The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1893: Come in time!

"Cai Dingjun, Lao Tzu wants to know that you are such a shameless thing, you should have slapped you! You and his mother are also people with heads and faces, you can't do some people's affairs? Forced to bully a hand without a chicken The woman of the power, I will blush for you!" So unreasonable, Fu Yanshan can bear it? Immediately smashed his mouth and slammed Cai Dingjun with a dog blood sprinkler.

"Happy! I am addicted! Fu Yanshan, I have been fighting with you for a lifetime. I usually mention you, my roots are hateful, but today, Qin Tailong wants to rush your thumbs, praise you, you are a man, It’s a bit of a pain, and it’s extremely enjoyable!” Qin Tailong is also a hateful character. When Fu Yanshan’s voice just fell, he shouted loudly. The two dead days in the weekdays, but at this time it is a tacit understanding, you sing me to debut, on the spot, let Cai Dingjun's blush like a monkey ass.

"Good! I originally wanted you to live more than two for a while, but since you are impatient, I don't mind if you overtook you now! Set the mountain and give them both to live!" Cai Dingjun Hate the teeth and cut your teeth.

"Hey... happy to be!" Cai Dingshan immediately smirked, and paid to Yanshan, Qin Tailong relied on the past.

"Cai Dingshan, do you have the courage to kill this seat?" Fu Yanshan eyes a glimpse, coldly looking at Cai Dingshan, eyes cold. [

Although Cai Dingshan was arrogant in his daily life, his courage was far less than that of Cai Dingjun and Fu Yanshan. The heart of Cai Dingshan jumped wildly, and his footsteps stopped involuntarily. The movement seemed to be somewhat stiff.

"No brothers!" Seeing the appearance of Cai Dingshan, Qin Tailong gave a sneer and his face was full of sorrow.

"Dingshan, they are now no different from the waste, you don't have to worry!" Cai Dingjun shook his head. His understanding of his younger brother was naturally deeper than that of Fu Yanshan and Qin Tailong.

"Damn!" Cai Dingshan drank a sullen sentence, and suddenly raised his palm.

When he was about to kneel down, Fu Yanshan sneered and said: "You can think clearly, if you dare to kneel down, I promise you how terrible you are!"

Cai Dingshan’s determination just now, because of Fu Yanshan’s remarks, hesitated and hesitated. The palm of his hand in the air, constantly groaning, reveals the contradictions and fears in his heart.

Cai Dingjun could not help but raise an anger at hating iron and not forming steel. The son is not a weapon, and his brother is not a weapon. This is undoubtedly the evidence of Cai Dingjun’s failure.

"Don't hesitate, kill him!"

In the anger of Cai Dingjun, Cai Dingshan returned to the gods, bursting out, and the palm of his hand smashed toward the top of Fu Yanshan.

"Cai Dingshan, you are looking for death!" Seeing that Yan Yanshan’s life was in the shackles, he screamed and screamed out loud, followed by three spurs of extreme strength, and rushed to Cai Dingshan. Poor Cai Dingshan did not even have the chance to react. He was directly bombarded by the three slaps of force for more than ten feet. After landing, the blood spurted, apparently not hurt.

These three palms came so suddenly, so swiftly that Cai Dingjun’s hand held the Tianxian sword, and did not react at all until Cai Dingshan was smashed out, which only woke up to God.

"Dingshan!" Cai Jing is dead. Cai Dingjun has only one relative, Cai Dingshan. He is particularly valued. He hurriedly screamed and rushed toward Cai Dingshan.

Although Cai Dingshan is not life-threatening, but the injury is not really light, Cai Dingjun repeatedly called a few times, only to open his eyes with difficulty, his mouth continually vomiting blood, can not tell a word.

Escape from the dead, even if it is Fuyanshan, can not help but breathe a sigh of relief, hurriedly turned to look at, I saw Zhu Hexuan, Chen Chang, Du Jingyu three people face cold and swept, the three are not following the same face Good-looking Gao Xiaoshan.

"How come you?" When they saw Zhu Hexuan, Fu Yanshan was not surprised.

"Helping the Lord, the subordinates are coming one step late, it is damn!" When he came to Fu Yanshan, Zhu Hexuan discovered that Fu Yanshan’s injury was not a general weight, but he was shocked and angry, and at the same time he felt awkward.

Fu Yanshan repeatedly waved his hand and smiled: "It is time to come, no matter how late, haha..." Fu Yanshan just laughed a few times, and it touched the internal injuries and spit out a large amount of blood.

When Zhu Hexuan saw this, he rushed forward and pressed Fu Yanshan’s chest to suppress the wounds in his body.

"Sovereign, you... are you okay?" Gao Xiaoshan also went to Qin Tailong's body at this time, and saw Qin Tailong's weak form, the heartbroken voice trembled, and the tears were even in the eyelids. [

Qin Tailong smiled and said, "Don't worry, I can't die."

"Sovereign, which slay kills you like this, you tell me, I will smash his corpse!" Gao Xiaoshan silver teeth biting, a look of anger, this woman started to come, it really is extraordinary.

Gao Xiaoshan's embarrassment, Zhu Hexuan, Chen Chang, Du Jingyu three people also reacted, several pairs of angry eyes, all together to the Cai brothers.

"Cai Dingjun, Cai Dingshan, you two ungrateful beasts, forget how the lord died in the past and rescued your enemies?" Zhu Hexuan sneaked into the eyes of the Chua brothers. If they didn't arrive in time, they were afraid that the Yanshan had already been poisoned by the brothers. When they think about it, let him be afraid.

Cai Dingjun put Cai Dingshan on the ground, stood up and squinted to Zhu Hexuan, murderously said: "Zhu Hexuan, you are coming! Your disciple killed my son, you hurt my brother, this I want to make a clear account with you."

"If you count, is it true that Zhu Hexuan will be afraid of you?" Zhu Hexuan was on the air, listening to Cai Dingjun's words, even more angry, not to hit a place, burst into a bang, double palms to make tiger claws, straight to Cai Dingjun's throat Deducted the past.

"He Xuan Xiaoxian, he has a sword in his hand!" See Zhu Hexuan said to fight, Fu Yanshan was afraid that he would suffer, and hurriedly reminded.


When Zhu Hexuan glimpsed a little, he felt a terrible breath that he had never felt before, as if he had fallen from the sky, and covered his whole body. Zhu Hexuan was so shocked that he even shuddered and screamed in his mouth, "Not good!"

Cai Dingjun’s evil laughed and said: “It’s not good now, it’s late!”

After all, the celestial sword suddenly burst out of the fairy tales, and even into one piece, the momentum swept toward Zhu Hexuan. ,

The sword of this fairy sword is not only overbearing, but also very fast, and the effort in the blink of an eye has forced it to the front of Zhu Hexuan. At this time, Zhu Hexuan wants to pull back and retreat. It is too late. Even though he felt uncomfortable in his heart, Zhu Hexuan had no other way. He could only gather the whole body's spiritual power and turn it into a cloud of spiritual power that flashed the glory of Huameng, and slammed into the sword of the celestial sword. Go up...

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