The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1878: Want to be! (2)

"Qing, you wake up quickly, look at Xiaodong, look at our good son!" Looking at the indifferent face of Shi Qing, Qin Tailong said with tears.

Qin Dong can not help but screamed "Mother! The baby is late, let you suffer!"

"Shut up! Who is your mother, you wild breed, dare to hurt Xiaoxian, I want to kill you, kill you!" Shi Qing screamed in the mouth, as crazy.

Qin Tailong sighed and turned to Qindong Road, "Xiaodong, don't blame your mother, your mother, she..."

Before Qin Tailong finished speaking, Qin Dong patted his hand and said, "Oh, I know, I know. All this is made by Cao Xiaoxian!" said, Qin Dong gnashed his teeth to Cao Xiaoxian. In the past, I hate to smash it on the spot. [

"Ha! I really didn't expect that your family of three was actually reunited here?" Cao Xiaoxian didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly he reacted, and his face showed some insidious sneer.

"Cao Xiaoxian, if you don't want to die, immediately release the gods on my mother's body, otherwise, I will make your life worse than death!" Qin Dong heart rolled up the waves of turbulent anger, shouted.

"Do you really want me to lift the gods on your mother?" Cao Xiaoxian ignored the anger of Qin Dong and asked with a smile.

"What is the waste? You are puzzled?"

"Solution! Of course! Qin Shaoxia's words, how dare I not listen?" Cao Xiaoxian laughed a few times, his face suddenly a cold, cold road "However, take you and your mother to change!"

"What?" Qin Dong stayed.

Cao Xiaoxian sneered and said, "You are so smart, can't you understand this? If you want your mother to be free, then you have to be my embarrassment. If you are so filial, should you not refuse?"

"Be your mother's spring and autumn dreams!" Qin Dong has not answered, Qin Tailong will first scream in hysterical.

Fu Yanshan is also busy "Little East, you can't listen to her ghosts. Her most taboo now is you. If you are willing to be her sister, then she can be unscrupulous and do whatever she wants. At that time, not only can't save. Your mother, it hurts the world!"

Qin Dong was not a fool. He sneered and said, "You can rest assured that I will certainly not let her be at the mercy."

Cao Xiaoxian spread his hands and said, "Oh! So, then you are ready to see the teacher's death in front of you."

"You dare!" Qin Dong screamed, and even the tone changed a bit.

Cao Xiaoxian sneered again and again. "What do I dare? I am now listening to me, even if I let her go to death, she will not hesitate."

Qin Dong’s straight face began to turn blue, but there was no way at all. Cao Xiaoxian is not an alarmist. Under the influence of the gods, she wants to let the teacher celebrate her death, but it is effortless, and she does not even have to do it herself.

Cao Xiaoxian saw Qin Dong’s face as angry and smiled. He said, “Qin Dong, I actually appreciate you. Compared with the young talents in the fairy world, you are not ordinary. You have the courage to do so. If you are with me, I promise you to go further. When you reach the fairy world, you will find that the so-called home you love is simply nowhere, no at all. It is worth keeping you so."

"Cao Xiaoxian, you want to marry me with my mother's life, don't you feel too shameless? Isn't your people in the fairy world doing this?" Qin Dong snorted and gnashed his teeth.

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