The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1895: compromise!

Cai Dingjun is indeed a life-saving, and some are afraid of death. At this time, he has just got the power of the infinite sword, and his heart is full of ambition, he is even more reluctant to die. Since I can't bear to die, there is only a compromise. Cai Dingjun can really afford it. He laughed and said: "Zhu Xiong, Chen Xiong, Du Xiong, we are all old friends who have known each other for many years, old brothers, Why do you have to separate your life and death, isn't it?"

Zhu Hexuan knew that Cai Dingjun was stunned and sneered, "Who is your old friend and old brother? Cai Dingjun, you don’t scatter gold on your face, let alone ruin us, like you, the shameless villain who seeks glory from the Lord. We can be embarrassed to make friends."

When Cai Dingjun’s face was black, he was going to be angry. Fortunately, rationality played a role at this time, and the anger was suppressed. After a few laughs, Cai Dingjun said, "In fact, I didn't even think about killing the lord. I am Cai Dingjun. It is not a villain who is eager to seek glory..."

"I have done it! What are you, we all know in my heart! Let me just say, how does this matter end?" Zhu Hexuan waved his hand and was too lazy to listen to Cai Dingjun’s story.

Cai Dingjun was smashed by Zhu Hexuan again, his face had to become green, but he could not attack any more. He could only endure hardships. "Hehe... Zhu Xiong, you mean..."

Zhu Hexuan is also welcome, Yang said "I mean that you broke your own, thank the lord!"

"This is a good idea! Cai Dingjun, if you really do this, then we will recognize you as an old brother, and still give you a monument. The past things are always gone, never mention!" Du Jingyu said with a smile.

Cai Dingjun’s face was green again, and the three-faced road was “not a joke!”

Zhu Hexuan wanted to repeat Cai Dingjun a few words, but I can think about it. These words are cheap and have no meaning. Then I have no interest. Shen Sheng said, "That is still what you say."

Cai Dingjun thought for a moment and said, "This way, you will take the help of the Lord. From now on, my Shangde’s independent hospital will not be subject to Wan Peng’s ruling. don’t want to see Cai anyway, everyone will re-emerge in the future. Be a stranger, and you can't get along with each other."

Zhu Hexuan, Chen Chang and Du Jingyu did not dare to arbitrarily take the lead and turned their attention to Fu Yanshan. Fu Yanshan thought a little bit, and said coldly, "You want to stand on your own, you can. But Qin brother wants to go with me!"

"Qin Tailong has invested in the illusionary orc family. It is the public enemy of all the monks in heaven and heaven. Everyone has to succumb to it. Helping you to protect him, isn't it damaging your reputation? Besides, it is better for you to help you and him. Just hand him over to me, let me dispose of it, and make sure you get rid of it!"

"No more nonsense! Qin Tailong must go with me, you want to kill him, the door is not!" Fu Yanshan immediately turned his face, a series of bursts of drinking, can be said that a little face does not leave Cai Dingjun.

"If I don't agree?" Cai Dingjun said cold and faint.

"Then nothing to talk about! Let's play!" Fu Yanshan is simply, bluntly.

Zhu Hexuan, Chen Chang, and Du Jingyu listened to each other and immediately put up a posture to fight with Cai Dingjun. He did not hesitate.

Cai Dingjun’s mouth was pumping, and his heart was arrogant. He only wanted to take out a sword and slaughtered several people together. Can not bear to be a mess, Cai Dingjun does not want to ruin the great opportunity given to him by the moment.

"Oh... help the Lord, don't rush to move, I just ask, but I really don't agree. This Qin Tailong, I don't have any interest in him anyway, help you, take it away."

"Cai Dingjun, in the future, your mother's work is simply a bit neat, don't worry about the net time." Zhu Hexuan was angry and angry.

Cai Dingjun bit his teeth and almost didn't squirt a blood.

"Fu brother, that lady..." Qin Tailong pointed to the beautiful woman and looked at Yanshan.

In any case, the beautiful woman is the mother of Qin Dong. Based on this, Qin Tailong can't ignore her life and death. What's more, the beautiful woman has maintained the protection of Qin Dong, and she loves and cares. Qin Tailong It is even more impossible to leave her alone.

Fu Yanshan immediately understood the meaning of Qin Tailong, nodded, and Chong Dingjun said with impoliteness, "There is still that lady, I will take it away!"

Cao Xiaoxian was blaming herself for her beautiful woman, and she regretted it. When she heard Fu Yanshan’s words, her spirit was shocked and her face was full of gratitude. [

"I can't promise this!" Cai Dingjun said, shaking his head when he didn't want to. He really fell in love with the beautiful woman, where would he let Fu Yanshan take it away?

"Cai Dingjun, do you think that I am talking to you? I just told you that if you disagree, I must take this person." Fu Yanshan took out the arrogance of the past. It is hard to press Cai Dingjun.

"Fu Yanshan, I am not yours now, you don't want to swear to me like you used to!" Cai Dingjun finally got a little unbearable and snorted.

Fu Yanshan sneered and said, "Although you are self-reliant, you are still a little in the eyes of my paying Yanshan. I am not arrogant to you, not only I am not used to it, even if you are afraid of it?"

"Fu Yanshan, you are deceiving too much!" Cai Dingjun’s hands in the hands of the celestial sword suddenly rose, they have to pay Yanshan stabbing.

Chen Chang, Du Jingyu, and Zhu Hexuan immediately issued three tigers, just like the three gods, and they were in front of Cai Dingjun.

Cai Dingjun’s annoyed steel mouth was almost bitten, and the sword in the air, shaking a few shakes, was only received by Cai Dingjun. Looking back at the beautiful woman, Cai Dingjun’s gloomy road “Do you want me to let Cao Xiaoxian let me go after I let her go?”

Fu Yanshan sneered and said, "You can rest assured that I hate this girl more than you, even if you don't kill her, I will not let her go."

When Fu Yanshan’s voice fell, the beautiful woman couldn’t help but say, “Pay the helper, I know that Xiaoxian has done a lot of wrong things and hurt many people, but she is still a child after all, I hope that you are a lot of adults, can Give her a chance to save her."

"Mother, don't worry about me, as long as you are good. If all this is the evil fruit that I have planted myself, let me bear it myself." Cao Xiaoxian feels hard, crying and telling the beautiful woman. .

It is rare that Cao Xiaoxian can have such an awareness. If such a statement is made, Fu Yanshan and Qin Tailong can't help but look at each other. It is said that the prodigal son will not change the gold. If all this is done, it will be a great good thing for Cao Xiaoxian to change his course to good.

Qin Tailong turned his head and glanced at Shi Qingyu. The gods in the Qing Dynasty were also on Cao Xiaoxian's body. Even if they were not Cao Xiaoxian, they would not let Cao Xiaoxian kill Cao Xiaoxian.

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