The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1889: A pair of villains!

The appearance of Cai Dingjun and Cai Dingshan directly caused the hearts of Qin Tailong and Fu Yanshan to sink to the bottom. With the help and means of these two brothers, they are afraid that they will not even have a chance.

Cai Dingjun and Cai Dingshan plucked, and looked up and saw that Qin Tailong and Fu Yanshan were both hurt, and there was no surprise on the face. As for Li Yebing, Wu Tian, ​​Qian Fei, the two directly ignored. For the tenth-level monk, Li Yebing is indeed like an ant. When I saw the beautiful woman, both Cai Dingjun and Cai Dingshan’s brothers were in a fascinating look. It is indeed hard not to be moved by the nobleness and purity of the beautiful woman.

"How can you both be here? I have explained what you have done?" Seeing that Cai Dingjun and Cai Dingshan suddenly appeared, Cao Xiaoxian’s heart was not all happy, and there was still a trace of uneasiness.

Cai Dingjun’s evil laughed a few times, and did not rush to answer Cao Xiaoxian’s question. Instead, he had a lot of Cao Xiaoxian’s eyes and made a look of concern. He asked “Cao girl, you seem to be hurting?”

Cao Xiaoxian listened to Cai Dingjun’s question. The heart was even more uncomfortable. He took a long breath and wanted to smother the injury. I didn’t expect it to be too hasty, but it was counterproductive. There was a sharp pain in the body, so that Cao Xiaoxian could not help but send out. A cry. [

Cai Dingjun and Cai Dingshan looked at each other and saw a fine mans in the eyes. Although it was a flash, it still fell in the eyes of Fu Yanshan.

Fu Yanshan and Cai Dingjun brothers have known each other for half a lifetime. No one knows more about him than this brother. When he saw it, he sneered and sneaked to Qin Tailong. He whispered "Qin Xiong, look at it, fearing that there is a good play." Staged."

Qin Tailong is also a fine figure. It is very clear that there is a set. If you don’t have to pay Yanshan to speak through, your heart will be clear, and a sneer will appear in the corner of your mouth.

"You don't have to worry about this, this girl is only slightly hurt, it doesn't matter." Cao Xiaoxian straightened his body and said with a majestic voice.

Cai Dingjun said with a smile, "Cao girl, why should we hide our brothers? I think your injury is not light, or let me first cure for you."

Cao Xiaoxian’s eyebrows are clustered and shouted, “Where is so much nonsense! Answer my question quickly!”

Cai Dingjun coughed, "Cao girl, don't worry! I see, let us first help you to protect the two guys Qin Tailong and Fu Yanshan, we will not look back to you later." Cao Xiaoxian thought, Shen The channel "Alright! You can do it."

"Follow!" Obtained Cao Xiaoxian's approval. The two brothers Cai Dingjun and Cai Dingshan immediately took action and came to Fu Yanshan and Qin Tailong.

"Ha ha ha ... pay the lord, you have been immersed in the world, probably did not expect, will fall into such a field, become the prisoner of others?" Cai Dingjun smiled and looked at Fu Yanshan, that expression is not good.

Fu Yanshan snorted heavily and said, "Cai Dingjun, I have always regarded you as a brother in Yan Yanshan. You end up betraying me, it is damn!"

"Less less with me! When you are a brother, will you not protect my only son? I tell you, my son's death, you have to take a responsibility!" Think of Cai Jing's death, Cai Dingjun's face is full Anger and jealousy.

Fu Yanshan said, "About the death of your son, I can only say four words - I will take it by myself!"

"Good! A good one is to take it by yourself! Now, I will return these four words to you!" Cai Dingjun screamed and said that flying like electricity, and instantly connected to the nine large points on Yanshan.

Fu Yanshan smiled coldly and said, "I was seriously injured now, I can't move, why should you do more?"

Cai Dingjun laughed a few times and said, "To deal with you, we can't dare to have a slight deal."

After that, Cai Dingjun turned his attention to Qin Tailong. "Qin Tailong, you are staying in your ethereal sect, what are you doing here? But you are just right, just to prove to the world, colluding with the illusionary beasts. It’s not just Qin Tailong, but Fu Yanshan!”

"Let your mother's stinky fare! I pay Yanshan 岂 will collude with the Eudemons? You are **** mouth?" Fu Yanshan is the best face, listened to Cai Dingjun's words, the lungs of the gas will be blown up, and shouted.

"Oh... my paying lord, you are all in harmony with Qin Tailong, and said that you haven't colluded with the illusionary beasts? But speaking, I really admire you, Qin Tailong does not know how many green hats you brought, you can still He has a lot of cooperation, what a broad mind!"

"You **** dare to talk nonsense, believe it or not, I will screw your head down!" Qin Tailong angered and reprimanded. [

"Letter! I certainly believe! Fudanshan is so powerful, you dare to fight against him, let alone Cai Dingjun. However, if you want to twist my head, I am afraid there is no chance." Cai Dingjun laughed Exploring and pointing out, Qin Tailong’s acupuncture points were also sealed.

As for Li Yebing, Qian Fei and Wu Tian, ​​for Cai Dingjun, it is even more hand-to-hand, and they have all lived in three or two. At this time, only the beautiful woman is left, or she is free.

"My Cai Dingjun's life is counted as countless women, but you are such a beautiful woman, but I still see it for the first time." Looking at the beautiful woman, Cai Dingjun was somewhat lost, and she was very emotional. The charm of people.

"Xiaoxian, these two people have made it clear that they are guilty of misconduct. You are entangled with them, and you will suffer from it sooner or later!" What kind of eyesight of the beautiful woman, at a glance, I can see that the Cai brothers are not good birds. Full of worry, Cao Xiaoxian advised.

"Xiaoxian?" Listening to the beautiful woman's intimacy with Cao Xiaoxian, Cai Dingjun couldn't help but be one of them. Then she carefully compared the beautiful woman with Cao Xiaoxian. Only then did she find that there are many similarities between the two. I immediately guessed one or two in my heart.

"Cao girl, this is..."

Cao Xiaoxian sternly glanced at Cai Dingjun, and the voice was cold and cold. "If you dare to look at her with that fascinating look, I will kill you!"

"Mother, I have been wronged for a while." Cao Xiaoxian said, the right hand is light, and the wind is pointing at the beautiful woman.

The injuries in Cao Xiaoxian's body are constantly being chaotic, and one wave after another hits the mind of Cao Xiaoxian, and then does not adjust the interest rate. I am afraid that there will be a big mess. Cao Xiaoxian turned to look coldly at Cai Dingjun and Cai Dingshan brothers and said, "There is nothing wrong with you here, you can retire."

"Cao girl, don't we have to protect the law for you?" Cai Dingjun asked.

Cao Xiaoxian cold squatting road "does not need! In this heaven, there is no one who I am afraid of Cao Xiaoxian."

Cai Dingjun’s dry laughter, even the channel “That is that, in this case, our brothers will first retreat, do not disturb Cao girl to adjust interest rates.”

Cao Xiaoxian waved his hand impatiently and urged him to leave quickly.

The eyes of Cai Dingjun and Cai Dingshan gradually drifted away. Cao Xiaoxian was relieved, and his heart was so dangerous. If the Cai brothers suddenly became confused, she would have difficulty coping with it. But this is the case. The more I am afraid of anything, the more I come to it. Cao Xiaoxian’s tone has not been completely finished. In a tiger’s voice, the gradually disappearing Chua brothers suddenly burst into the air...

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