The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1862: Gao Xiaoshan! (2)

"Hey! Yan Ke An Zhihong's ambition? Our lord's mind, is it that you can insult the disease?" As soon as he heard Yan Yanshan's words, Gao Xiaoshan was angry and looked out. She was sincerely protecting Qin Tailong.

Fu Yanshan waved his hand and said, "Do not talk nonsense! Let him show up immediately, I want to fight him for three hundred rounds!"

"Don't face!" Gao Xiaoshan looked cold and cold, and reprimanded.

Fu Yanshan's body shape changed, and he said, "Who do you say shameless?"

Gao Xiaoshan is full of sarcasm. "It is natural to say that you! Fu Yanshan, you are also a singer, how can you show some unspeakable means? You really have to fight with our lords for three hundred rounds, then put Qin Feiyan and Li Yexue first. Don't threaten the apprentices of our lords, even if they win, they will only make people laugh in the world!"[

After listening to Gao Xiaoshan's words, Qin Dong understood that Gao Xiaoshan came to understand Qin Feiyan and Li Yebing, but did not know if Qin Tailong came. If so, where is Qin Tailong now? Qin Dong explored it in the dark for a while, and did not find the trace of Qin Tailong.

"Qin Feiyan, Li Yebing? I have heard that Qin Tailong has collected such two apprentices, but I have never seen them before. What do I hand over?" Fu Yanshan said.

"Hey! You still have a sophistry? We have already checked out that Qin Feiyan and Li Yebing have been taken away by the people of Wanpeng, and they are now locked in the Kun Palace."

"Closed in Kun Palace? Is it done by Cao Xiaoxian?" Fu Yanshan frowned.

Qin Dong came forward and whispered. "She said it is true. Cao Xiaoxian did send people to Qin Feiyan and Li Yebing. Not long ago, Qin Feiyan escaped and saved for me. Li Yebing is still in Cao Xiaoxian. In the hands of."

After paying a cold sigh, Fu Yanshan said, "It seems that Cao Xiaoxian’s ambition is quite big, not only to deal with me, but also Qin Tailong. What do she want to do?"

This Qin Dong has no time to speculate, only shook his head in confusion.

Fu Yanshan’s thoughts changed suddenly and his face suddenly changed. “Not good!”

Seeing that Yanshan’s look has changed, Qin Dong could not help but feel a tight heart and asked "What happened?"

Fu Yanshan refused to answer Qin Dong, but eagerly turned his attention to Gao Xiaoshan. Shen Sheng asked, "Since you know that Qin Feiyan and Li Yebing are being held in Khun Palace, and you are here to save them, why not What are you going to at the Yinxiu Palace?

Gao Xiaoshan snorted and snorted. "I am bored to go shopping, can't I?"

"This seat doesn't have time to make fun of you, tell the truth!" Fu Yanshan's face suddenly became extremely serious and severe, and the eyes were constantly spurting out the chilling light of the monks, which made Gao Xiaoshan involuntarily even shudder. The face is slightly white.

"I...I..." was paid for by Yanshan's momentum. Gao Xiaoshan even said something unfavorable.

Fu Yanshan immediately said to the interface, "You are playing the trick of the East! You are here to attract our attention, and Qin Tailong secretly went to Kun Palace to save people, right?"

When Fu Yanshan said this, Qin Dong’s head slammed and almost didn’t blow up on the spot! Although Gao Xiaoshan has not answered from the front, it is not difficult to find her face. Everything is paid by Yan Yanshan. But if this is the case, then Qin Tailong is in danger! With the cultivation of Cao Xiaoxian, if Qin Tailong met her, there was no possibility of winning.

When I thought of my father, I was in danger at this time. Qin Dong could still be calm. A pair of eyes suddenly made a sigh of light, and an invisible pressure, flew straight toward Fang Gao Xiaoshan, and his voice was sharp. "Do you like this, say!"

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