The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1871: Heroes cherish! (2)

"I want you to die!" Cao Xiaoxian seems to be crazy, and screams, the jade dragon immediately screams out, and his mouth is full of blood, as if he wants to swallow Qin Tailong and Fu Yanshan together.

With the approaching of Yulong, Qin Tailong discovered that the power of this jade dragon is much stronger than what they saw and imagined. Even if the strength of the two people even spread their milk, it will also resist. live.

Qin Tailong looked sad and looked at Fu Yanshan and sighed. "I didn't expect that I would die with the people I hate the most in my life."

Fu Yanshan gave him a look and said, "Why, do you have any opinions? Do you know that I pay for Yanshan’s reputation? I don’t know how many people want to die with me. I have no chance. I can die with me. It is your blessing, you should be happy!"

Before this person is dying, nothing will be seen, and deep hatred will dispel many. Qin Tailong listened to Fu Yanshan’s words, and his face showed a smile on his face. He said, “Your self-feeling is still so good, it makes people want to vomit!”[

Fu Yanshan’s smile smiled. “Say, I’m really losing money when I die with you.”

The smile on Qin Tailong’s face was stunned, and the anger rushed to the past. He asked, “What do you mean by this? I am also a hero of Qin Tailong. Which one is worse than you?”

Fu Yanshan shook his head and screamed. "You used to be a hero, but you have been degraded and turned to the Eudemons. It has become the biggest traitor in heaven and heaven. It can be said that the name of the world is destroyed! If you let others know, I Fu Yanshan has died with the biggest traitor in your world. My reputation can not be affected. Of course, I am losing."

"Hey! My Qin Tailong is in the sky, will you really be the running dog of the Eudemons? The reason why I rely on the Eudemons to form the Essence is to stimulate you to be selfish, just sweeping the snow in front of your house, no matter others. The so-called famous decent of the tile, the abandonment of sectarian prejudice, vulgar rules, unite, and protect the home! My pains, this is what you guys who are selfish and self-interested can understand?"

"Sure enough, I didn't expect it!" Qin Tailong's voice fell, and Fu Yanshan's face showed a very satisfying smile, faintly said.

"What?" Qin Tailong suddenly took a surprise and looked at the incredible.

Fu Yanshan haha ​​smiled and said: "You don't look at me with this kind of look, I certainly know your thoughts. Don't forget, I have been fighting together for more than 20 years, I am better than anyone. I have to know you." Saying, Fu Yanshan's face was condensed, and a sigh was heard, looking at Qin Tailong Road. "This period of time, it really hurts you. It is necessary to be with the illusion of the evil spirits and the snakes, but also to bear the world's monks. Insults and accusations, if you change to someone else, I am afraid that I will be crushed."

The heroes cherished each other, Fu Yanshan’s words, almost let Qin Tailong moved almost tears have flowed down, and hurriedly twisted his head to the side, for fear that Fu Yanshan saw it, and took the opportunity to laugh at him. However, a pair of shoulders, still inevitably twitched.

"Ha ha ha... Qin Tailong, you will not cry like a girl?" Fu Yanshan laughed loudly, and there was a playful and ridiculous speech in his speech, which was filled with the admiration and respect of the heart.

"Go to you! You think I am you!" Qin Tailong stunned Fu Yanshan, and finally could not help but smile.

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