The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2015: All happy!

w "Hey! You said it is good, I am also a mother. If I am you, I will definitely make the same choice as you. Are we parents who are not living for their children? If they are children It’s not there anymore, what do you mean by living?” After half a sigh, Shi Qing’s sighs and personally lifted the beautiful “woman” from the ground.

"Madam, you... you said this, did you promise me?" The beautiful "women" held the hands of Shi Qing, and asked with a trembling voice.

Shi Qingyi shook his head and said: "I just agree with your choice as a mother, but it does not mean that I have promised your request." The latest novel Baidu search ""

"What?" Shi Qing’s words made the face of the American "women" full of disappointment.

Teacher Qing said, "Our request, I certainly can't promise! If I kill a great mother like you, then how can I face my own conscience in the future, how to face Xiaodong, face the world What about people? If you do this, it really shows your maternal love, but it also pushes me to the land of injustice."[

The goddess of the "female" is embarrassed and full of apology. "I just want to let my daughter live, but I didn't think of this layer. I have no intention to push my wife into the land of injustice. But Xiaoxian she..."The latest novel Baidu search ""

Listening to the teacher, Qing Yu said that the American "female" people are not good to use their "sexual" life to change the "sex" life of Cao Xiaoxian, but she can't watch Cao Xiaoxian's death, and it is hard to suffer.

Although it was the first time to meet, Shi Qingqi had an unusual affection for the American "women", and the more admirable integrity of the "female" people in the United States, as well as the motherly love that was so touching. Shi Qingyi’s affection for her is even more like a rocket ride. I can't bear to see the beauty of the "women" people so hard, the teacher Qing 曌 smiled slightly, and said, "Okay, okay, my teacher is not the kind of little belly chicken, I will report it. Although Cao Xiaoxian hurts me indeed. Very deep, but Xiaodong said yes, the prodigal son does not change the gold. Since she has changed her face, I have no reason not to give her a chance."

When Shi Qing’s words came out, the beautiful “women” and Cao Xiaoxian’s “color” were at the same time. The beautiful “woman” was full of surprises and looked at Shi Qing’s sorrow. The lady means..."

Shi Qingyi waved his hand and looked at Cao Xiaoxian who was kneeling on the ground. He sighed. "I really hate you, but you have a great mother. I can’t bear to let her hurt and add. You have already changed everything before, and everything in the past, forget it."

" really forgive me?" The damage to Shi Qingyu is now a huge stone, which is heavily pressed in the heart of Cao Xiaoxian. The tolerance and forgiveness of Shi Qingyu was undoubtedly the boulder that had moved to her heart, which made Cao Xiaoxian’s heart feel relaxed from the inside out.

"I can forgive you, but you must be filial to your mother in the future, and, really, re-doing, don't let you down this practice!" Shi Qing nodded and said with a strong heart.

"Yes! I must follow my lady's advice! Never let my wife down!" Cao Xiaoxian is like a rebirth, his face is full of excitement and joy.

The mother's love of the "female" people, the tolerance of the teacher's birthday, and the remorse of Cao Xiaoxian finally made this a perfect ending. At that time, Qin Dong, who was always worried, couldn’t help but sigh a long breath and walked forward to hold the teacher’s wife and the beautiful woman. The smile said, “My two mothers. You just sent me to death in a hurry!"

"Two mothers?" Shi Qing asked amazedly.

Qin Dongyu smiled. "Yes, I blame me for not telling you early. In fact, I have already recognized Cao Xiaoxian's mother as a mother."

"What? Is there such a thing?" Shi Qingyu's eyes widened with surprise.

The beautiful "women" nodded lightly and smiled. "When I first met Xiaodong, I liked it very much, so I recognized him as a son. Now it seems that this decision is my life. The most wise decision made!"

"That... why didn't you say it before?" Shi Qing was full of surprises.

The beautiful "women" shook their heads and said slowly, "I just think that, in any case, I and Xiaoxian should have an account for you. I don't want you to have to do because of my relationship with Xiaodong. Inconsistent decisions. In that case, even if you forgive care, we will never be safe."

Shi Qingyi was very esteemed by the American women. After listening to her words, she was even more respectful. Evenly nodded and smiled, "Small East, I really didn't expect that you should not only find the temperament of "women", but the ability to find a mother is also a good one! You can recognize such a mother, enough Explain that your vision is good!"

Qin Dongyu’s smile said, “That’s of course! Don’t look at who I am!”

The beautiful "women" suddenly thought about it, and said to the teacher, "Mrs. If you don't give up, let Xiaoxian recognize you as a godmother. Let her serve you well in the future, and make up for her." s damage!"

Teacher Qing 曌 involuntarily turned his attention to Cao Xiaoxian, it is undeniable that Cao Xiaoxian's appearance is not inferior to "color" in Qin Feiyan, Li Yebing, aside from prejudice, Cao Xiaoxian is also a very cute girl. [

Seeing that Teacher Qing was somewhat tempted, the beautiful "women" rushed to Cao Xiaoxian to make a look of "color". Cao Xiaoxian would like to go and immediately came forward and rushed to the teacher's birthday. Ringing the head, said "Mother, after the little fairy must be good to serve you, be your daughter!"

"Okay, good! Get up soon, get up!" Now that he has recognized Cao Xiaoxian, Shi Qingyu also wants to open. This person is not perfect, and everyone has made mistakes. Since Cao Xiaoxian has been rehabilitated, everything in the past has vanished. After the opening of the teacher, Qing Qing, there is no prejudice against Cao Xiaoxian, and the smile on his face is also from the heart.

After accepting the daughter of Cao Xiaoxian, Shi Qingyan recruited Qin Feiyan, Li Yebing and Nan Gongyao to the front and smiled. "My daughter-in-law, don't you salute your goddess?"

The beauty of the "female" is graceful and graceful, kind and feminine, and it is originally intended to be close to it. Plus the three women have seen that the weight of this beautiful "woman" in Qin Dong’s mind is no less Teacher Qing, of course, there will be no objection. The three women rushed to the front of the American "women" and shouted at the mouth. They bowed down and let the "women" be surprised and happy. Teacher Qing smiled and said, "I am a daughter, I have exchanged three daughter-in-laws. This time, I made a big profit."

While talking, the beautiful "female" people raised the three women one by one, look at this, look at that, each one makes her happy. After thinking about it, I took three thin books from my arms and gave them to three women. I smiled and said, "You can’t shout. You are the three gifts that are given to you. Meet the ceremony, I hope you don't disappoint!"m

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