The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1881: The situation is not good!

Seeing Cao Xiaoxian’s willingness to go alone, she almost fainted the beautiful woman’s popularity. Qin Dong was even more unyielding. While supporting the beautiful woman, she screamed at Cao Xiaoxian and screamed, “Where is the daughter of your world, you can’t see it!”

Cao Xiaoxian was still very worried about the beautiful woman, but she could hear the resentment of Qin Dong. All the fears immediately turned into the anger of Qin Dong. The face was covered with a layer of frost, and the eyes looked like a fire. Qin Dong, the way of gnashing his teeth, "It's all because of you! If it weren't you, how could my mother force me?"

Qin Dong shook his head and looked disappointed. "You are really hopeless."

"I see the incurable person is you!" Cao Xiaoxian silver teeth bite, screamed, a majestic murder, quickly spread from her body.

"Xiao Xian, do you want to kill Xiaodong in front of my face?" Feel the majestic murder of Cao Xiaoxian's body, the beautiful woman's heart suddenly sinks, asked in amazement. [

"It is him who forced me, no wonder me!" Cao Xiaoxian stared at Qin Dong with a disgust, and screamed in anger.

"Mother is not allowed!" The beautiful woman coughed up as soon as she heard it.

Cao Xiaoxian’s mind is not changed at all. The faint road “I’m sorry for my mother, and my daughter is going to let you down. This guy is so young now, he has such a rumor, and in time, it must be a big obstacle for me and me. I must now Remove it!"

Qin Dong sneered aloud and grinned. "Your tone is not small. Who is going to get rid of it? It's hard to say it!"

"Xiaodong, don't be impulsive, you are not his opponent!" The beautiful woman saw Qin Dong and Cao Xiaoxian confront each other, and they did not give in to each other. This is going to be a life-and-death contest. The beautiful woman can be described as anxious and busy, saying to Qin Dong.

"Mother, you can rest assured! Since ancient times, evil is invincible, I may not be defeated to her!" The beautiful woman is in a hurry, Qin Dong is full of confidence, loudly said.

"I don't want to be self-sufficient! I will let you taste the power of this girl!" The words, Cao Xiaoxian Jiao body, a fairy god, suddenly burst through the sky.

Qin Dong does not show weakness. The binary force of the body is circulating, and the white light is emitted. The whole Qin Dynasty is wrapped up. It is like a dream. It is really unreal.

"Xiaodong, you can be careful!" Originally, I didn't know the identity of Qin Dong. There was nothing. At this time, Qin Tailong was ten times more tense than the previous one. A pair of eyes stared at the eyes, dare not have the slightest shift.

"Xiao Xian, if you dare to hurt Xiaodong, I will not forgive you forever!"

The beautiful woman knows that Qin Dong’s cultivation is far less than that of Cao Xiaoxian. When they fight, Qin Dong must not be an opponent. Naturally, she is extremely worried. The voice is stern and sternly rushed to Cao Xiaoxian. The beautiful woman was a good intention to help Qin Dong, but when she said this, not only could Cao Xiaoxian be restrained, but it also intensified the anger of Cao Xiaoxian. When the voice of the beautiful woman landed, Cao Xiaoxian was almost ignited by anger, and the murderousness that emerged from the eyebrows did not decrease.

The beautiful woman’s heart is sad and difficult to understand. She can’t understand how her daughter, who was so small, can become like this. She almost never knows.

"Bad boy, give me a life!" Just listen to Cao Xiaoxian’s mouth and make a loud drink. The whole person floats to the air, and the air of the whole body blooms. When you look up, it’s like the same round of the moon. The big momentum is straightforward.

Qin Tailong and Fu Yanshan have tasted the power of Cao Xiaoxian. They know the horror of Cao Xiaoxian. But when they saw Cao Xiaoxian at this time, they couldn’t help but take a sigh of relief. Before the daring, Cao Xiaoxian still did not show his full strength.

The beautiful woman was also taken aback and shouted, "Xiaoxian, are you crazy? If you show your full strength, you must be aware of heavenly heavens!"

Cao Xiaoxian snorted and stared at Qindong Road. "So far, I can't manage that much. As long as I can get rid of this trouble, the price is worth it!"

"What?" The beautiful woman took a long breath and took a sigh of relief. Wan did not expect that Cao Xiaoxian’s death of Qin Dong’s heart was so determined. She was extremely worried about the fate of Qin Dong. At this time, she even mentioned her heart to her eyes.

In the face of Cao Xiaoxian's power, others have long since changed. Qin Dong is still calm, it is not easy. "It seems that the lesson that was given to you is not enough. Our monks are not soft persimmons. Whoever wants to pinch it! You want to get rid of me? It’s a coincidence, I just see you are not pleasing to the eye!"

"Death to the end, still in this big words, ridiculous!" Cao Xiaoxian screamed, his body suddenly swayed, a large piece of white mans, immediately spread out, like a vast smoke, it makes people feel tremble. [

Qin Dong is not willing to show weakness, the dual sacred power, condensed into thousands of roads, like lightning, surrounded by Qin Dong, standing and moving.

"This is what you are looking for!" With the scream of Cao Xiaoxian, the ultimate collision between the two began.

Cao Xiaoxian’s offensive was very fierce. It can be said that Cao Xiaoxian, who was only attacked and defended, was completely released. It was indeed necessary to suppress Qindong’s head, so it took the upper hand at the beginning. Although Qin Dong’s dual sacred power is stronger than Cao Xiaoxian’s immortal force, he can eat the repaired losses, and eventually he is somewhat invincible.

Cao Xiaoxian slammed forward, and Qin Dong was stepping back and forth. It seems that the situation is not good.

"Hey... aren't you very powerful? How can I not do it when I am really moving?" Cao Xiaoxian smothered Qin Dong, and he still remembered a few words.

Qin Dong looks dignified and does not answer. On the surface, he disdains to argue with Cao Xiaoxian. In fact, anyone can see that Qin Dong’s pressure at this time is not huge, but it is impossible to distract.

Qin Tailong was extremely worried. At this time, he was even more anxious to pick up his hands. He only hated being seriously injured and could not go forward.

The look of the beautiful woman is also extremely tense. Seeing that Cao Xiaoxian will force Qin Dong to retreat, the cold sweat on the forehead is coming out.

"Fu brother, this is not the way to go, you have to take an idea wow!" Qin Tailong's brain has become a rush of paste at this time, where can still come up with any idea, I have to ask for help to pay Yan Yanshan, urgent Said the voice.

Fu Yanshan's brows are wrinkled, his face is full of helplessness. In the face of Cao Xiaoxian's absolutely powerful cultivation, what kind of method is afraid is futile.

"Hey!" Just when everyone was in a hurry and couldn’t do anything, Qin Dong finally couldn’t hold it. Under the storm of Cao Xiaoxian’s storm and the smog of the smoke, he accidentally shot a **** arrow and splashed it. How far is it?

"Xiaodong!" Father and son even heart, Fu Yanshan see this situation, a pair of eyeballs that are in a hurry must come out of the way, where they still have a lot of care, suddenly stood up, they will have to go up. When the beautiful woman saw the situation, she quickly stopped him and shouted in a hurry. "You can’t be smashed! You rushed up now, and it won’t make any sense except to die!"

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