The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1931: Trial treasure!

This fairy ring is simply a trial field that has been specially arranged. It is a cultivation treasure land that Qin Dong never dreamed of before dreaming. Use the reader to watch millions of novels, completely without ads! The twelve fairy mountains correspond to twelve different realms, which are weak and strong, with distinct levels. The glare barrier that covers the twelve fairy hills is the 'touchstone'. Only when the trials of the trials meet the requirements can they enter the Xianshan through the barrier.

The reason why Qin Dong was repeatedly bounced off by the strong light barrier was because his repair was not up to the conditions of entry. It was only recognized when it was in the twelfth Xianshan. At first, Qin Dong gnawed his teeth with this glare barrier, but now he is grateful for his heart. If it weren't for the blockage of this strong light barrier, he was able to enter other Xianshan at will, only to be left with slag.

It is said that this black panther, if not in his twelfth Xianshan, with the help of blood ginseng and red giant wolf, so that the repair can be broken, enough to kill him. From this point of view, the grass and fairy beasts that grow on each of the mountains are also carefully selected and correspond to the repairs of the trials. It can not only pose a threat to the testers, but also enable the testers to quickly gain insight and improvement under the pressure of life and death, without letting the testers sacrifice their lives because they are completely unable to cope. Such a unique arrangement, if there is no great magic and great wisdom, absolutely can not be done.

Only these have already let Qin Dong admire the five bodies to vote, and admire, and the mysterious light column that emerged out of nowhere makes him even stunned. This light column seems to have life and wisdom, and always stares at him. Once his repair is a breakthrough, it will appear immediately, and he will be transferred to another fairy mountain corresponding to his improved cultivation. So keen and so efficient, it's like someone has been secretly manipulating.

Just a little bit makes Qin Dong feel guilty. It seems that once you enter Xianshan, the trial will begin and it will not stop. Once it is repaired, the mysterious light column will send you to other Xianshan, starting a new, higher-level trial. It is impossible for you to stop in the middle of the road. It seems that you have to complete the trial of twelve Xianshan. End. [

If in normal times, Qin Dong will be very happy with this arrangement, but at the moment, Qin Dong is really worried. The fairy ring is a completely independent world with its own unique time law, and Qin Dong knows nothing about this law.

Just like this moment, Qin Dong does not know how long he has been in the fairy ring, and he does not know how long the heavenly heaven outside the fairy ring has passed. Now from the fairyland, the threat from the illusionary orc is constantly approaching, and it is possible to erupt at any time and place. How can Qin Dong consume it in the fairy ring without restriction? When he finished the trials of the twelve Xianshan, the cultivation was successful, but the outside world has passed for thousands of years, and the heavenly heavens have ceased to exist. What is the significance of his cultivation even if it is done?

Qin Dong was in a hurry, but all of this was not allowed to be the master. Not to mention the power of the mysterious light column, it is not only that he can cope with the strong light barrier that covers the fairy mountain.

Xianhuan did not intend to give Qindong too much time to think about it. There was a gust of wind and blood, and I didn’t know where to start. Suddenly, after a burst of horrible brushing, it sounded loud.

When Qin Dong looked back, a heart suddenly smashed up and saw a python head with a size of a grinding disc. He suddenly came out of the grass, and the pair of red-red scorpions kept emitting enchanting light. I was staring at him badly.

Qin Dong clenched the five dragons to the world, secretly gritted his teeth, since he can't get rid of it, then he can face it!


Qin Dong’s trials in the fairy tales are just like the explosion of fire. But the atmosphere of Heaven’s heavens is increasingly tense. Especially in the territory of Wanpeng, it is even undercurrent. A storm seems to come at any time.

Suntech’s high-profile announcement of independence has caused an uproar in Wanpeng’s help and dozens of allied tribes, but it’s almost like a pediatrics compared to the crazy annexation and expansion of Suntech’s hospital.

In less than a month, Suntech has annexed and integrated more than 20 tribes of all sizes. There are even more tribes, because they refused to return to Shangde’s hospital and were destroyed. For a time, the entire Wanpeng gang seemed completely chaotic.

For Yan’s atrocities, Fu Yanshan doesn’t know, but what about it? Until now, he and Qin Tailong's injury have recovered less than 70%, and they are unable to cope with the power of the sword.

In addition to the Shangde Bieyuan, there are also the three saints under the control of Zhao Weihu, which makes Fu Yanshan a headache. Although Huang Xiuze is now a strong horse, there are many masters, but the dead camel is bigger than Ma Da. There are still a large number of vested interests loyal to Zhao Weihu among the three saints. Their forces are intertwined and huddled together, which is not a huge one. What's more, Zhao Weihu is an uncompromising ten-level monk. Huang Xiuze has no one to restrain his top masters. This makes Huang Xiuze more restrained. Today, the three saints can still say that 80% are still controlled by Zhao Weihu. Under the hand.

Hidden Show House.

At the same time, Fu Yanshan and Qin Tailong woke up from the entrance. The two looked at each other and each other looked very dignified. Fu Yanshan frowned, yelling at the outside of the house, "He Xuan, let them all come in."

Fu Yanshan’s voice just fell, Zhu Hexuan, Chen Chang and Du Jingyu walked in with more than a dozen men and women. Zhu Hexuan, full of apologies to deal with Yanshan Road "after all, still disturbed the help of the main healing ..."

Fu Yanshan waved his hand and said, "When is this all the time, what do you say?"

Fu Yanshan’s voice just fell, and the dozens of men and women who followed Zhu Hexuan came together in front of Fu Yanshan, pleading, and several could not help but cry. A dozen people talked together, it was very noisy, so Fu Yanshan frowned.

"shut up!"

Fu Yanshan screamed and let a dozen men and women shudder at the same time and closed their mouths. [

Fu Yanshan originally wanted to sternly scream them a few words. I thought about it and gave a sigh. I just said, "You are the patriarchs of all tribes, commanding a people, ordering one side of the world, so noisy, what is the system? The Uighurs, among the people, you are the oldest, let me talk about it first."

A dozen of the oldest men and women, busy, stepped forward and walked a few steps. The voice said, "Helping the Lord, it is time for you to take the shot. The Chua brothers in Shangde’s hospital are more and more brutal, fighting everywhere, dozens of Almost half of the tribes have become his slaves, and you will not shoot again, lest we will not escape bad luck."

Fu Yanshan turned to look at Zhu Hexuan, and asked Tsang Ting, "He Xuan, is Cai Dingjun really so excessive?"

Zhu Hexuan sighed and said, "Good! The flying fishermen are not willing to surrender to Cai Dingjun. They have been killed by the whole family, men and women, young and old, and have not left a living!"

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