The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1877: Father and son reunion! (2)

"You two let me abandon you, escape yourself?" Qin Dong looked to the two.

Qin Tailong nodded heavily and sighed, "The situation is forced, I have to do this, and I hope that you should never use your feelings."

Qin Dong smiled a bit, the faint road "I think, but I am afraid of being thunder!"

"Thundering?" Qin Tailong and Fu Yanshan face each other, his face is full of puzzles.

Qin Dong turned and walked to Qin Tailong, kneeling down, holding his shoulders, and carefully looked at his father, who had not seen him for a long time. His mind was constantly flashing in his mind when Qin Tailong loved and taught him, and he could not help himself. Wet, fuzzy...[

Qin Dong’s true feelings revealed that Qin Tailong’s stunned, and Fu Yanshan was also puzzled. He did not understand what happened to Qin Dong.

"Hello, you..." Qin Tailong murmured to say something, but could not say it, but a strange but warm feeling in his heart, quickly flooding open.

"Hey!" Qin Dong finally couldn't help but feel his inner feelings, opened his mouth, and shouted with a quick and painful voice.

"Hey!?" Qin Dong’s call immediately made Qin Tailong’s heart rise to a very strong current, which made Qin Tailong’s body tremble.

Fu Yanshan was wide-eyed, and his face was amazed. He was secretly stunned. "How can this high-ranking person be so polite to Qin Tailong, even if he recognizes it?"

"You are Xiaodong, you are Xiaodong!" Although Qin Dong's appearance has changed, in the end, the father and son are connected to each other. Qin Tailong heard the voice of Qin Dong and shouted with excitement.

"Hey, it's me, it's me!" Qin Dong repeatedly responded with a few voices. His body flashed white and he recovered his true face. It is still so young and handsome, revealing an unconstrained chic.

"This... what is going on here?" Seeing the change of Qin Dong, Fu Yanshan’s eyes were almost stunned, his face was full of unspeakable shocks, and the whole person was stupid.

Cao Xiaoxian saw this scene, and his face changed and changed. Especially when he saw a young face of Qin Dong, his eyes were full of incredible. Originally, I was thinking about putting three people to death. At this time, I completely forgot.

First, I heard the voice of Qin Dong. At this time, I saw the face of Qin Dong. Qin Tailong was even more excited and tearful. He suddenly forced Qin Dong tightly. He was afraid that Qin Dong was just a phantom. Be careful, Qin Dong disappeared.

Qin Dong is Qin Tailong with hardships and hardships. The father and the son are dependent on each other. Every day they live a life of blood and blood. This makes the relationship between father and son deep and unimaginable. Since Qin Dong went to the human world, Qin Tailong is not missing, missing, and reunited with his son. In his fantasy, in his dreams, he does not know how many times he has performed. Now that the dream comes true, the excitement of Qin Tailong can be imagined.

Qin Dong is the same. In the past few years, separated from his father, Qin Dong has faced countless things, and he has tasted the warmth of the world, and the grievances suffered by him are even more difficult. Seeing my father now, these repressed grievances that have been in my heart for a long time, a brain vented, and stopped.

The father and son are crying with no one's head, and there is no tears in the men's tears. What men are bleeding and not crying, they are shit! Men are also flesh and blood, men's hearts are not stones, men also have the power to release pain!

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