The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1860: No return! (2)

Cao Xiaoxian glanced at him and said, "What do you know? Why do our enemies pay for Yanshan one? Until today, I discovered that the heavens in this sky are actually more complicated than I thought."

Seeing that Cao Xiaoxian’s complexion suddenly became extremely dignified, Zhao Weihu couldn’t help but face each other. Before Cao Xiaoxian mentioned the heavenly heavens, he always sneered and looked scornful. The expression like this appeared for the first time on his face. Thinking of the eccentric battle of Cai Jing and Yan Yurou, the three people realized that Cao Xiaoxian was a terrible enemy. I can't think of the imagination of three people. Who can make such a big threat to Cao Xiaoxian in heaven?

Zhao Weihu just asked Zhangkou to ask, Cao Xiaoxian interrupted him with a wink, and asked coldly, "The middle-aged man who appeared next to Huang Xiuze today, do you know?"

Zhao Weihu sighed and said, "I have long wanted to report to you. That person is the mysterious master who helped Du Jingyu break through the tenth level. I am also very puzzled. I don't know how he went with Huang Xiuze."

"It's him!?" Cao Xiaoxian looked shocked and asked in amazement. [

"Cao girl, how high is the repair of that person, can you not even see through it?" Zhao Weihu cautiously asked.

Cao Xiaoxian's eyebrows pick, cold and cold road "Don't ask, don't ask! Anyway, the Three Sacred people have nothing to do with you, you will check the bottom of the person for me, the more detailed the better!"

"Yes!" Zhao Weihu touched a nail, did not dare to say more, and hurriedly nodded.

Cao Xiaoxian turned his head and looked at Cai Dingjun. "You don't want to be idle. The three gimmicks of Chunying, Xiaying and Qiuying are getting more and more disobedient. Keeping them, sooner or later is a scourge. I ordered them to go. Assisting Dongying in the search for Qin Feiyan, taking the opportunity to transfer them out of Kun Palace, you will remove them!"

Cai Dingjun nodded and said, "Cao girl is relieved, Cai will not let you down!"

Cao Xiaoxian snorted and said, "That is the best! Your performance on the hidden peak today has made me very disappointed. If you can't even do this little thing, don't blame me for being polite to you!"

Cai Dingjun shuddered and slammed back to the side.

Cao Xiaoxian looked at Cai Dingshan and said, "Wu Sang Valley's five districts, have you been there?"

When Cai Dingshan glanced, he replied that "the five districts have been there, but the five districts have been shrouded in the power of a powerful monk. I must have hidden some kind of fairy beasts. Then enter."

Cao Xiaoxian Road "At this time, telling you is no problem. In the five districts, there is one of the five holy beasts of the Holy Orc - Zimu Kirin!"

"Purple unicorn!?" Cao Xiaoxian said this, Cai Dingjun three people were shocked Zhang Zhang mouth. Cai Dingjun whispered with a look of surprise. "No wonder the wood properties there are very rich, originally because of the purple wood unicorn!"

Cao Xiaoxiandao "A few days ago, the purple wood unicorn was wounded by me, and it was trapped by the fairy method. The mysterious woman who appeared today can actually display the unicorn soul, I don’t know if it is related to the purple wood unicorn. Cai Dingshan, you will take a trip and give me a look. In addition, I will give you a sword, and kill me by the purple wood unicorn, so that I will suffer!"

"Ah?" Cai Dingshan exclaimed, his face involuntarily surging layers of fear. One of the five great beasts of the Holy Orc, what a powerful presence? If you raise your hand, you will be able to make the mountain and river collapse. Although Cai Dingshan is in the tenth level, he does not dare to kill the holy beast. In Cai Dingshan's view, the task assigned to him by Cao Xiaoxian is like letting him go to death. How can he not be afraid?

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