The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1857: Fairy Lin Fan! (1)

Somehow, I heard the name of Qin Dong from Fu Fengming’s mouth, and Cao Xiaoxian’s heart began to be unstable. Originally like the stimuli and provocations of Fu Fengming, she would not be at all in her heart, only ridiculous. But now, Cao Xiaoxian's emotions have been greatly affected by Fu Fengming's words, and she can't ignore it. A stock of anger is not in her mind.

"Enough! Since you took the initiative to come to the door, then I naturally can't let you down. Just like you, you can take care of the big picture. Only your mother has a chip, obviously it is not enough to affect him. Now you have more. It means that there is another chip. I really want to see if Fu Yanshan will be unrequited!"

"Cao Xiaoxian, what do you want to do?" Shi Qing sighed with anger, a pair of beautiful eyes roared and shouted.

Cao Xiaoxian sneered a sneer, did not answer, the right palm suddenly raised, a red-red light, immediately bursting out in her palm. For this scene, Shi Qing is really familiar with it. He can’t help but scare the soul, and the flowers are trembled. He cries out, “You can’t do this to her, can’t!”

While squatting, Shi Qingyi rushed forward regardless of life and death, and wanted to stop Cao Xiaoxian. [

Fengshen is different from the general method. It is dangerous to be displayed. It is not disturbed. When Cao Xiaoxian sees it, he immediately rushes to Cai Dingjun and swears, "You three are still doing what to do, stop her!"

"Mrs, you are still a little bit safe!" Cai Dingjun reacted the fastest, not waiting for Cao Xiaoxian's voice to land, he would drink a low voice, and his right hand pointed, like a ghostly phantom, and suddenly he was in the heart of Shi Qingyu.

Poor teacher Qing 曌 扑 扑 扑 扑 扑 扑 扑 扑 扑 扑 扑 扑 扑 扑 扑 扑 扑 扑 扑 扑 扑 扑 扑 扑 扑 扑 扑 扑 扑 扑 扑 扑 扑 扑 扑 扑 扑 扑 扑 扑 扑 扑 扑 扑 扑 扑 扑

"Mother, save me, save me!" Fu Fengming has seen such a terrible method of Fengshen, especially when she feels the raging and violent atmosphere that burst out in the red light. The color change, the three glimpses flew together, could not help but make a cry of cry for help.

And this cry for help is not worthy of the invisible sword of a handle, and the poem is on the heart of Shi Qing. That kind of heartbreaking pain, words are hard to describe. Shi Qingxi can't imagine at all that if Fu Fengming became the shackle of Cao Xiaoxian, it would be a tragic scene. As a mother, I can't protect my children. It is not an exaggeration to say that at this time, the teacher is not as good as death!

"Fu Fengming, you can't escape!" The godsmanship was completed, Cao Xiaoxian was stunned, and his figure was stunned. His palm was under the red light, and he was facing the head of Fu Fengming.

Just in the midst of this millennium, a cold drink screamed and suddenly sounded. When Cao Xiaoxian’s heart only had a slight glimpse, he saw a dark green glow, from far to near.

"Who is so bold, looking for death!" Cai Dingshan and Zhao Weihu this time is a coincidence, not waiting for Cao Xiaoxian to speak out, the two will fly out at the same time, the volley smashed two palms, one left and one right, slamming against the black and green light go with.

"When the arm is in the car! Give me a break!" There was another crisp and pleasing revenge in the air. Listening to this voice, the woman who spoke must be beautiful. Only Zhao Weihu and Cai Dingshan had no thought at all at this time. It was only because of this resounding sound that the dark green light suddenly soared. Before that, only one chopstick was thick, and the effort in the blink of an eye became like The buckets are general, and the power that comes out of them is even more amazing.

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