The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1875: Fight again! (2)

Fu Yanshan very much agrees, oh, a look of luck. "Fortunately, there are such high-ranking people in heaven and heaven, otherwise Cao Xiaoxian can do whatever he wants."

Qin Tailong and Fu Yanshan are curious and doubtful about the identity of Qin Dong. The momentum of Qin Dong has accumulated to the extreme. He only heard a bang, and at the top of his head, suddenly appeared a white, crystal-clear lotus. In addition to the color of the lotus flower and the purple lotus flower released by Qin Tailong, the momentum is much better than the other, the rest of the shape, the shape and posture are all the same.

When the white lotus flower came out, Qin Tailong went straight to the whole person. Fu Yanshan also looked like a dumb, stupid, and asked "Qin Xiong, this...this is not your school--Jiulian Festival, he is he?"

Qin Tailong’s shock at this time is more intense than that of Fu Yanshan. He can clearly feel that this white lotus contains the same meaning as his Jiulian Festival, but it replaces the original spiritual power with the binary. Shengli makes the power of white lotus more powerful N times.

"Or... maybe it’s our eyes, it might just be similar to the Jiu Lian Festival that I practiced..." Qin Tailong squinted and whispered, and even if he said it, he didn’t even believe it. [


It was a series of eight muffled sounds, and there were eight white and innocent lotus flowers. They broke out in the air, and each circled according to different trajectories around Qindong. The light that was released from it was like the gods of Qin. Anyone can't look straight.

If there is still doubt before Qin Tailong, then Qin Tailong can be 100% certain at this time, this is his absolute school - Jiulian Festival!

Qin Tailong was very curious about the identity of Qin Dong. At this time, it was like a hundred claws scratching his heart. He couldn’t wait to rush to hold Qin Dong and force him to say his identity.

Seeing Qin Dong actually made the exact same school as Qin Tailong, Cao Xiaoxian was also very surprised, a pair of blind, sharp as a knife, staring at Qin Dong's face.

"What the **** are you?"

Cao Xiaoxian asked aloud, Qin Dong ignored it, and his body shape suddenly grew. The nine white lotuses like the jade were spurred out at the same time. They seemed to be chaotic and there was no rule. In fact, they were connected to each other and cooperated with each other. Formed a strangled king, and Cao Xiaoxian was covered.

The Jiulian Festival, which Qin Dong used to promote with the dual sacred power, did not know how many times stronger than Qin Tailong. Nine white lotuses flew together, and the sky was full of tsunami-like loud noises. Every white lotus had the momentum and power of the collapse of Mount Tai, and immediately tightened the nerves of Cao Xiaoxian.

"Give me a break!" In the bursting voice, Cao Xiaoxian flew in the air, his right hand five fingers open, his fingertips slightly curved like a hook, like a claw, the sky swept, five fingertips simultaneously spattered a sharp and extremely cold , stabbed to nine white lotus.

Qin Dong knows that Cao Xiaoxian's horror is beyond his imagination. Therefore, when he shot, he did not dare to have the slightest scorn. At this time, see Cao Xiaoxian welcoming the front, but also a glimpse of the heart, and injected a binary force into the nine white lotus.

This time, the collision between the two people, can only be used to describe the word violently, nine white lotus, almost burst at the same time, the earth-shattering bang, directly let Qin Tailong and Fu Yanshan's eardrum Can not help but squeak. On the other side, Shi Qingying and Li Yebing are even more horrified.

"Let you taste the power of this girl!" Struggling to break nine white lotuses, such as Cao Xiaoxian can not help but feel dizzy. But she wants to conquer Qin Dong too, a bite, completely disregarded, the body shape instantly bursts, as a meteor shoots to Qindong, while the fingertips of the five fingers once again shot out the cold mans, squatting to the chest of Qin Dong .

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