The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1902: Teacher Qing 曌 wake up!

The first thousand nine hundred and twenty-two chapters are celebrated and awakened!

"Of course it is true! You have been with me for so long, when did I quit eating?" Seeing Gao Xiaoshan's happy look, Qin Tailong's heart seems to have wings and flew up. This feeling is almost the same as when he was together with the teacher.

"No, no!" Gao Xiaoshan shouted and shouted, happy as a bird that only danced.

"Xiaoshan, now I want you to rush back to the Essence, and to send the masters of the ancestors secretly. Since our purpose has been reached, there is no need to reconcile and continue to be a slave of the Eudemons. It is time. Fighting with the illusionary orcs, we will pay back the grievances that we have suffered over the years, and ten times the hundred times.” Qin Tailong’s look is full of excitement and excitement. Obviously, he has waited for such a moment. Too long.

Gao Xiaoshan is also the same, excited and nodded, crisply said: "I will leave!"

Qin Tailong smiled and said, "After going back, everything is careful."

Qin Tailong’s intimate embarrassment is to make Gao Xiaoshan smile and smile. When looking back to Qin Tailong, his eyes are full of heart-warming tenderness.

Looking at the figure that Gao Xiaoshan quickly left, Fu Yanshan smiled and said, "I didn't think it before. Now I found out that Gao Xiaoshan is indeed a very good woman. When she sees it, she is also single-minded to you."

Qin Tailong grinned and smiled. "Now you should be more happy than me."

Fu Yanshan's brow wrinkled, the incomprehensible road "How come? Gao Xiaoshan is sending you a hug, not to me, how can I be more happy than you?"

Qin Tailong glanced at him and said, "You are less confused! My affairs with Xiaoshan have been settled, and no one will be rushing to celebrate with you. You will be upset?"

Fu Yanshan was a glimpse, and even after reacting, he really laughed loudly. "You don't say, I really didn't think about this layer. Hahaha... You said it is not bad, I should Happy, it’s better than you! Hahaha...”

Qin Tailong snorted and snorted. "You don't be too happy. If you let me know that you dare not be good for Qing, hehe... you see how I can clean you up."

Fu Yanshan patted Qin Tailong's shoulder and smiled and said, "You can rest assured, I will not give you the opportunity to clean up me."

All the graces and grievances between Fu Yanshan and Qin Tailong are all attributed to Shi Qing’s body. Now the crux of the two is completely gone, and the grievances between the two are completely dissipated. Until then, I can say that the two really became a pair of partners and became comrades who struggled for the same purpose.

Seven days later, the injuries of Qin Tailong and Fu Yanshan recovered by 50%. In these seven days, Zhu Hexuan, Chen Chang, and Du Jingyu took turns to treat the two men in a row, and they were really tired. The three hospitals and the many healing grasses stored in the dry palace are almost consumed by the two. It is not a good thing to cultivate high. Once injured, it will be more dangerous and it will become more difficult to heal.

In seven days, the disciples of the three major hospitals never gave up the search for the whereabouts of Qin Dong, but the result was nothing, which made everyone worried. Mifen’s **** is not knowing how many tears flow in the dark.

"Qin Bobo, brother, will he really be okay?" Miffin once again found red eyes and Qin Tailong.

Qin Tailong is also very fond of Mifen. If it is not for Fu Yanshan to insert a bar, Shi Qing will be taken away. Maybe Qin Tailong and Shi Qingyi will have a daughter like Mifen.

The worry in Qin Tailong's heart is not slightly lighter than that of Mifen. If it is not injured, he has already gone looking for it. Pulled Miffin to the front, wiped the tears on her face, and asked softly, "Cry again?"

Mifen nodded, and before he answered, the tears flowed again. "Uncle, brother, he...he won't die?" As he spoke, Miffin's voice began to tremble.

"No!" Qin Tailong shook his head very firmly and said loudly, "It must not! Xiaodong is a very strong child. After so many hardships, he finally spent it safely. This time it must be no exception! ”

Although Qin Tailong’s voice is not small, it is clearly confusing. He said that he had three points to Miffin, and seven points were to comfort himself.

"But I am worried, I am worried about his brother..." Miffin was already crying when he said it. [

Qin Tailong was just trying to comfort Miffin if he could not think of the right words. At the same time, he comforted himself. When he frowned, Fu Yanshan suddenly came in with a look of joy. Before Qin Tailong asked, he shouted in disregard of his identity. Qing... It’s like she is waking up!”

"What!?" Qin Tailong heard the words popping up from the chair, and refused to comfort Miffin. The wind swept out.

With a tenacious will, Shi Qingyi finally defeated Cao Xiaoxian’s ‘Falking Art’, which has not yet cultivated home, and regained control of himself.

"Qing 曌!" "Mrs!"

Qin Tailong and Fu Yanshan almost rushed into the room of Shi Qingyu.

In order to break through the control of Fengshen, Shi Qingyu must have spent a lot of effort. At this time, although he recovered his mind, he was very tired, and his face was pale and scary. Even so, when I saw Fu Yanshan and Qin Tailong rushing in, the corner of the mouth still swayed with a smile of relief.

It can be seen that Qin Tailong and Fu Yanshan have become the jade, which has always been the biggest wish of Shi Qing. Unexpectedly, this desire, which was almost impossible to achieve, really turned into reality. To say it, I would like to thank Cao Xiaoxian.

"Madam, how are you?" Fu Yanshan came forward with a look of concern, holding Shi Qing’s hand and asking in detail.

Shi Qingyi shook his head and did not answer. He held Fu Yanshan in one hand and the other hand, and recruited Qin Tailong. Qin Tailong hurried forward and held the hand of Shi Qing’s hand. Shi Qing’s long breath took a sigh of relief, which saved a little effort and brought the two hands together.

Everything is not in the words, where will Fu Yanshan and Qin Tailong not understand? The two men looked at each other and smiled. Fu Yanshan smiled and smiled at Shiqing. "You can rest assured that you have been fighting for a lifetime. Both of us are tired of being tired. Now the hearts of the people are untied, and they will not fight again in the future. It is."

Qin Tailong was busy saying, "Yanshan is right, we will not fight anymore. Qing, you are very weak now, or take a rest, don't worry about us."

Shi Qingyi first nodded with gratitude, and then his face was occupied by a thick sorrowful color. The voice of the weak voice "Little East... How is Xiaodong?"

Fu Yanshan and Qin Tailong looked at each other and felt a little embarrassed. For seven days, there was no news of Qin Dong, which made both of them feel an ominous premonition. But if you tell this truth to the teacher, you don’t know if the teacher’s celebration at the moment is acceptable.

"You are going to say, Xiaodong, how is he doing now, where is the man?" Qin Tailong and Fu Yanshan were hesitant, and when the Qing Dynasty was on, they were anxious. After a word, they coughed.

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