The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1956: Re-energize!

w "Come on, let them down the mountain!" Cai Dingjun worried that night dreams, fear of beauty "women" suddenly changed their mind, hurriedly waved a group of disciples, forcibly transferred the spring shadow, winter shadow and Cao Xiaoxian to drive out the Shangde hospital. \"target=\"_blank\"class=\"linkcontent\">http://book>

"Cai Dingjun, if you dare to move my mother a sweat "hair", I promise you will regret coming to this world!" Cao Xiaoxian was extremely angry, while struggling, while tearing his heart.

Cai Dingjun did not care, and the smile on his face did not even decrease. They all said that "color" is a daring, and this is used in Cai Dingjun's body. Latest novel Baidu search ""

"Mother! Baby is sorry for you!" Has been rushed to Shangdefeng, Cao Xiaoxian can no longer suppress the inner feelings, suddenly fell to the ground, bursting into the top of Shangde Peak. Even though Chun Ying and Dong Ying hated her, I couldn't help but feel sympathy when I heard her heartbreaking cry.

"Well, don't cry." Spring shadow came up and held the shoulder of Cao Xiaoxian. [

Cao Xiaoxian suddenly trembled and smashed the hand of Chunying from his shoulder and cried: "You don't care about me, I don't deserve to live in this world, I don't deserve it!"

After all, Cao Xiaoxian suddenly stood up and rushed straight into a mountain stone beside him. Chun Ying was taken aback. Fortunately, she stood beside Cao Xiaoxian and hurriedly handed her back hard. Latest novel Baidu search ""

"Let me go! Let me die, let me die!" Cao Xiaoxian struggled with hysterical arrogance and struggled.

"You calm down!" Chun Ying did not expect that Cao Xiaoxian's resistance would be so fierce, almost did not pull, and actually shocked a cold sweat.

"Don't you hate me the most, I hope that I will die. Come, you will kill me now, not only will you eliminate the hatred of your heart, but also free me from the bitter sea. I beg you, you start killing "Come on me!" Cao Xiaoxian suddenly turned around and grabbed the hands of Chunying, crying out loud.

"You don't do this, you are just walking wrong, taking a detour..." Chunying wanted to comfort and comfort Cao Xiaoxian. For a while, he couldn't think of good wording.

"Spring Yingjie, let me come!" Winter shadow sees the persuasion of Chunying does not work at all, Cao Xiaoxian even has a more and more crazy trend, winter shadow suddenly came forward and said.

As soon as there was a way to listen to the winter shadow, Chunying subconsciously let the side let it go. The winter shadow "plugged in" and came in without saying anything, the hand was a slap, and it quickly and heavily hit the face of Cao Xiaoxian. Cao Xiaoxian's white and smooth cheeks were filled with five fingerprints, and even the corners of his mouth burst instantly, and blood flowed out.

In the spring shadow, I thought that the winter shadow would be so rude, and I lived on the spot.

However, the slap of the winter shadow, the effect is surprisingly good, and when I beat Cao Xiaoxian, I calmed down. It may not be appropriate to say calmness. It is appropriate to say that Cao Xiaoxian was beaten on the spot.

Spring Shadow worried about the winter shadow and then "disordered", is about to open the winter shadow, the winter shadow squatting Cao Xiaoxian opened, "Do you have enough?"

"I..." Cao Xiaoxian still had some hairpins, his lips groaning, and he couldn’t speak, but he looked at the winter shadow with some horror, as if he didn’t know the winter shadow.

The winter shadow snorted and said, "I used to think that you were awesome. It turned out to be a weak woman. If you encounter difficulties, you will find it alive. You are just escaping. You really feel sorry for your mother. , then you should not die, but you should try your best to save your mother from the magic cave!"

Spring Shadow was still worried, but after listening to the words of Winter Shadow, he nodded his head and cheered, and completely handed the situation to the winter shadow.

"Well...but how can I save it?" Cao Xiaoxian was repeatedly scolded by the winter shadow, and finally had some effect, and seemed to be awake.

Winter shadows are a cluster of eagles, shaking their heads. "How do I know? You are a big man from the fairyland. This is a heaven, isn't there really a way?"

"I..." Cao Xiaoxian slammed his hair with a slap in his face, and his face was full of distress. Before Cao Xiaoxian, she was accustomed to solving problems with her own superb repairs. Now she is repaired as a waste. She is like a tiger who has been pulled out of the teeth and smoothed the claws. There is no way.

"Cai Dingjun is not something we can deal with. I think we will go back and find a way to help the Lord." Chun Ying thought about it, "plugged in".

Winter Shadow nodded and agreed. Spring Shadow is not the way of the method. It is indeed their only choice. [

"Go to see Yanshan? He... He will only hate me not to die, will you help me save my mother?" Cao Xiaoxian said in a bitter mouth.

"Hey, do you know what you regret now?" Winter Shadow glanced at him with a sigh of relief and said.

Cao Xiaoxian had a very ugly face "color". After the winter shadow, it was even more ugly and forced to bury the capital into the chest. Don't look at the winter shadows on the mouth, but it is also soft-hearted. Seeing this scene, I can't bear it immediately. I changed my mouth and comforted. "You don't think too much. Our helper is not a small man like the brother of the Chua brothers. He is a big hero who can accommodate the rivers and lakes in the chest. He must not see him. I can't help you. If you want to save your mother, this is the only way to do it. If you can't do it, always try it!"

The words of Dongying finally aroused the fighting spirit of Cao Xiaoxian. Cao Xiaoxian nodded heavily and said, "You are right! As long as you can save my mother, I have to try it!"

Winter Shadow nodded with satisfaction, crisp voice "This is almost the same!"

Chunying took the winter shadow with one hand and Cao Xiaoxian with one hand. Just came to the hidden peak, and I saw it far away. Xia Ying and Qiu Ying, as well as Tan Yang, Gu Jianxin, Huo Hao and so on, quickly greeted. Come up.

"Spring Ying sister!" From the spring shadow is still far away, Xia Ying could not help but shouted loudly. In front of the spring shadow, I looked at the spring shadow several times, until I decided that the spring shadow was unscathed, and I was relieved and let go of my heart.

"Worried?" Seeing the shadow of Xia Ying and Qiu Ying, the warmth of Spring Shadow is used.

Xia Yingdao "Of course I am worried! If you don't come back, we will launch all the people who can be launched and go around to find you."

"Xia Ying Ying, autumn movie sister." Xia Ying's voice fell, winter shadow suddenly shouted.

Xia Ying and Qiu Ying looked at each other and looked at each other with surprise and doubts. Xia Ying couldn’t help but say so, "Hey, I have an auditory hallucination, or say, into today's The sun is coming out to the west?"

After listening to the winter shadow, I was not annoyed. Instead, I was more solemn and directed at Xia Ying and Qiu Ying. I said, "The two sisters, who used to be winter shadows, did not ask for a large number of older sisters and forgive the younger sister. ”

Seeing the shadow of Dongying, Xia Ying and Qiu Ying are even more surprised. They rushed to look at Chun Ying. Spring Shadow will hold the winter shadow, lest she be hurt, not fall, and say, "You two don't lie, the winter shadow sister's injury is not light, can not withstand such a toss." m

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