The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1982: Solid soup!

w Waiting for the big prince to rush to the Jiugong Yuling, a white light immediately rises up and covers the great emperor. The next moment, the big prince's person appears beside Cao Xiaoxian. \"target=\"_blank\"class=\"linkcontent\">http://book>

After escaping from the robbery, the great emperor had no time to squat, and he looked up in a hurry and turned his eyes to the Jiugong Yuling, who was at the top of his head. His eyes were full of shock and curiosity.

"This...what is this baby, is it so powerful?" The big prince looked at him for a long while, and did not see why. He couldn’t help but ask Zhang. Latest novel Baidu search ""

Fu Yanshan, Qin Tailong and others all have the same curiosity, and they have turned their eyes to Cao Xiaoxian.

Cao Xiaoxian said with a smile on his face. "This Jiugong Yuling is a top-notch magic weapon that my mother spent decades refining. Once it is sacrificed, it is a solid soup, even if it is a master of the Emperor level, want to break, Not easy. Yes, mother?"[

The beautiful "women" nodded, and the "color" in the "color" of the gods showed a smug smugness. "This is the heavenly heaven, not more aura than the fairy world, so here, Jiugong Yuling can not play its role. All the power, but blocking North Mingxiong, is enough."

"It... How can it block the North Mighty?" The power displayed by Jiugong Yuling's sorrows is amazed by the great emperor. However, Jiugong Yuling is only floating in the air, it seems that it can only passively defend, but can not actively attack. This makes the big prince still somewhat uneasy. Latest novel Baidu search ""

The beautiful "women" did not answer, but rushed to Cao Xiaoxian and said: "Xiaoxian, let's get started!"

"Yes, Niang!" Cao Xiaoxian promised a clear, a pair of jade palms, each pinching the law, while the mouth was filled with words, the nine palaces Yuling, floating in the top of everyone's head, suddenly swiftly rotated, and with its rotation, A line of fairy power, all revealed, and then drooped down, joined together into a week, and finally made a week, and finally, straightened into a huge white "color" hollow beam, the entire Shangde Peak was covered.

If Qin Dong is here, he will be surprised to find that the operation mode of this Jiugong Yuling is even the same as the invisible barrier of the twelve fairy mountains in his fairy ring.

"Damn!" North Mingxiong was blocked from the Jiugong Yuling, of course, refused to be willing. In the mouth, there was a burst of fierceness. From the third giant eye, more than ten purple "color" electric awns were successively shot, and the former servants came and came.

"Yushu! Ignorance!" Seeing North Mingxiong's move, the Great Emperor and others were nervous, but Cao Xiaoxian was full of smirk and a scream in his mouth.

More than ten purple "color" electric mansions "shot" came, seeing that they would "shoot" in the Jiugong Yuling, and more than ten white mansions, then splashed. As if you have grown your eyes, you are greeted with ten purple lights, not much more, not biased, and there is nowhere to be mysterious.

At this point, the great emperor and other talents really saw the power of Jiugong Yuling, the North Purple Emperor's ten purple lights, and the more than ten white mans collided, just like the blizzard penetrated into the boiling water. A time when breathing is still not enough, it has disappeared.

Waiting for the purple electricity to dissipate, there is no threat, and the more than ten white awns will also disperse, and everything will return to calm, as if nothing happened.

"It's amazing!" The great prince was surprised and happy, and couldn't help but scream.

The fascination of Kita Hiroshi is so powerful that his heart is naturally clear. Wan did not expect that such a powerful move, even quietly, was broken by Jiugong Yuling, if he did not see it, he would never believe it.

"Mother! If you tell me earlier that this Jiugong Yuling is on my body, I have already taken it out to deal with this North Mingxiong. Why did he let him go crazy now?" Cao Xiaoxian will never put Beiming Xiong at this time. In the eyes, the expression is obviously easier.

The beautiful "women" shook their heads and said, "This Jiugong jade is very powerful, but once it is displayed, it will surely alarm the power of the fairyland. Once they trace it, the troubles of your gimmick will be endless. If it is not today, there is no way. I will never let you use it!"

The beauty "women" mentioned this, Cao Xiaoxian's **** "color" was obviously tense, and asked "Mother, now we have used the Jiugong Yuling, the fairy world will certainly be aware, if they track down, what should we do?"

The beautiful "women" shook their heads and sighed. "I don't know what to do? Now I only hope that the people sent by the fairy world to trace this matter are a reasonable person, otherwise..."

The words of the "female" people have not finished yet, and North Mingxiong has also launched an impact on Jiugong Yuling. It seems that it is crazy. The ancient beast that Bei Mingxiong has turned into is actually slamming up toward Jiugong Yuling. It seems that he wants to use this force to break the Jiugong Yuling.

The beautiful "women" sneered aloud and said, "This North Mighty wants to be hard, and will definitely ask for it!"

The words of the "female" of the United States seem to be the rumors of truth. Her voice has just landed, and the shape of the North Mingxiong was thrown out by a sudden white light. The ancient beasts of the North Mingxiong were naturally thick and fleshy, and they couldn’t resist the white light. They couldn’t help but scream a few times. [

After eating a loss, Bei Mingxiong was obviously a lot more honest, no longer asking for bitterness, and his body shape shook, and he returned to the human form from the ancient beast.

"Northern Xiongxiong, there are Jiugong Yuling, you can't help us. I advise you to get out of the way, don't waste your effort!" Cao Xiaoxian controlled Jiugong Yuling, while yelling at Bei Mingxiong.

Bei Mingxiong's pair of thick eyebrows became a group, and they turned around a few laps around Jiugong Yuling. They wanted to find the loopholes, but the results ended in disappointment. The American "female" people have spent decades on the magic weapon that they have been practicing. Where can there be so many loopholes for him to find? Even if there are loopholes, I am afraid that it will not be discovered by the founder of Kita.

"The big prince, do you really want to be like a tortoise, is it under the magic weapon? If this is the case, then I am blind to see you, you are not worthy of being my warrior!"

"Big Brother, you don't take him, he is stimulating you!" Nan Gongyao knows his brother very well, knows that he is the best face, completely unexcited, and others are a little bit ridiculous. The fire is ruined and completely irrational. I was afraid that the great emperor would go to the evil of Bei Mingxiong, and Nangong Yao hurriedly turned to the big prince.

Unexpectedly, Nangong Yao expected that there was not even a trace of anger on the face of the great emperor, but it was full of helplessness and bitterness. Seeing Nangong Yao looking at himself, the big prince shook his head and smiled and said, "Little girl, don't worry! I have no strength to move with one move, even if I want to fight with him, I am afraid I can't do it."

"What?" Nangong Yao was shocked. Just now, the big prince suddenly became soft. The whole person almost fell down on the ground, and his mouth was full of blood. m

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