The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1984: The villain is timid!

w "Hey... I don't want to be like it, but I have taken a fancy to this baby, but also asked Cao girl to cut love!" Cai Dingjun's face of "rape" and yin and evil, only people hate the teeth. Use the reader to watch millions of novels, completely without ads!

"Cai Dingjun, do you really want to do the kind of annihilation of the ancestors and betray the ancestors? Do you still have a little dignity, and really willingly do the slavery of others?!" Fu Yanshan was furious, and his mouth repeatedly angered.

However, his reprimand, Cai Dingjun clearly did not listen to a word, sneered, swearing, "What dignity? No life, but also what dignity of his mother? Do you think that you are very dignified? When you are dead, I will put a bubble in the grave of each of you. When you see it, you still have no dignity!" The latest novel Baidu search ""

"Shameless!" Fu Yanshan's aunt, even the body began to pick up. Fu Yanshan has been in such a long time, and has not made such a big fire.

"I am too lazy to talk nonsense with you all these stupid things! Cao Xiaoxian, I only ask you, is this Jiugong Yuling handed over to me by myself, or is it waiting for me to take it from you?"

"Mother..." Cao Xiaoxian was forced by Cai Dingjun's "forced" and involuntarily turned his attention to the "female" people. Latest novel Baidu search ""

The face of the beautiful "female" is also full of bitterness. Obviously, even her, in the face of such a situation, has no idea at all.

"Cai Dingjun, what are you arrogant, this prince is still not dead?" Just as Cai Dingjun became more and more arrogant, the great prince suddenly gave a cold drink and stood up from the ground.

When Cai Dingjun was shocked, he jumped a few steps back involuntarily, his face full of fear and jealousy.

"Ha ha ha ... surnamed Cai, the only time the emperor stood up a little anxious, did not scare your courage?" Seeing the disappointment of Cai Dingjun, the great emperor could not help but issued a series of laughs sound.

Cai Dingjun called a cockroach, a face first rose red, and finally a little purple, screaming at the big prince, just can't wait to give the big prince alive.

The great prince laughed and smiled, and his expression was solemn and solemn. He looked at him coldly. "Are you not hurting the emperor, you can't restrain you, so you dare to be so arrogant? If this is the case, then you are wrong with the wishful thinking!"

Said, the great emperor took another step forward, Cai Dingjun sinking in his heart, involuntarily followed a step back.

"Why, are you afraid?" The big prince looked at Cai Dingjun with a contemptuous look, and asked coldly.

"I... I will be afraid of you? You are just bluffing, I am not afraid!"

"Oh? Is it? You want to try?" The great prince sneered, slowly lifting a palm.

With the movement of the great prince, Cai Dingjun’s expression became more and more tense. In the end, he couldn’t help but screamed. He said, “You...what do you want?”

"What do you say? This prince wants to take your dog!"

"Ah!? No... Don't!" Cai Dingjun heard, a face turned straight into a white color, almost crying and beating.

"Stupid!" North Mingxiong couldn't help but screamed and shouted, "He has been seriously injured by me, and now even the usual repairs can't be displayed. Where can you use him to fear him?"

"This... is this true?" North Mingxiong’s words made Cai Dingjun suspicious.

Not waiting for Bei Mingxiong to answer, the great emperor rushed to the road. "Is it true? You don't know if you come to try it? But... you have to take it for trial!" said the great emperor. The face "color" suddenly changed, and if it was said, it was instantly murderous, and Cai Dingjun was chilling in his heart.

Cai Dingjun is by no means a hero who is not afraid of death. On the contrary, he is too afraid of death and death, so that he has lost his principle and let him try his own "sex" life. Of course he refuses.

"Da Xian, I can't see how long this jade palace Yuling can't support. How can we wait for it?" Cai Dingjun said with a smile at Bei Mingxiong. [

"Useless things! Can you not believe in the eyes of this seat? The big prince is already the end of the strong, not your opponent, why do you have to wait? Let me do it!" North Mingxiong was angry and uttered in the mouth. Like a thunderous cockroach.

"Da Xian, I... I..." Cai Dingjun was sandwiched in the middle like a sandwich. The shot was not, no shot, it made him a headache.

"Live it! Some people don't want to be a dog, this is the dog's end!" Seeing Cai Dingjun's crying expression, Cao Xiaoxian couldn't help but sigh.

"I just want to live a few more years, live a little more beautiful, is this also wrong?" Cai Dingjun was annoyed and retorted.

Cao Xiaoxian sneered a sneer, full of contemptuous words "You don't even do people, but still want to live a little scenery? It's ridiculous! Big prince, I see you will be kind, do good things, then send him to reborn So that he can reach the wish of being a dog earlier."

"There is no reason! Even if it is dying, I will pull you this stinky head!" Cao Xiaoxian ridiculed a few words, Cai Dingjun was greatly angered, and he lost some sense of reason, and he slammed into the air and flew to Cao Xiaoxian.

"Looking for death!" The big prince saw a scream and screamed, and the palm of his hand suddenly rose, and it seemed to be with the momentum.

However, what no one thought of was that Cai Dingjun’s body shape suddenly slammed into Cao Xiaoxian’s body and rushed to Nangong Yao.

"Little girl is careful!" The big prince saw this scene and screamed in a hurry.

Nan Gongyao never dreamed that Cai Dingjun would suddenly aim at his own body. When he realized that it was not good, he was unable to dodge.

"Hey... let's die!" Cai Dingjun screamed, and the palm of the hand screamed out. Nangong Yao did not have the courage to cope. He flew out on the spot.

"Damn!" The great prince roared in his mouth, even though he was already weak, he still struggled to shake his body and wanted to catch Nangong Yao volley.

The great emperor wished to catch Nangong Yao, but he was in the trap of Cai Dingjun. His palm did not affect Nangong Yao, and he did not even have a wound. However, he used this palm to lay a few dark spirits on Nangong Yao’s body and directly turned Nangong Yao into a humanoid bomb. When the Great Emperor took Nangong Yao to catch it, Cai Dingjun’s hidden darkness in Nangong Yao immediately attacked at the same time.

Not to mention that the big prince is very wounded, even if he is not injured at all, he is afraid to suffer. This move, Cai Dingjun learned from the remedy of the Tian strategy, when Lu Congrong with this trick, do not know how many sage masters killed, naturally very wonderful and easy to use.

The darkness of Nangong Yao’s body was attacked. The big prince was smashed on the spot. His body shape was like a lightning strike. In the muffled sound of the cockroach, he retired and retreated. His blood flow was like a note. His face was first pale. If the paper has always changed to the "color" of pure gold, it can be seen that his injury does not know how much he has aggravated...m

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