The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1883: Nirvana!

The unyielding man has such a charm that makes a woman feel stunned. At this time, Qin Dong is like this. Cao Xiaoxian is now also a cardamom, and when the girl is in the spring, she is not very immune to the charm of men. Looking at Qin Dong at this time, she also has a feeling of not going to go. I can finally think of my own business with my father, or bite the silver teeth, and then push the seven fingers to Qindong.

Seeing the seven fingers pointing to the wind, destroying the dead and wearing the obstacles under the Qindong cloth, getting closer and closer to Qindong, has already reached the footsteps, Qin Tailong, Cao Xiaoxian, Fu Yanshan three people invariably closed their eyes, can not bear to see again .

Li Yebing, Wu Tian, ​​Qian Fei and other younger generations are even watching, and they are open-mouthed, but they can’t even make a sound.

"Hey!" I don't know why. At this last moment, Cao Xiaoxian could not help but sigh, and his face was full of helplessness.

However, at the time when everyone was pessimistic about the situation of Qin Dong, Qin Dong suddenly made a thunderous burst of drink at this time. This violent drink, extremely loud, shaking the sky, is not a painful mourning, so that everyone's heart is jumping wildly. [

Cao Xiaoxian’s subconsciously clustered her frowns. It’s not like the wild weeds that grew up in her heart. It’s like a wild weed, and her heart suddenly rises and can’t stop it anymore.

“What happened?” Cao Xiaoxian’s eyes were impatient, and there was a deep surprise on his face.

At this time, in the chest of Qin Dong, a splendid golden light suddenly came out, and there was a burst of whistling sounds of dragons and dragons, which were filled with unmatched domineering and anger, even Cao Xiaoxian can not help but be a stagnation.

"Xiaodong him..." Qin Tailong looked stunned, his eyes full of excitement and excitement, as if he saw hope again.

"This... Is this true?" The beautiful woman opened her eyes in a dull manner and looked at Qin Dong with horror. It was like seeing Qin Dong for the first time. Qin Dong brought her too many shocks and surprises, no doubt this is once again.

Under the gaze of the eyes of everyone, the golden light flew out and greeted the seven fingers of Cao Xiaoxian. A burst of slamming sound came, Cao Xiaoxian's seven fingers, without exception, all were broken, not to mention the abolishment of Qin Dong's cultivation, even if even a bit of Qin Dong's hair did not hurt .

Cao Xiaoxian saw this situation, could not help but open his mouth and gave a cry, his face changed instantly. In her exclamation, the golden light of Qin Dong’s chest was stretched out and shot straight through the clouds. In the golden light, a stalwart soldier was suddenly revealed.

"This is..." This time, Cao Xiaoxian's soul was trembled for it. Under the extreme shock, Jiao Jiao couldn't help but retreat three steps backwards.

"Cao Xiaoxian, pick up my five dragons Yaotian!" Qin Dong has been forbearing, just waiting for this moment, the opportunity is coming, he will never miss it. In the sound of screaming, Jianfeng suddenly swelled up, five golden dragon sword spirits, and bursting out of the front, the teeth of the claws hovering between the heavens and the earth, that the momentum of the world, the people in the room, the tremors in the heart.

"Of course... turned out to be a five-clawed golden dragon!" The beautiful woman is not a fairyland power, and at a glance she can see the extraordinaryness of these five golden dragon sword spirits, and the voice trembles and exclaims.

"This seems to be the holy sacred sacred dragon of the Holy Orc! How can it be in the hands of Xiaodong?" Fu Yanshan's knowledge is also extraordinary, seeing the origins of the Five Dragons, and asked with surprise.

"I don't know, don't ask me!" Qin Tailong shook his fists with excitement at this moment. Even his nails were embedded in the flesh, and he didn't know it. The tiger's body was slightly trembling, and the excitement and excitement in his heart. It has reached a point where it has not been added.

Along with the snoring of Qin Dong, the five golden dragon sword spirits gathered together to form a living five-pronged golden dragon. The huge faucet of light has a hill-like size, and each pair of claws, each with a grinding disc. Not to mention the huge, stout body, across the world, just huge is not enough to describe.

This five-clawed golden dragon is full of energy and lifelike, apparently brewing for a long time. Until then, all the people understood that Qin Dong was forced to step back by Cao Xiaoxian, not only because it was not comparable to Cao Xiaoxian, but also because he was secretly accumulating and deliberately converging.

Everyone only saw that Qin Dong was not afraid of life and death. He had to fight with Cao Xiaoxian to die. No one had ever thought that Qin Dong’s seemingly impulsive appearance turned out to be a comprehensive consideration and calculation. This kind of heart, so that the beautiful woman is also very impressed, this understands why Cao Xiaoxian insisted on cutting off Qin Dong, it is because Qin Dong is indeed her biggest threat, even if his current cultivation is far less than Cao Xiaoxian.

However, the talents of the genius have been chasing and slamming, and they have gained the upper hand. Cao Xiaoxian has unconsciously lowered the vigilance against Qin Dong. Especially when the seven referents are on the way, Cao Xiaoxian is completely relaxed and vigilant. Dongdang became a waste man, no longer guarding it.

This deliberate performance of Qin Dong finally made him a murderous skill, and played a huge lethality far beyond the usual. When the lifelike five-clawed golden dragon, Zhang Fang danced to Cao Xiaoxian, Cao Xiaoxian actually stayed.

This stay reflects the gap between her and Qin Dong. Although Cao Xiaoxian's cultivation is higher than that of Qindong, the actual combat experience is not a general lack, and there is no such rich and old Qindong. Although Cao Xiaoxian is also very clever, but compared with Qin Dong's mind, there is still a big gap, coupled with Cao Xiaoxian's self-development, extremely difficult to overcome arrogance and blind self-confidence, which makes her in the confrontation with Qin Dong In the middle, he has repeatedly put himself in a crisis.

However, the beautiful woman is happy to see this. Cao Xiaoxian has become like this because there is no such person as Qin Dong who beats her from time to time. [

"Xiaoxian, admit defeat!" The beautiful woman shook her head and shouted to Cao Xiaoxian.

"Put away? No! I will never admit defeat, especially to him!" Cao Xiaoxian gave a slight glimpse, a pretty face was immediately distorted by anger, and the cunning bite his teeth, a white light, sprayed out from the top of his head. In a blink of an eye, a large piece of cohesiveness is formed.

"I don't see the coffin without tears!" Qin Dong saw Cao Xiaoxian at this time and he was still recalcitrant. Qin Dong’s eyebrows rose and his mouth screamed, and the binary force that had already been ready to go, all the brains were injected. Within the five-clawed golden dragon sword spirit.

Jinlong Jianling itself is already very powerful. The five-in-one is a five-pronged golden dragon. It is even more powerful. Now it has been injected with a binary force. Its power has once again undergone earth-shaking changes. The original golden dragon At this time, the huge body, even revealing the white light, like a silver wire, set in the golden armor, it is extraordinarily gorgeous, and the power is also a geometric multiple growth, there is a little bit Can not be the meaning of the world.

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