The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1906: The difficulty of Kirin!

In the face of the anger of the purple wood unicorn, Zhao Weihu and Cai Dingshan did not reveal a panic at all, so they stood in the same place, and they did not even plan to move. At this moment, the nine rays of light released by the nine-day remnant suddenly gathered in one place, forming a beautiful and exciting rainbow, hanging high in the sky.

Such a beautiful view, the heavens and the heavens are rare to see, but the face of Zimu Kirin not only did not see the joy of good things, but it was a burst of anger.

It is no wonder that the purple wood unicorn will be so angry. When the nine rays of light condense into a rainbow, the sound of thundering sounds in the nine days of the squad, and the light of one after another does not know where to start, the spray is rushing, as straight as one The branch of the arrow, shot into the purple light of the purple wood unicorn.

Under the light of this road, the purple light is like a thin piece of paper, and it will be ruined in an instant. Naturally, its power will also drop sharply. When Ziguang stared at the indiscriminate bombardment of the glory, and tried his best to rush out of the nine-day remnant, the scale and power, only the original one-third left.

Until then, Zhao Weihu and Cai Dingshan each took a leisurely hand, and easily and arbitrarily cracked the smash of the purple wood unicorn, even the hair did not hurt one. [

"Ha ha ha... Purple wood unicorn, do you want to do this? What five great sacred beasts, I think it is the five dead beasts!" Cai Dingshan was so uncomfortable, and laughed loudly.

"Shameless villain!" The purple wood unicorn in the nine-day remnant, where it was so insulted, violently thundering, roaring again and again, to be crazy.

"Shameless villain? Hehe... even if it is a shameless villain, it is better than you dead!" Cai Dingshan changed his face, and the sword in his hand suddenly rose. In a flash, a cold white snow, rising from the sky, rolled up The muffled sound of the rumble of rumbling, sweeping away toward the purple wood unicorn.

Purple wood unicorn whispered, did not dare to scorn, the body of the wood aura spewed out, turned into thousands of purple awns, spread out. At about the same time, the nine-day remnant array was launched again, and the road color was just like a wolf group, and it rushed out and rushed to the purple mans.

Cai Dingshan’s sorrowful swordsmanship has not yet entered the nine-day remnant. In the nine-day remnant, the color light and the purple mans have already started the contest. This nine-day remnant is the ancient sect of the immortal world. Based on the sacred stone, it is the most pure fairy power. In contrast, the purple unicorn, which is made up of the aura of wood, is inferior. Two-phase collision, high judgment, full five or six purple awns, in order to offset a color. In a blink of an eye, the purple awns from the purple wood unicorn are only one-third left.

Such a tragic result has already made Zimu Kirin feel very gratified. You must know that Cao Xiaoxian’s cultivation is not enough. The only thing left is the ‘Nine Days of Destruction’. If it’s a real ‘Nine Days’, I’m afraid that Zimu Qilin has already been smashed by the battle.

Cai Dingshan really grasps the opportunity. When the contest between the nine-day remnant and the purple wood unicorn is over, the scorpion sword has already entered the nine-day remnant. Even the chance to breathe a little, did not leave the purple wood unicorn, and launched the offensive.

There is no way, the purple wood unicorn has to bite the teeth, control the remaining purple awns, and meet the terrible sword of the celestial sword. As a result, it can be imagined that the purple wood unicorns are boring, and the huge body shape is like a shock, and the swords of the Tianxian sword are dissipated. In the giant mouth of the purple wood unicorn, a purple blood mist is immediately sprayed. . The woody aura that enveloped the purple wood unicorn was obviously weakened a lot.

"Cai Xiong, is this the first few swords?" Zhao Weihu saw Cai Dingshan succeeded again, and the embarrassed evil laughed a few times and asked.

Cai Dingshan also laughed, and the cold road "the fifth sword!"

"Because the fifth sword? Let the brother say that the purple wood unicorn can support the nine swords, I think it is overestimating him! Look at his current appearance, I am afraid that there will be two more swords to kneel down. Haha..."

"Damn! You know that killing me, what will happen? You will face the anger of the entire Holy Orc, even if you flee to the ends of the earth, you can not escape the fate of being killed!" Purple wood unicorn anger .

Cai Dingshan laughed and said, "You are really a good person. It’s all dead. It’s still worrying for us. You can rest assured that you are dead under the sword of the gods. In other words, the person who killed you is Cao Xiaoxian. After you die, We will kill Cao Xiaoxian to avenge you. At that time, your holy orc will not only kill us, but also thank us, hahaha..."

"What happened to Cao Xiaoxian? She also fell in your hands?" Zimu Kirin asked with astonishment.

Cai Dingshan proudly said, "Did you not think about it? Cao Xiaoxian thinks that he is smart, but he is stupid. It is now my brother's prisoner. I can't see it anymore. Right, you should hate her. If you are not her, how can you fall into such a field?

Zimu Kirin couldn't help but sigh and muttered, "That girl's talent is extraordinary, but unfortunately, self-esteem is too high, it should have this report.

"Well, it’s enough to say so much nonsense. Purple wood unicorn, are you breaking it yourself, or let us send you on the road? If it is your own break, how much you can maintain a little dignity!" Cai Dingshan looked a bit harsh, Yin Asked deeply.

"It's all a death, what dignity is not dignity? However, even if I am dead, I have to let you two jump clowns to accompany the fun!" Zimu Kirin said coldly.

"Big words are not awkward! Zhao brother, you and I shot together!" Cai Dingshan screamed, and the celestial swords and swords were raised again, the eye-catching cold light, once again shining on the earth. [

This time, Zhao Weihu no longer only sits on the wall, but also screams, the palms of his palms are launched, and he gathers his ten-year-old palms, together with the icy swords released by the celestial swords, like two dragons and dragons. Rush into the nine-day remnant.

This time, Cai Dingshan and Zhao Weihu no longer wait for the power of Zimu Kirin to be weakened by the nine-day ruin, but with the power of the nine-day remnant, forming a three-way attack. It cannot be said that Cai Dingshan’s heart is not ordinary. deep.

As a result, the situation of Zimu Kirin has been passive and dangerous several times. The purple transpiration, the four-pronged Qi Yang, even a pair of unicorn eyes, also spurted a purple light like a flame, for a time, nine days of remnants, anger roaring, thunder roaring, four strong strength, fighting endless It seems that it is thrilling.


A muffled sound came, Zhao Weihu first sipped a low voice, and his body shape retreated backwards. His mouth was **** and faint, his face was slightly ugly, and his teeth were gnashing his teeth. "This old animal is really not to be underestimated."

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