The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1873: Fighting and fighting! (2)

Fu Yanshan smiled and shook his head. "To tell the truth, I have just met this master and I don't know about his origins."

Qin Tailong nodded, and there was a touch of joy on the face. "No matter who this person is, he is always right in the opposite direction of Cao Xiaoxian. It seems that I am saved in heaven."

Fu Yanshan also thinks like this, followed by the head.

"This is really a binary force! It is really you who is in trouble with the hidden Xiufeng!" Cao Xiaoxian's face changed dramatically, while flying back and retreating, condensing Xianli, while shouting.

Qin Dong snorted and his body suddenly accelerated. "Today is your death!"

"Not seen!" Cao Xiaoxian slammed, his body suddenly rising, and a white light, like a shield, with her body shape, bursting in layers, blocking in front of Qin Dong.

Qin Dong clenched the steel teeth, and his body did not relax, and he kept up. The dual sacred power is condensed into a palm of the hand, with an unstoppable momentum, the white light shield under the Cao Xiaoxian cloth is broken, and the distance from Cao Xiaoxian is constantly drawn.

Cao Xiaoxian’s Xianli, Qin Tailong and Fu Yanshan have all been taught, knowing that they are powerful. You don't have to personally experience it, just think about it, the two can think of it, the light shield that is condensed by Xianli must be a solid exception. This kind of light shield, under the attack of Qin Dong, is actually ruining and ruining, and the finger is broken, which makes the two people excited, and the hope for Qin Dong is getting bigger and bigger.

However, the two did not know that it was not Cao Xiaoxian, but Qin Dong, who was in a really bad situation at this time.

Qin Dong thought that Cao Xiaoxian had released the jade dragon, which would have cost her a small fairy power. At this time, he would succumb to it and he would certainly be able to make meritorious deeds. Can really hand in the hand, Qin Dong only found out that he still wants things to be simple.

Yulong did consume a lot of Cao Xiaoxian's Xianli, but Cao Xiaoxian was not at all empty. On the surface, the light shield she released was smashed by Qin Dong on one side, and it seemed to be very embarrassing. In fact, it caused a lot of pressure on Qin Dong.

The dual sacred power mastered by Qin Dong, in terms of layers, is indeed above the power of Cao Xiaoxian. The problem is that although Qin Dong occupies a superiority in quality, this advantage is simply unable to limit Qindong's quantity.

The power of Xian Xiao in Cao Xiaoxian is too strong for Qin Dong. After 12 pairs of Xianliguang Shield, after being destroyed by Qin Dong, the binary sacred power released by Qin Dong has already been consumed, and Cao Xiaoxian is still alive and alive. Obviously, this loss, for her, is not Under the words.

Qin Dong reacted instantly. Cao Xiaoxian was not at large, but in such a way, he was alive and exhausted, and he was killed!

Since the intention of Cao Xiaoxian was made clear, Qin Dong naturally couldn’t be stupid again. He secretly slammed and abandoned Cao Xiaoxian, and turned to the jade dragon who was clawed and clawed.

"Well?" Qin Dong's decisive action made Cao Xiaoxian burst into an eyebrow and had to turn his body shape and chased Qin Dong. This jade dragon not only condenses many Xianli of Cao Xiaoxian, but also condenses her soul of death. If Yulong is defeated by Qin Dong, Cao Xiaoxian will not feel good.

"Give me a break" Qin Tailong screamed, and both palms were flat and chest-launched. I saw a dragon like a ray of light. From his palm, he rushed out and ran into the jade dragon.

Because Yulong has the spirit of Cao Xiaoxian, it is full of spirituality and can communicate with Cao Xiaoxian. Seeing that Qin Dong came with Wei, he turned and fled.

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