The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1989: Qindong returned!

w "Hey!" The air rang with a cold, but no human form. Use the reader to watch millions of novels, completely without ads! But only this cold voice is enough to make Cai Dingjun feel trembled. Only because of this coldness, the power and majesty carried, the powerful is hard to imagine, and even in a moment, Cai Dingjun’s heart can not help but give birth to awe.

Not only Cai Dingjun, Fu Yanshan and others are also face-to-face, and the mind is furious and frightened. I don’t know who the high-ranking person is, and can have such a powerful power.

"Mother, is it because of my immortal power?" Cao Xiaoxian's "color" changed. It was suspected that Jiugong Yuling took the power of the fairy world, but he felt that he would not come so fast, his expression was very tangled. Latest novel Baidu search ""

The beautiful "female" person is definitely the person who has seen the big world. She is also one of the best masters in the immortal world. It is not only the same as that of Fu Yanshan and others. Even her, at this time is also the face of "show" shocked "color", muttered: "This person's repair is afraid of having reached the level of Xianjun three products, otherwise there will be no such momentum."

"Xianjun three products!?" After listening to the words of the "female" people, Cao Xiaoxian's **** "color" is obviously staying. She naturally knows what Xianjun Sanpin means, and is only one step away from the highest emperor's realm. Such a master, even in heaven and earth, is a well-deserved power. You must know that in the immortal world, it has been repaired to reach the realm of the emperor, but there are more than ten people, many of which have already disappeared. The latest novel Baidu search ""[

Just as everyone was fascinated by this mysterious master, Mifen suddenly gave a cry, and the whole person fluttered involuntarily, and went straight to the sky.

"Is he also coming to Finner?" Fu Yanshan was so sad that he couldn't help but scream.

Cai Dingjun’s reaction was fast. Seeing that Mifen was taken away, he immediately slammed up and grabbed Miffin with another arm.

"I don't see anything that coffin doesn't cry!" Cai Dingjun's body shape just picked up, and there was a voice full of disdain in the air. Then a white arc flashed, and another hand of Cai Dingjun should be immediately The momentum is broken.

"Ah!!!" The sky is full of "swinging" full of the screams of Cai Dingjun's heartbreaking screams, but everyone at this time has no heart at all, and the gods of each one have become so excited. Qin Tailong couldn't help but shed tears.

Just a scorn, they couldn’t hear it, but after that, they were familiar, but they were familiar. But who is Qin Dong?

"Brother? Brother!" And after listening to the voice of Qin Dong, Muffin turned into ecstasy from the restless moments, while tears swayed, and shouted loudly, the whole person was like a rush of the moon, flying higher and higher, Straight into the clouds.

"Really... Is it really him?" Cao Xiaoxian opened his mouth and looked at the beautiful "woman" with a look of disbelief.

The beautiful "female" people are also not surprised at this time. They even shake their heads, and the gods who are unbelievable on their faces are more powerful than Cao Xiaoxian.

The beauty of the "women" is higher than the people present, so she is also the clearest, how much effort is needed to cultivate to the three kings of Xianjun, and how much opportunity is needed! Because of this, the beauty of the "women" talents can not believe, Qin Dong can be in such a short period of time, from the equivalent of the three realms of the fairy, step into the three kings of Xianjun. This is harder than imagined.

The subconscious mind told the American "woman" that absolutely no one can do such an improvement, but the voice from the air is not bad, it is Qin Dong's voice. Even if you see more scenes, you can't help but feel awkward when you experience the beautiful "women" who are used to Fenglang.

"Da Xian, revenge for me, revenge for me!" Less than half a cup of tea before and after, his two arms, all were cut down, Cai Dingjun is like a kick from the cloud into the abyss The heart is sorrowful and desperate, and it is out of control, and it is crazy to go to the North.

At the moment, Bei Mingxiong’s mood is like a stormy wave, and it can’t be calm for a while. An unprecedented threat, like an invisible rope, is firmly placed around his neck, making him uneasy from the inside out.

"Da Xian, you must avenge me!" Seeing North Mingxiong silent, Cai Dingjun could not help but shouted.

"Give me shut up!" North Mingxiong was screamed by Cai Dingjun's heart, and his face was stunned. Poor Cai Dingjun was shackled at this time, and he did not have the courage to deal with it. He slaps the slap in the face and the teeth of his mouth are beaten by a third.

"Who is the person who is coming, isn't he coming out soon?" Beiming's ambition was more disturbed and anxious, shouting in the air.

"Someone is eager to promote, some people are anxious to make a fortune, I am the first time I saw someone rushing to death!" Qin Dong's hearty voice sounded again. Accompanied by his words, the white clouds in the sky seem to have a spiritual "sexuality", and they spread out to both sides, gradually revealing a figure of two men and one woman. The handsome man is handsome, the woman is pretty and lovely, and the shoulders and shoulders are floating in the sky, and the scent of the singer is just a pair of enviable fairy monks.

"Really... really Xiaodong!" Qin Tailong was seriously injured by Cai Dingjun. At this time, he saw Qin Dong. The injury was like a good half. He actually hit a very good one. He jumped up from the ground and his face was excited. Excited, I don’t have to say much.

"This kid..." Fu Yanshan wanted to say something, but before he even said it, the tears flowed down first. [

"Master, how come you come!" Tan Yang was excited like a child, yelling at Qin Dong, yelling and jumping.

Fire, Gu Jianxin, He Zong, Yu Lin, Fu Fengming and others are also full of ecstasy, one by one, and the hearts are falling back into the stomach, as if Qin Dong is here, even if the sky is falling, there is nothing good. Worried in general.

"Dragon's Wizards! It's really a genius!" The beautiful "female" people's pair of phoenix eyes, watching Qin Dong tightly, for a moment they are reluctant to move away, their mouths are whispering, their faces are full Amazed.

There was still doubt in her heart. I felt that no one could make such great progress in such a short period of time. When Qin Dong lived in front of her, all these doubts were replaced by praise.

"What day is the Wizards, I think he is the first metamorphosis in the world! Where is someone so improved? This is only a few days of work, even across the division, respecting the two realms, but also reached the sinister Xianjun three products Mother. Mother, even if I am jealous, isn’t that perverted?” Cao Xiaoxian’s face is not convinced, and when he talks, he is sour, and the expression of a small woman can be said to be the most vivid.

"What are you?" The beautiful "female" person glimpsed a little, and after half a squat, he shook his head and said, "The color," whispered in a complicated voice. "You are stunned this time, afraid of meeting your opponent."

"What? You said that he and I are embarrassed..." The words of the "female" people let Cao Xiaoxian take a sigh of relief, and looked at the beautiful "women" with incredulous eyes.

The beauty of the "woman" is more bitter, and a few sighs are heard in the mouth...m

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