The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1986: Cai Dingjun vs Fu Yanshan!

w One stroke hits three tenth grade monks, what is this concept? This is the power of those tribal chiefs who can hardly think about it. \"target=\"_blank\"class=\"linkcontent\">http://book>

In the face of so many tribal chiefs, Cai Dingjun also wants to stand for himself, and his mind has already made up his mind. Zhu Hexuan, Chen Chang, Du Jingyu must die!

Now that there is a strong repair to support, Cai Dingjun is doing things, but it can be said that there is no scruples, think of it! When Tian Tianxian’s sword just stopped for a moment, it flashed again, but when Cai Dingjun waved the sword front, a sword like the Milky Way falls, and it’s sprayed out, and it’s like sweeping through the sky. two. w

Cai Dingjun's move, Zhu Hexuan three people can not stand anyway, can only hope to sigh.

"Cai Dingjun, it seems that you are really a good thing! However, do you think that this way, you will be able to look at everyone, and you will be proud of everything?" At the crucial moment, Fu Yanshan moved. I don't see how it works, and the figure suddenly appears in the air. The spiritual spouting of the body is like a human-shaped black hole. It has brought the swordsman who wants to swear to the earth, and the right hand and pointing out, only listening to the sound of the air coming from the air, Cai Dingjun’s hands The sword front of the celestial sword of the heavens shook slightly, and the swordsman who wanted to put Zhu Hexuan three dead in the same place, suddenly burst into silence, disappeared without a trace. w[

Everyone has a tremor in their hearts. Although Fu Yanshan has been shooting for a long time, once he is shot, it is still a stone-shattering, and people can never be underestimated. Cai Dingjun wanted to stand for himself, but he did not expect it to be Fuyanshan.

Cai Dingjun's wishful thinking did not start, but his heart was unhappy, but he could face Fu Yanshan. He never dared to do whatever he wanted when facing Zhu Hexuan. For many years, the majesty that Fu Yanshan accumulated in his heart is not to say that it can be removed if it can be removed.

"Helping the Lord, this bastard's cultivation is indeed not comparable in the past, you have to be careful!" Zhu Hexuan came to Fu Yanshan, whispered with a shocked color.

Fu Yanshan's "color" was heavy and nodded. Without Zhu Hexuan reminding, Cai Dingjun's terrible, he is like a mirror. It is said that he is the only one. It seems that he has the upper hand and he has broken the sword of Cai Dingjun. In fact, he used all his strength, and even then, his right hand fingers hit the sky. When the sword of the sword was on the front, there was still a sudden pain like a break. Even now, his fingers behind him are still shaking.

"Fu Yanshan, you and I are destined to have a battle, it is better to be today, how?" Cai Dingjun shook Wu Tianjian, provocatively looking to Fu Yanshan.

Fu Yanshan sneered, and said, "Alright! It is also my heart to get rid of this evil as soon as possible. Otherwise, it is difficult to protect heaven and heaven from suffering because of you!"

"Hey! Do you think that I am still Cai Dingjun in the past?" Listening to Yanshan's tone is easy, it seems that he does not think of himself as one thing, so contemptuous, so that Cai Dingjun is very angry.

Fu Yanshan shook his head very seriously. He said, "Of course, you are not the former Cai Dingjun! The former Cai Dingjun also knew to keep some faces for himself, but now Cai Dingjun is completely a shameless, ungrateful animal!"

"Stop!" Cai Dingjun's demeanor is almost the same, almost no. Fu Yanshan said this, he is already violent. In the fierce voice, the spiritual power was injected into the sword of the heavens, and a sword mans passed through the sword front and stabbed to the chest of Fu Yanshan.

"Good! Let me come to meet you!" Fu Yanshan's sword and eyebrows rose, his body shape brought a group of afterimages, and instantly became strange. In the face of Cai Dingjun's sharp swordsmanship, he seems to welcome and refuse, when he enters and retreats, he will avoid the enemy's edge, and the strategy of attacking the enemy is not enough.

Cai Dingjun’s cultivation may have been on Fuyan Mountain, but Fu Yanshan’s mind and his actual combat experience are far beyond Cai Dingjun. The two sides are in good and bad, and Cai Dingjun’s desire to defeat Fu Yanshan is not so easy, not even You can do it with two strokes.

With super-real combat experience, Fu Yanshan can always find the strongest and weakest part of Cai Dingjun's offensive in the first time, and then adapt to avoid the strongest part and storm the weakest part. This set of strategies, Fu Yanshan is obviously well thought out, so the display is exceptionally smooth, so that Cai Dingjun always has a hard punch, but he feels on the cotton hua, which is both awkward and annoying!

However, Cai Dingjun’s advantage in repairing is ultimately real. Fu Yanshan’s offensive is so fierce and skillful that he was forced to use brute force to resolve it, and Cai Dingjun’s sword in his hand is even more powerful. Paying Yanshan has caused great threats. It is not an exaggeration to say that Fu Yanshan at this time is like dancing at the tip of the knife. Even if he is slightly negligent, he is faced with death.

The confrontation between the two super-masters has entered the stage of white-hot from the very beginning. At first, everyone can see from the two people's duel, but slowly, later, everyone will only have a dumbfounded part, even if it has already entered the tenth level of Zhu Hexuan, Chen Chang, Du Jingyu is no exception.

boom! boom!

Everyone was a little distracted, and Fu Yanshan had already completed a collision with Cai Dingjun in a comet-like collision. The spirits of the two men slammed in the air, and the winds of the wind, and even the hill-like boulders, were rolled up.

And the boulder is in the tumbling, coming and going like the wind, erratic, even if it is not allowed to be the next place it will appear. As a result, everyone on the scene was stunned. In the blink of an eye, five or six people were unfortunately hit by boulder. The blood was scattered on the spot, and even some meat residue could not be left.

Everyone realized that it was amazing, and all of them exclaimed that they had to retreat, and they only hated that the mother gave them two legs. This is why Fu Yanshan only brought the three elders and Cao Xiaoxian. It is definitely not for Yanshantuo, but he knows better than anyone else. This level of confrontation, even a level monk, can only be used as a cannon fodder. Bringing not only can't help, it will only add to the casualties.

"Take me another sword!" Cai Dingjun screamed and his body shape was bullied. [

Fu Yanshan was not willing to show weakness, and his body shape volleyed and he greeted him.

"Oh... this seat allows you to taste the taste of Xianli!" Cai Dingjun’s mouth suddenly swayed and smacked a smirk, making Fu Yanshan immediately aware of the threat.

At the same time, a white, pure and innocent, revealing the sacred light, suddenly shot from the palm of Cai Dingjun, like a small snake, poured into the sword of the heavenly angel. This seemingly inconspicuous white mang, brought the power, but almost did not let Fu Yanshan's eyes be surprised to jump out of the eye...m

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