The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1899: Nangong Yao!

"That's really weird. I am alive with the girl. Even the girl doesn't know your name. How do I offend you, and I am offended so much that I am so hateful to me?" Qin Dong is Really some doubts, this hate for no reason, it is really a headache.

"Don't worry, one day you will understand." The Linfen fairy bit his silver teeth and said awkwardly.

Qin Dong smiled and touched his nose and asked, "If I say that I like girls, I want to pursue girls, is it impossible?"

"You...what are you talking about?" A pretty face of a singular fairy was full of surprises, a pair of extremely beautiful eyes, stunned, full of horror, making her look more attractive. .

Qin Dong has been practicing so far, and this face is obviously thick. If he is just out of the way, he will be stared at by such a beautiful woman. I am afraid that he will be in a hurry and sweat, but now Qin Dong is the expression of the wind. Light clouds are light and chic and natural. "If a girl looks like a fairy, what should be a normal thing for a man?"

"Giggle..." Slightly stunned, the Linfen fairy suddenly smiled softly, the more she smiled, the more splendid, and at the end she had some squiggles, which made Qin Dong burst into dizziness.

"I want to pursue a girl, is this really ridiculous?" Qin Dongyu asked.

The virgin fairy stunned with a smile, and the expression was cold, and the voice was cold and cold. "Hello, you dare to think about this girl. Believe it or not, I will slap you now?"

Qin Dong listened to this, and his heart complained that it was not enough. As expected, the big beauty in front of me... is not easy to chase.

"South Palace sister, you are back!" With a crisp voice, Fu Fengming took a basket of wild fruits and walked out.

"Qin Dong!>

Qin Dong certainly won't know that Fu Fengming has returned to heavenly heavens. I don't know how many grievances have been suffered. How much grief is in my heart. I only hope that Qin Dong can come to heaven and heaven to help her free. It is in this mood that Fu Fengming will be so excited when he sees Qin Dong. He has neglected the difference between men and women and took the initiative to invest in Qin Dong’s arms.

It is a pity that Qin Dong’s injury is too heavy, and there is no blessing. I have not felt the softness and warmness of the girl’s body.

Fu Fengming was shocked. He quickly released Qin Dong. Only then did he find that Qin Dong’s face was whiter than the snow, and there was no blood at all. "Qin Dong, you... what's wrong with you?"

Qin Dong wiped the blood of his mouth and shook his head at Fu Fengming. "I am fine, I can't die."

"It seems that your injury is even heavier than I thought!" The fringe of the immortal fairy was a little clustered, and the face was somewhat heavy.

Qin Dong smiled and said, "Your appearance tells me that you seem to be worried about me. But this is not right. Since you hate me so much, the more I hurt, the more happy you should be."

The mortal fairy snorted and said, "Don't be passionate! I am worried, but I am worried that you are dying too fast, and I can't let me completely out of my heart."

"Sister Nangong, what is going on here, how is Qin Dong hurt so badly?" Fu Fengming was in a hurry, ignored the two men's bickering, and asked urgently.

The mortal fairy sighed and said, "Isn't it a good thing for Cao Xiaoxian?"

"And it is Cao Xiaoxian!?" Fu Fengming exclaimed, and the eyebrows were full of anger.

The temporary fairy shook her head and said, "This Cao Xiaoxian is very powerful. I played against her last time and almost planted it on her hand." He said, looking at Qin Dong, he couldn’t help but flash a few The look of Zan Pei, the faint road "I really want to admire you when I say it. Your cultivation is similar to me, but Cao Xiaoxian is hard to eat such a big loss in your hand, even if you see it with your own eyes. I still can't believe it."

Qin Dong haha ​​smiled, squinting his eyes and looking at the Linfen fairy and asked, "Why, do you admire me?"

"Far fare!" Qin Dong's thick face, the lethality is really amazing, the temporary fairy is angry, actually swearing disregard of identity. Just after Qin Dong, Qin Dong didn't do much, her face was red. [

"Ha ha ha..." Seeing the appearance of the Lin Fan, Qin Dong couldn't help but burst into laughter. This laugh, inevitably touched the wound, and even vomited a few mouthfuls of blood in his mouth.

"You stupid, you have to die, there is still time to play with your mouth, I really don't know, you see through life and death, or stupid do not know life and death." See Qin Dong a few mouthfuls of blood vomiting, that anger in the heart of the fairy, I do not know how Suddenly disappeared, followed by a pour of a good heart. This feeling made the Fairy Fairy himself dare to be surprised, and quickly smacked his face, and would never let it out easily.

"Right, listen to Feng Ming, call your Nangong sister, is your surname Nangong?" Qin Dong ignored the strange blame of the mortal fairy, Zhang mouth asked again.

"What are you doing? You don't ask!" The mortal fairy screamed coldly.

Qin Dong was not annoyed, and turned to look at Fu Fengming. Fu Fengming is about to answer, and the Linfen fairy rushed and said: "Feng Ming, I am not allowed to tell him my name!"

"Cough and cough..." As soon as the words of the mortal fairy were finished, Qin Dong suddenly coughed up loudly, and it slammed for a while.

Fu Fengming was anxious when he was on the scene. He was pleading to look at the Linfan Fairy Road. "South Palace sister, Qin Dong’s injury is very heavy. At this time, you can’t be stimulated. You can tell him.”

The phoenix fairy stunned Fu Fengming and said: "Stupid, this kid is very, very acting, you don't be deceived by him."

When the Linfen Fairy was talking, Qin Dong’s upper body was suddenly abrupt, and Zhang mouth spurted a blood arrow.

"Nanggong sister!" Not paying Fengming at first sight, it is even more anxious, even the tone of the conversation has changed.

The mortal fairy has already probed the injury of Qin Dong. Although it is very heavy, it does not endanger the life of Qin Dong. At this time, Qin Dong’s performance is so painful that it seems to be ruined at any time. It is loaded in all likelihood. But even if the Fairy Fairy knows this, she just can't keep her heart, which makes her heart feel a little confused. For the first time in her life, she found that it was such a difficult thing to control her emotions.

When she saw Fu Fengming's eyes full of eagerness and pleading, she was uncontrollable, as if she had nodded subconsciously.

A little bit to the advent of the fairy goddess, Fu Fengming immediately said to Qin Dong, "Qin Dong, you should not be excited, I will tell you, Nangong sister called Nangong Yao, is a very good person."

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