The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1976: Kita Yasuo!

w "Don't stop, spare me a little life, I am willing to save my wife, I really want it!" Qin Tailong's voice fell, Cai Dingjun's soul fluttered, and wherever he took care of that many, he slammed down, Suddenly screamed. \"target=\"_blank\"class=\"linkcontent\">http://book>

"Hey!" Cai Dingjun is also a great man. He is so unpromising. He is so greedy and afraid of death. He will throw a monk's name straight to the Javanese country. Wu Mu Kui could not help but sigh, and even shook his head, the heart was very glad, Wan Peng help did not fall into his hands.

Those disciples of Shangde’s hospital also felt blushing at this time, and they all turned their heads aside, and they were disappointed with Cai Dingjun. Latest novel Baidu search ""

Fu Yanshan sneered, "Don't use it, you still go where you should go!"

"Help the Lord to spare, help the Lord to spare!" Cai Dingjun heard, when even shouted, the shouting was straight with the pig that was pushed to the slaughterhouse. [

Fu Yanshan waved his hand and refused to say more to Cai Dingjun. The great emperor looked awkward and sneered a sneer. He drank a "rabbit scorpion, you give me a way!" In the sound of the drink, I saw the big prince open. The hands suddenly slammed into a pair of anger fists, and the intertwined big nets suddenly aggregated, and forced to Cai Dingjun, just like ten sharp swords, wanting to cut Cai Dingjun into several segment. Latest novel Baidu search ""

Cai Dingjun’s soul was so mad that he quickly hurriedly sacrificed the celestial sword, trying to withstand the power of the celestial sword, but unfortunately he had already reached the end of the strong, the power of the celestial sword, but also weak, only two The sharp light of the power of destruction will shoot it down from midair, and the remaining eight will not be offensive. Qi Qi’s rushing Cai Dingjun will scream.

"Is it so finished? Thieves, you are too unfair to me, Cai Dingjun!" Cai Dingjun had no way to do it, and Yang Tian made a cry.

However, what everyone did not think was that his anger and excitement led to the change of the color of the heavens and the earth. The sky that was originally clear, almost a moment of work, was covered by a thick cloud. The sky is lost, and the earth is plunged into a bleak. At the same time, a very incomparable, straightforward Fu Yanshan, Qin Tailong are the horror of the atmosphere, quickly spread, murderous, as if to throw the entire world into a **** hurricane.

"This... What is going on?" Fu Yanshan's "color" stayed, and he did not dare to look at Cai Dingjun.

Where did you know that Cai Dingjun was also a "fun" and "confusing" at this time. To say that the "color" of this heaven and earth is a roar from his, he himself does not believe first. But what is the vision of this heaven and earth?

"Not good!" In the hearts of everyone, when they were stunned and confused, the Great Emperor was a face-changing "color", and the brows could not be tightened.

Cao Xiaoxian couldn't help but exclaimed. "It's a strong momentum! It seems to come from the power of the Eudemons!"

After listening to Cao Xiaoxian’s words, everyone’s eyes immediately fell on the big emperor’s body. The big prince face "color" straight out of the ability to squeeze out the bile, while shaking his head, while muttering "I did not expect that he came so fast!"

"The big prince, who is he in his mouth?" The power squeezed from all sides is still growing, making Fu Yanshan’s heart more urgent and more urgent than a moment, can’t help but ask the big prince It’s up.

"Cao girl said yes, the person who came is the top master of my illusionary orc family, North Mighty!" The face of the great prince is "color". At this time, the dignified order makes Fu Yanshan's heart straight hair "hair".

"Since it is the top master of the Eudemons, should you be assigned by the Great Emperor?" Although the face of the Great Emperor has already made Fu Yanshan realize that this North Xiongxiong is not simple, he still can’t help but hope. Asked.

Although I haven't seen anyone in the North at this time, this terrible gas field is enough to make Fu Yanshan realize that this is another horn that they can't cope with.

The great emperor shook his head and looked at the distressed road. "This North Mighty is not one of my father's right and left arms. It is not the movement that my great prince can drive. And, North Mighty The reason for coming is precisely because of me!"

"This... What does this mean?" Fu Yanshan took a cold breath and asked incomprehensible.

The great prince sighed and said, "I must have thought that my father has already suspected me. This will send North Mingxiong to catch me back, even kill me!"

"Ah!? How could this be? The so-called tiger poison does not eat, you are no longer right, your father will not kill you?" Fu Yanshan exclaimed and asked.

The great emperor looked at him, and the voice of bitterness said, "Don't you pay for the help of the lord? My father has been controlled by others with sorcerer. At this time, he is no longer my father, he will naturally kill me!"

Fu Yanshan heard the words as a stagnation, remembering the teacher Qing dynasty controlled by Cao Xiaoxian, but not the six parents do not recognize, cold and ruthless? [

The Great Emperor frowned and his fingers trembled. The "forced" to Cai Dingjun's cold light accelerated, ready to catch Cai Dingjun before the North Mingxiong appeared, so as not to leave this bane, and later suffer.

"Da Xian save me! Daxian save me!" The big emperor just moved here, and Cai Dingjun did not know the shame of shouting in the air.

The big prince with a sneer, full of thought that Cai Dingjun is doing nothing. North Mingxiong and he did not know each other, how can he save him for no reason? But when the Great Emperor thought so, he never thought that from the clouds that covered the sky, suddenly there was a silver cold electric light with only the thickness of the baby's arm. It is such an inconspicuous silver-cold electric light, but it is like a blast sweeping the leaves, and suddenly, the eight emperors of the great emperor will be removed and cracked, and it is hard to save Cai Dingjun from the impasse.

"Good...good!" Fu Yanshan almost stayed, and the big prince's offensive was fierce. He looked in the eyes, but the big prince was so aggressively offensive that he was shot and broken. It’s almost impossible for him to imagine.

"Scorpio! It is enough to cultivate the beauty of the fairyland! There is such a master in the fantasy orc family?" Cao Xiaoxian was also shocked, staring at the sky, whispering in his mouth.

The big prince shook his head and said, "Yes, I don't know why, for example, my father, the masters of the phantoms, have made great breakthroughs."

Cao Xiaoxian muttered the road "No wonder I told me that as long as he controlled the Eudemons, his plan will be half successful! The original Eudemons have become so powerful!"

"His Royal Highness!" Just as everyone was astonished by the cultivation of Kitong Nongxiong, an awe-inspiring voice came from the sky. This voice sounds like it is thousands of miles away, but it has such a strong momentum and majesty that it is heard in the ear, but the heart is trembled. The more people's fears are like wild grasses, spreading rapidly in their hearts.

[Author's off topic]: On the New Year's Day, flying dances are here to celebrate the New Year! I wish you all a happy family, good luck like "tidal", good health, good luck!

Six desires have entered the final stage, flying here to be here, sincerely thank you for your support and criticism of flying dance for so long, without you all, there will be no flying, there will be no six desires!

Thank you! thank you all! m

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