The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1987: Converse hate!

w "Yes! Small obey!" Cai Dingjun shuddered, and quickly converge on the three-point offensive, tampering into a shot, not dare to align with the fragile neck of the golden bird, but folded to the wings, invisible In the midst of a spiritual power, I want to bind the golden bird. \"target=\"_blank\"class=\"linkcontent\">http://book>

The golden bird naturally refuses to bind, and the throat is screaming and screaming, and the body is golden, and the power of the whole body is exerted. The light of the golden color is like the layer spread in the water. Layers and waves, one after another, impacted the strength of Cai Dingjun. Latest novel Baidu search ""

"It seems that there are a few doorways, I underestimated you." Cai Dingjun did not expect that the golden bird could launch such a strong resistance, and the expression was very unexpected.

However, although Miffin's bloodline is extraordinary, she is still a chick that has not fully grown up. It cannot be the opponent of Cai Dingjun. Seeing the fierce resistance of the golden bird, Cai Dingjun snorted and his wrists shook and swayed, and the offensive increased by 50%. The golden "color" light pattern released by the golden bird can not withstand it immediately. It is like a collapsed wall, and it collapses in layers until it can't stand it. It sends out a miserable sorrow and turns back to the human form.

Mifen was made by Cai Dingjun's spiritual power, and the whole person fell from the sky uncontrollably. Cai Dingjun laughed and hurriedly extended his claws. The latest novel Baidu search ""[

"Looking for death!" Seeing that Mifen was about to fall in the hands of Cai Dingjun, Qin Tailong was anxious and angry, regardless of the three seven twenty-one, and made a crazy rush. He knows that Qin Dong values ​​Mi Mifen. If Muffin can't even see it, where does he still have a face to see Qin Dong?

"Get out of the way!" Cai Dingjun arrogantly, in the face of Qin Tailong's 138 readings, he didn't take a look, and he swept out a palm.

Cai Dingjun thought that he could eat Qin Tailong, but he did not expect that Qin Tailong at this time would be like a tiger forced to enter the desperate situation. Under the support of the incomparably strong will, his attack power was incredibly swollen. Times.

Seeing that Cai Dingjun had a palm shot, Qin Tailong did not know how to do it. The body mysteriously shook three times. It was these three shakes, and Cai Dingjun’s like a wave of the palm of his hand, he was hiding from the past.

"What!?" Cai Dingjun Yu Guangtao went to this scene and was really shocked.

Qin Tailong, however, did not care about that, and avoided the power of Cai Dingjun. The offensive was more urgent and more rapid, and there was a great tendency to defeat Cai Dingjun in the palm of his hand. At that time, Cai Dingjun, who did not put Qin Tailong in his eyes, felt an inexplicable and powerful threat. He had to temporarily abandon Mifen and his body shape was turned to Qin Tailong.

"Since you are desperate to find death, then this seat will be complete!" Cai Dingjun with a sly face, could not help but say, in an instant, Qin Tailong took out dozens of palms.

In these dozens of raging and fierce palms, Qin Tailong is like a dead leaf floating in the wind, and his body is undulating and dangerous.

"Qin Xiong is careful!" This situation falls in the eyes of Fu Yanshan, and his violent sweating "hair" is erected, and he is constantly reminded.

Qin Tailong is ignoring the danger he is in, just shouting "Save the children!"

Qin Tailong’s shouting did not fall, and Zhu Hexuan had already pulled up and swept past Miffin, who was falling rapidly.

"There is no reason for this!" Cai Dingjun became more and more furious, and his body shape trembled, and he even displayed the skills of 12%. Qin Tailong had resisted the hard work. As a result, it was a crash on the spot. I saw Cai Dingjun’s palm strength. After a series of blasts on Qin Tailong’s body, Qin Tailong’s cockroaches flew back and forth, and the blood was like a fountain from Qin Tailong’s mouth. It can't stop even if it is sprayed out in succession.

A heart of Fu Yanshan almost jumped out of the eyes of the blind man, only hate to be able to smash the body of Cai Dingjun. Suffering from such repeated losses, Qin Tailong even if it is iron, I am afraid that I can't bear it, I don't know if it is life or death.

When he flew Qin Tailong, Cai Dingjun immediately returned, and Zhu Hexuan just picked up Mifen at the volley at this time and was about to return. Cai Dingjun's face was "colorful", his right hand was clawed, and the void grabbed five cold awns. As the meteor rushed to the moon, the speed was amazing. In almost a blink of an eye, he hit Zhu Hexuan's back.

Zhu Hexuan had a body, and a mouthful of blood arrows sprang out. The whole person flew out uncontrollably. This Zhu Hexuan is really a man of iron skeletons. Even if he suffered such a heavy blow from Cai Dingjun, he still clung to Mifen and refused to let go.

"Master!" Seeing the horror of Zhu Hexuan, Tan Yang, Huo Huo, Gu Jianxin, three people can be said to be stunned, and how much you have to cultivate Cai Dingjun, Qi Qi and his body are like a three-headed tiger, The heart of Cai Dingjun.

Cai Dingjun sees Zhu Hexuan holding Mifen is not willing to let go, ahref=\"/528/5898369/\">Noisy Zhang Wei first ィ 桓惺艿 桓惺艿 桓惺艿 砗蟠 砗蟠 砗蟠 蟛恍 蟛恍     Begonia called ahref=\"/528/3991564/\"> was taken aback. Looking back, it was actually Tan Yang's three juniors, and the brow was even more frowned.

"You three little rabbits are filial piety! Or, this seat will send you the mentor and the genius to continue the front edge!" Cai Dingjun snorted, his shoulders shook a little, and his body immediately opened an invisible spirit.

When Tan Yang saw it, he would touch Cai Dingjun, but he slammed into an invisible glass wall, and each of them made a sigh of suffocation. At the same time, the smashed bomb flew out, and the blood was mad. [

It was easy to shake back Tan Yang, and the body shape of Cai Dingjun suddenly became like a teleport. Half of the breath was not enough, and it appeared not far from Zhu Hexuan.

Although Zhu Hexuan had a trick in Cai Dingjun, he still remained awake. When he saw that Cai Dingjun suddenly appeared, he slammed his teeth. Under the drive of the strong iron, he simply raised the remaining spiritual power and gave up his life to Cai Dingjun. A palm.

"You old guy is really difficult!" Cai Dingjun's brow wrinkled, his right hand stunned out, like a lightning bolted Zhu Hexuan's wrist, a slight introduction, he put his hand to the side.

"Dog thief! I Zhu Hexuan will not let you go even if he is a ghost!" Zhu Hexuan used force, but his wrist was clamped like a plier, and he couldn’t take it back. The anger was screaming.

"People are not afraid, I will be afraid of Ghosts?" Cai Dingjun screamed, holding Zhu Hexuan's right hand five fingers fiercely, only listening to a slamming sound, Zhu Hexuan's wrist bones, is hard to be crushed by him.

Even though Zhu Hexuan is a man of iron, he can't stand the pain. He screamed at the sky and screamed.

"Teacher... Master!" Tan Yang was not hurt by the three people. At this time, he was ruined in the ground. He did not even have the strength to stand up. He could only watch Zhu Hexuan’s humiliation, and his eyes were filled with blood and tears.

"Cai Dingjun, you are a beast!" Fu Yanshan was shivering with anger, and his voice was not falling, and he spurted a blood arrow.

"Interesting! Interesting! Hahaha..." The people were sorrowful, but North Mingxiong was laughing and laughing, his face was cold and cold. m

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