The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1980: Winning and losing gradually!

w If you don't see it with your own eyes, I am afraid that the imagination of one person will be exhausted. It is impossible to imagine that the scene of the two giant beasts is in the same situation. \"target=\"_blank\"class=\"linkcontent\">http://book>

Kirin smashed into the body of the ancient beasts, just like the co-workers who were raging in the past, with such a slap in the face and tragic. The ancient beasts screamed and slammed back and forth, and at the same time, they had a pair of claws, but they were raised high, and the sinful shots were taken to 138 readings. Baidu search ""

Kirin's reinforced iron bones seem to be unable to withstand the claws of this ancient beast. When the mouth is neutral, a sorrowful sorrow is heard, and the figure is also retreating.

Repelling the unicorn, the ancient beast seems to feel the opportunity, not waiting for the figure to stand firm, then rushed up, sharp teeth, sharp claws, plus enough strength to smooth a mountain, this is a nightmare !

The gust of wind blows for a while, and the sky is rolling, and the time goes by, so that Fu Yanshan Qin Tailong and others only feel that they are like a boat drifting in the raging waves, and the next second will be overturned, even broken. [

The two fierce beasts are fighting together, without any fancy, you have a claw and I have a claw, every stroke is real, straight to the flesh. The sound of the meat was so loud that everyone was present, and all of them felt scalp numb. Latest novel Baidu search ""

"Big Brother!" A sudden exclamation came from behind everyone.

Fu Yanshan hurriedly looked back and saw Nan Gong Yao, Fu Fengming, Mi Fen, Tan Yang and other young elites who stayed behind in the hidden show, and even rushed over. Fu Fengming’s heart suddenly slammed up and looked at the heavens in the sky. At this time, I am afraid there is no place, and it is more dangerous than Shangde’s hospital. These younger disciples are coming at this time, isn't that a death?

These people represent Wan Peng's hope for the future, and even represent the future of heaven in heaven. In the eyes of Fu Yanshan, their "sex" life is far more precious than their own.

"Don't come up, give me back!" Fu Yanshan made a sigh, and God's "color" was full of anxiety.

"Hey! Let's help you!" Fu Fengming gave a sigh of relief and his body shape kept going.

"Globe! You didn't hear me. Who told you to come?" Fu Yanshan was anxious and angry, and screamed at Fu Fengming.

Fu Fengming knows that Fu Yanshan’s mind is not angry. It’s just a stubborn way. “Hey, I’m not too young. We are all part of Wanpeng’s help, and we should fight side by side with you! Everyone says, right? ”

Tan Yang, Gu Jianxin, Huo Huo, He Zong, Yu Lin and other people, immediately screamed, and a touching scene of unity and unity. Fu Yanshan’s face was angry, but his heart was very gratified. Although Wan Peng’s help was experiencing disaster, he finally left these good seeds.

"Noisy!" Fu Yanshan sipped in his mouth, but God's "color" gradually eased.

At this time, Fu Yanshan also refused to pay with Fu Fengming, and Nan Gongyao was too worried about the great emperor. He clearly lost his sense of reason, and even supported the heart of the wounded, vacated and rushed to the north.

"Nan Gong girl!" Qin Tailong busyly snorted, and the volley stopped Nan Gongyao.

"I want to help my big brother, I have to help him!" Nan Gongyao struggled and shouted.

Qin Tailong’s face is full of bitter laughter. If Nangong Yao is not injured before, it may help the great emperor. But now, she is seriously injured, and she can’t do it at all. It’s worse than his Qin Tailong. What do you want to help the great emperor? ?

"Nan Gong girl, you are calmer!" Qin Tailong, no matter how much, just forced Nangong Yao to live.

Fu Yanshan came over and looked at Nangong Yaodao, "Nan Gong girl, I understand your present mood. We are all like you, and we are very worried about the big prince. But in such a battle, we are not qualified to participate. The rushing up, not only can not help the big prince, will only add him "disorder", increase casualties!"

"That... what should I do? Is it possible for my big brother to fight alone?" Nangong Yao looked anxious and annoyed.

Fu Yanshan is a stagnation, Nan Gongyao's questioning, he really does not know how to answer, his face is full of helplessness and powerlessness.

"Uncle Bei Ming, under the mercy, don't hurt my big brother, Yaoer begged you!" When Fu Yanshan looked at it, Nangong Yao suddenly slammed down and rushed to the North, and pleaded for help. . [

Not to mention that North Nguyen was controlled by the mind, it is no longer the familiar North Miyao of Nangong Yao in the past, even if he is not controlled, at this time, he is trapped in the world war with the great emperor. I am afraid that there will be no reason for Nan Gong Yao. Nangong Yao is clearly doing nothing, but Fu Yanshan did not stop her. In this case, Nangong Yao always has something to do, otherwise her heart will not be peaceful for a lifetime.


At the time when Nangongyao pleaded with the North Ningxiong, the struggle between the North Mongxiong and the Great Emperor had already entered a stage of white-hot. At this time, whether it is Kirin or North Mingxiong, the huge body has been covered with deep or shallow scars. It’s just that the situation of Kirin is obviously worse. The body has almost been stained with blood, and the strength is also somewhat unsatisfactory. It keeps snoring and snoring, like a violent wind.

"Oh... your last days are coming!" Cai Dingjun, who was watching the battle, saw this situation, his tight face, and immediately broke a smug smile.

Fu Yanshan looked at him with a look of disgust, and the cold road "If it is dead, it is a hundred times stronger than the slaves you are a man!"

"My name is the handsome person! It is not like you, stupid, not knowing how to die, but also knowing that you are dying!"

Cai Dingjun is no longer a "medicine" to save, Fu Yanshan is too lazy to say more with him. The head is not flying, thinking about the failure of the Wansei Emperor, what should I do? However, before the power of Absolutely Strong and Overbearing in the North, it seems that any method seems so pale and powerless, it is meaningless.


The time of the speech, the unicorn, and the ancient beast that was immediately transformed by the North Mingxiong, slammed continuously. The huge unicorn, which was directly bombarded by the blast, flew more than a hundred long, and it was not easy to stand firm, and a huge mouth, spit out the blood of a large pool of gold.

"Big brother!" Nangong Yao saw this scene, almost no soul flies.

Kirin seemed to hear the voice of Nangong Yao, shaking his head and looking over. In the eyes, filled with heartbreaking sorrow and helplessness. Although he did not speak, anyone can feel that the Great Emperor had already held a mortal heart.

"No! No!!" Nan Gongyao's snoring suddenly slammed to the extreme, and everyone who listened directly stunned and fell into tears. m

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