The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1920: Fairy spirits!

The first thousand nine hundred and twenty-two chapters of the fairy beast!

Qin Dong’s fist is obviously a fatal blow to the red giant wolf. This fairy has already arrived. \"target=\"_blank\"class=\"linkcontent\">http://book>

A pair of animals is more red than when they first encountered Qin Dong. The red is like blood. It is full of heart-rending murder. It is like a curse. Let the winner of Qin Dong feel no victory. The joy, but the heart, is more and more uneasy.

This continued for a while, and the fierceness in the eyes of the red giant wolf slowly subsided, and the blood red in the pair of dice slowly dissipated. When the blood red is completely exhausted, the life of the red giant wolf is completely at the end.

Qin Dong took a deep breath and felt a little relaxed. It is very strange that the dead red giant wolf is more threatening to him than when he is alive. This is somewhat unreasonable, but Qin Dong’s feeling is real and cannot be refuted. [

"Perhaps this is the uniqueness of the fairy beast." Qin Dong sighed in his heart, as if he was comforting himself.

Qin Dong suppressed the uneasiness in his heart, turned his head and turned his eyes to the body of the red giant wolf. The spirit beast has a spirit, this fairy is no exception, and the legendary fairy beast is even more precious, so baby, can Qin Dongzhen miss it?

Right hand and pointing out, a finger pointing to the wind, like a sharp edge, instantly open the red giant wolf to break the belly, a whole body red, like a gem, about a table tennis-sized bead, automatically rises. Qin Dong reached out and took an unusual burning sensation, immediately from the spread of his palm. It feels like he is not holding the red dragon of the giant wolf, but a burning red hot steel ball.

However, in this burning, Qin Dong also felt the breath of power, the extraordinary powerful force, it is hidden in this spirit, like a beast trapped, as if to rush out at any time.

This is what Qin Dong hopes, without hesitation, swallowing Ling Dan in one bite. Although Qin Dong has already anticipated that the immortality contained in such a lingo must be very large, it can be used as a sacred force in the lingan to break through the cage. When it falls, it still really shocks Qin Dong.

It was simply a raging river that ran rampant, constantly picking up the waves in the body of Qin Dong, screaming and roaring, and it made Xu Dong feel too unprepared, and almost messed up.

The spirit of this red giant wolf is by no means comparable to the blood of the blood. The sap of blood sputum contains only the aura, but this is the pure power of the red giant wolf that has been transformed and compressed for many years. For the dual sacred power, it is easier to devour the fairy power than to devour the fairy tales.

The power of blood ginseng can only restore the binary power of Qin Dong's wear, but it can't let the dual sacred power expand, but the red giant wolf can. Not only can the effect be surprisingly good. The rapid growth of the dual sacred power has made Qin Dong stunned.

A small red giant wolf, it is hard to make the dual sacred power in Qin Dong grow significantly, so easy, so fast, straight to Qin Dongxi can not. At this speed, I am afraid that it will not take long before Qin Dong’s cultivation will be upgraded. Of course, this requires enough red giant wolf Ling Dan.

When Qin Dong was thinking about where to search for more red giant wolves, a wolf was coming from far and near and passed into his ears. Qin Dong’s heart and mind were immediately vibrated. Someone just sent a pillow when they yawned. It’s too timely for this sound.

Qin Dong subconsciously had to look for the past in the direction of the wolf, but in another direction, there was another wolf, and it was equally loud and sultry.

Qin Dong’s heart and soul, a faint feeling of uneasiness, and at this moment, the third, fourth, fifth... More and more wolf screams, from different directions, one after another stand up. Roughly speaking, there are at least dozens, otherwise it will never form such a momentum.

"It’s a wolf!!" Qin Dong’s heart trembled and he was nervous. This is not an ordinary wolf group, but a fairy beast, even if it is a top monk, it may not be able to cope.

Fortunately, the bursts of wolves are not in one direction. They seem to be far apart from each other. If they are not surrounded by wolves, they will only encounter one, or even two, three, Qin. East can handle it with ease. Can not wait for Qin Dong's mind to relax a little, the sound of the wolf's screams will ring again, but this time, but Qin Dong's face instantly dignified to the extreme.

This second wave of wolf screams is clearly louder than the first wave, which undoubtedly shows that the wolves are not only gathering, but also from all directions to Qindong. Qin Dong suddenly thought of the screaming and inexplicable roar of the red giant wolf before he died. He hated to smoke himself a big mouth. The screaming was clearly calling the wolves, but he didn't even think about it and missed the best time to escape. At this time, Qin Dong has been clearly surrounded by wolves.

Continue to stay in place, only one dead road, Qin Dong showed his decisive side, listened carefully and found that the wolf screams from the east were the most sparse, obviously the number of red giant wolves in that direction was the least. The easiest to break through. Do not dare to have any hesitation, Qin Dong Zhen up his body, it is like a meteor to catch the moon to the east.

The skills of these red giant wolves are not small, as if they saw Qin Dong’s move, and a more fierce and fierce wolf screamed again, and it resounded through the sky. The direction of movement of the entire wolf group changed instantly, and a brain gathered in the east, keeping up with Qin Dong.

As a result, Qin Dong is even more taboo, such an amazing tacit understanding, coupled with the number of advantages and the benign power of the fairy beast, Qin Dongguang thinks that the scalp is numb, the speed of the body shape, I do not know The sense of violence has increased by 50%.

In the rush, Qin Dong’s corner of his eyes suddenly smashed a flash of red light. Needless to say, it’s definitely a red giant wolf. This red giant wolf is now born, but it does not attack Qindong, but the body is horizontal, and it is on the way to Qindong. [

"A good beggar!" Qin Dong frowned, his heart was shocked. This red giant wolf apparently knew that he was not an opponent of Qin Dong, so he did not attack Qin Dong. He just broke his way and fought for time, waiting for the wolves to complete the encirclement. A beast can have such a heart, can you not be surprised?

Knowing the abacus played by the red giant wolf, Qin Dong naturally refused to let it succeed. The figure was not reduced at all, and the palm of the hand was smashed, and a male armored his hand and ran into the red giant waves.

The red giant wolf knew very well, and a long shout in the sky, a pair of front paws waving like rain, and several red-colored electric awns appeared out of thin air, even intertwined into a power grid, facing Qin Dong's palm cover.

"When the arm is in the car!" Qin Dong burst into a bang, and the palm of his hand suddenly slammed. The original powerful force was so loud that he only heard the bang, the red grid collapsed, and Qin Dong’s power was not. Lightning on the body of the red giant wolf...

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