The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1988: Big King shot!

w Cao Xiaoxian's words, straight to Zhu Hexuan and other people to hear the stunned, even though they are one of the best masters in heaven and heaven, experienced countless battles of life and death, never thought of it, the original battle can be calculated, winning The means can be so smart. \"target=\"_blank\"class=\"linkcontent\">http://book>

Cao Xiaoxian made a slight meal, and said, "It’s not just that. This layer of enthusiasm provoked by the gangs is connected to each other. It seems to be independent. In fact, it is one, making the spiritual power of the gangs superimposed. Play the power of attack that is no less than the power of Xianli."ww

"The power of the attack of the spiritual power can be equal to the power of Xianli?" Zhu Hexuan widened his eyes and couldn't believe it.

Cao Xiaoxian nodded, and God's "color" was equally shocked. "If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I couldn't believe it."

"A nonsense! I don't believe your ghosts!" Cai Dingjun screamed, and the swordsman of the celestial sword suddenly rose. He wanted to push the sword, and in one fell swoop, Fushan and others were twisted into minced meat. What he never imagined was that he had just exerted his strength here, just like igniting the lead, the sword of the mighty world, like a glass mirror that was smashed by a smashing, instantly scattered four minutes and five The explosion broke open, the strong air current surged, and even Cai Dingjun retired several steps back to the top. Ww[

"How could this be?" Cai Dingjun held the arm of the celestial sword, and kept shaking, his face full of horror.

Cao Xiaoxian took a look of disdain. "Of course you don't understand! Although your cultivation is already on the help of the lord, your mind, your experience, and even your understanding of spiritual power, is far worse than paying the helper." It!"

"Nonsense! How could it be worse than him? I have to know that I have already refined Xianli!" Cai Dingshan could not accept it, like a crazy martyr.

Cao Xiaoxian sneered aloud, saying, "How did your fairy force come from, you know better than everyone. If you don't have so many fairy grasses, I will refine you to Xianli!"

"Oh... even if you are right, then what? I don't believe that Fu Yanshan can crack my second trick in the same way!" Cai Dingjun's face was instantly obscured by the "color", its grip In the hands of the sword of the celestial sword, it began to tremble again, and constantly screaming, scalp and numb sound.

Cao Xiaoxian's face "color" changed with one, and the mind suddenly sank to the bottom of the valley. Although Fu Yanshan's method is wonderful, but Xianli is the immortal force after all, it is not just a cleverness to resolve, only to pay Yanshan to crack that sword is very beautiful, but still will almost pay the strength of Yanshan It is running out. At this time, Fu Yanshan is almost exhausted by jing. It is impossible to solve the second move that Cai Dingjun will become more fierce and vicious.

"What to do?" Cao Xiaoxian was in a hurry.

Today's situation can be said that she has contributed to it. If she can't figure out how to crack it, it will finally lead to tragedy. I am afraid that she will have a conscience in her life. Just as Cao Xiaoxian was impatient but unable to do anything, he turned his head and found that the **** of Fu Yanshan was as calm as usual, and there was no tension at all. This made Cao Xiaoxian’s heartless mind unaffected by it, and it was a lot of time.

Looking at the claws and claws, Cai Dingjun, who can't be alive, Fu Yanshan chuckled, "Cai Dingjun, I have to admit that I am afraid that I can't clean you up, but you don't need to be disappointed, your real opponent is not I!"

"Fu Yanshan, what kind of mystery are you playing with?" Fu Yanshan’s quiet **** "color" made Cai Dingjun feel uneasy in his heart.

Fu Yanshan shook his head and did not speak. He just looked at Cai Dingjun and sneaked back with a sneer.

"Want to escape? No way, let's come!" Cai Dingjun sighed and screamed, and the celestial sword became a dazzling light curtain, and he went straight to Fu Yanshan and others.

"Jumping the clown! You should also stop and stop!" Seeing this light curtain, I will cover the moment when Cai Dingjun and others are covered, and a thunder-like anger will be done out of thin air, followed by the sky cloud, suddenly The invisible force of the stock tears open, and a huge palm, which is comparable to Xiongshan Dayue, descends from the sky and almost obscures the entire sky.

The power carried by this palm of the hand far exceeds the imagination of everyone present. At the moment when the palm of the hand was pressed down, everyone thought that the sky was falling, the end of the day was coming, and one by one made a burst of exclamation with fear.

Cai Dingjun was the first to bear the brunt of it. When the huge palm appeared, Cai Dingjun smashed tens of thousands of "hair" holes, almost simultaneously opening and closing, and a sweaty "hair" seemed to be electrically connected. Count it upside down.

Cai Dingjun only thought that he was refining Xianli, and he could do whatever he wanted in Heaven and Heaven, but when the palm of the hand was pressed down, he realized that his thoughts were so innocent. If you don't say anything else, just say that this palm is enough to make your hún fly.

"Who is this?" Cai Dingjun screamed, and even he himself could clearly perceive that his voice was trembled.

"It's me! Give me away!" Another thunderous snoring sounded, and the huge palm print that was pressed down suddenly slammed the air curtain of Cai Dingjun's sword with the help of the celestial sword, but listened to the air. The sound of the thunder, the light curtain of the sword, in this thunderous voice, successively collapsed, compared to the last defeat, more rapid and unstoppable.

Cai Dingjun was only a few steps back from the power of counter-attacking. This time he was not so lucky. He was full of great strength and threatened to destroy the "sex" and flew out. [

"Who is it! Who is it?" Cai Dingjun's face at this time is already full of the "color" of fear, and a pair of eyes keep searching for the square.

"Don't look for it, this seat is here!" A powerful voice rang from the top of Cai Dingjun. Cai Dingjun looked up and looked up. He saw a man with blond hair. The man in his thirties was floating there, proud. The scorpion is full of contempt and staring at himself.

The royal richness of this man, the power can no longer be described by the amazing word, Cai Dingjun's heart and big shock, for a moment, some of them could not hold it, and they retreated three steps backward.

"You...what are you?" Cai Dingjun looked at the big prince, his brains flew, and tried hard, just in his impression, heaven and earth have never had this character, the mystery of the origin, but also the cultivation of heaven. Let Cai Dingjun become more and more incomprehensible to the great prince, and as a result, he will be more and more afraid of alert. m

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