Yan Yurou slammed silver teeth, and all the spiritual power in the body surged to the palm of his hand for almost a moment, and the time and effort of Yan Yurou There has been a tremendous change in earth-shattering.

It is like a tree that has withered, suddenly become a leafy, green tree; just like a tiger that has been dying, suddenly stood up again, Tigers and mountains! Such a huge and sudden change, no matter who you change, must take a trip.

When Yan Yurou’s body suddenly released the horrible smell of wearing a cloud-like sky, Cai Jing’s whole person was not only stunned, but also stupid, even condensed in the morning, preparing to set up Yan Yu’s spiritual power to die. Going, I don’t know, just holding a pair of godless eyes, looking at Yan Yurou silly, the whole person is moving like a pole.

Cai Dingjun’s heart was a mad jump, and he couldn’t believe his eyes stunned and stunned until a pair of eyes were about to be embarrassed by him. Only then did he realize that this happened in front of him. It is not an illusion, but a real reality.

Zhu Hexuan, Chen Chang, Du Jingyu and others are naturally ecstatic, but while they are happy and excited, they are all face to face, and their faces are full of confusion and incomprehension. Fang Cai Yan Yu's exhausted look is never out of the way, otherwise it will not be fooled by the eyes of three people. Yan Yurou, who was already exhausted, suddenly became energetic between one breath, which is too illusory even for them.

When the three people turned their surprise and confused eyes to Fuyanshan, they saw that Fuyanshan was also the same confused. The whole person was there and had not returned to God.

"Not good! Jinger flies!" Cai Dingjun realized that it was wrong, and hurriedly hysterically shouted.

But after all, he was slowed down, carrying Yan Yurou, who was full of hatred, with a sigh of relief, and with both hands, he suddenly sacrificed hundreds of thousands of illusory palms, pushing it like a wall to Cai Jing. past.

Poor Cai Jing did not have a chance to respond, and he was hit by the wall of the palm of the hand. Just listening to the sound of the meat in the air, and in this blink of an eye, Cai Jing at least licked Yan Yurou dozens of hundreds of palms.

At this time, Yan Yurou's opportunity has been restored to a state of full prosperity, the spiritual power is endless, and the palm power is naturally extremely fierce. Even if these dozens of hundreds of palms are bombarded on steel, they must be born, not to mention the flesh and blood that Cai Jing has already lost.

The palms of the layers to be layered gradually dispersed, and Cai Jing’s figure was revealed again. Cai Dingjun’s heart was going to be cold.

With such a breath of breathing, Yan Yurui gave Cai Jing a look. I saw that Cai Jing’s entire body was swollen and bruised, and the flesh and blood were blurry. Even the body had gone shape, softly collapsed, and bloody, like a pile of standing meat, slowly slamming on the ground.

Seeing it, Yan Yurou’s series of stormy palms smashed every bone in Cai Jing’s body, not to mention Cai Jing’s internal organs. At this time, I was afraid of prematurely making a powder. It is not an exaggeration to say that Cai Jing at this time is just a pack of meat sauce that is carried by human skin. Under such circumstances, even if the fairy is afraid, it will not survive, let alone Cai Jing.

Waiting for Yan Yuru to take the momentum, Cai Jing just opened his mouth to Cai Dingjun, and the whole person completely lost interest. [

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