The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1869: Join hands! (1)

"Night ice, how are you!" Qin Tailong hurried to Li Bingbing, asked with concern.

Li Yebing wiped the blood of his mouth and shook his head. "Master, I am fine."

Qin Tailong was not at ease, and he explored a circle in Li Yebing’s body. Seeing that Li Yebing was only suffering from a little internal injury, he did not tighten it.

Li Yebing said, "Master, I know that you are distressed, I can't bear to hurt her, but you can't even have your own life. If you have three long and two short, Xiaodong him... How sad is he?"

Qin Tailong did not make a cavity, and sent out several sighs in succession. Cao Xiaoxian’s move was not vicious. It can be said that Qin Tailong was eating and drinking. [

"Don't stop, such a good show, I am enjoying it!" Cao Xiaoxian's voice is full of ridicule and banter, falling in Qin Tailong's ear, and he will vomit blood.

But before Qin Tailong was angry with Cao Xiaoxian, the teacher’s Qing dynasty flew again, and the power was raging and fierce.

When Qin Tailong saw it, he immediately opened his arms like a wall, and Li Libing was behind him. He used his chest to meet Shi Qing’s palm. Seeing that Qin Tailong still has no intention of avoiding, Li Yebing couldn't help but cry and beg. "Master, let's go, or else you will die!"

"Night ice, you don't understand. If this is the life of my Qin Tailong, then I recognize it!" Qin Tailong sighed, and closed his eyes.

Seeing that Qin Tailong is about to be hit again by Shi Qingyu’s palm, Li Yebing’s subconscious desire to jump up and block this hand for Qin Tailong. Obviously, Qin Tailong has already expected her to act like this, with a slight figure. On one side, Li Yebing was blocked behind him. And for a while, Shi Qing’s power has already reached a point where Qin Tailong is not enough.

"Master!" Li Yebing screamed in despair, tears in his eyes.

However, the third palm of Shi Qingyu did not fall on Qin Tailong's body, but stopped abruptly. Unexpected pain did not come, so Qin Tailong could not help but open his eyes, only to see Shi Qingyi standing only a step away from him, a jade palm almost reached his chest, all over the body It seems to be freezing, not moving.

Qin Tailong was first happy. He thought that Shi Qing was sober, but before he was happy, he found that it was not that Shi Qing was awake, but that she was given a living. It’s not the other people who are holding the teacher’s celebration. It’s Fuyanshan.

Fu Yanshan's face was iron and blue, and fell from the sky. He looked at Cao Xiaoxian with a sinister look, and almost fired his eyes in his eyes. His love for Shi Qingyu is not less than that of Qin Tailong. Seeing that Cao Xiaoxian actually used Shi Qing as a killing tool, can he not be angry in his heart?

"Fu Yanshan, what will you celebrate?" Qin Tailong screamed.

Fu Yanshan nodded slightly to Qin Tailong. The hostility that always hangs on his face on weekdays disappeared completely. It was like laughing at an old friend. "You can rest assured that she is fine."

Qin Tailong also knows that Fu Yanshan is unlikely to hurt Shi Qing, but there are still some concerns, so this is the question.

Seeing that the teacher is clear, Qin Tailong has also let go of his heart, and snorted, the faint road "Fu Yanshan, you Wan Peng help great, even out of such a bad character, really let me open my eyes!" ”

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