The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2034: Add evil words!

w "Mother, you..."

Qin Dongyi, the beautiful "female" people have no explanation, rushed to Cao Xiaoxian, said "Xiaoxian, you go to pay for the help of the Lord, be careful!"

Cao Xiaoxian's cultivation is actually not able to compete with the left tiger, but she is finally Lu Congrong's daughter, and she is infinitely close to the fairyland. It is still much higher than Fuyanshan, just blocking the left tiger. One palm is still not difficult.

After listening to the instructions of the "female" people, Cao Xiaoxian’s body shape shook, and he went to Fu Yanshan’s side. At the same time, he sacrificed every silk force, and then cooperated with the Tianyi’s righteousness. This palm, unloaded to the side, saved Fu Yanshan. Latest novel Baidu search ""

"Well?" Zuo Hu was slightly surprised, and his eyes immediately covered Cao Xiaoxian. [

Cao Xiaoxian is the daughter of Lu Congrong. It is also seen in the big world. In the face of the left tiger who is exposed to the fierce light, there is no timidity to bravely greet her.

"Hah, who is my way, I used to eat Miss Cao!" Zuo Hu sneered, and said faintly.

"Zuo Hu, you dare not scatter in the fairy world, you ran to heaven and heaven to make waves?" Cao Xiaoxian was not afraid of angering the left tiger, and also sneered, said. Latest novel Baidu search ""

"Xiaoxian, can't be rude to the left predecessor!" The beautiful "women" people snorted and walked slowly.

"Cao... Mrs. Cao!?" When Zuo Huyu saw the American "women", he immediately "showed" the face and was shocked. The figure also subconsciously stepped back. It seems that the beauty of the "women" people are all true, her ability must be small, otherwise it will not scare the murderer of the left tiger like this.

However, soon, the left tiger calmed down and the face "color" returned to its original state. Probably thinking that the beauty of the "female" man was imprisoned by the land, it is not his opponent.

"Oh... no wonder in the fairy world, I haven’t heard about Mrs. Cao’s news for a long time. It turns out that Mrs. Cao is hiding in the heavens and heavens.” Zuo Hu’s smile was a bit evil, and Qin Dong did not like it.

The beauty of the "female" is a great person. It is not related to the left tiger. It is just a condensate voice. "Mr. Zuo has always been the right arm of the Xuege Master. He has always been entrusted with a heavy responsibility. How can I have leisure to heaven?"

The left tiger **** "color" is right, the road "Our lord found that there is a strong volatility in heaven in this heaven. It is expected that there are people in the fairy world who have inserted into the secular disputes, so I am going to see who is there. So big courage, dare to ignore the law of the fairy world! I did not expect that it was Mrs. Cao."

The **** of the left tiger is not good at color, his eyes are fierce, and there is no such thing as a good fart. Qin Dong’s heart snorted and began to quietly prepare for the shot.

The beautiful "female" people are also slightly raised in the eyebrows, with her experience, the eyes will naturally not be worse than Qin Dong.

"Zuo Hu, if you don't come up, you will give me a big hat, what is the law of the fairyland, you can not afford this crime." Cao Xiaoxian said, rushing to the left tiger.

"I can't afford it? Hahaha... You two, one is Lu Congrong's daughter, and the other is Lu Congrong's woman. You have a very reliable backing. You have nothing to do with it? Miss Cao, you are really It’s too modest.”

"Left Tiger, you..."

Cao Xiaoxian is about to re-engage with the theory of the left tiger. The beautiful "women" have pulled her up and said to the left tiger calmly, "Mr. Zuo, in fact, I can explain this..."

"Mr. Cao, how come you are polite? You are Lu Congrong's woman, the head figure in the fairy world, where is the explanation for the incomprehensible Xiaoyi?"

The face of the "female" person is condensed, and Shen Sheng said, "Mr. Zuo, I have already cut off the relationship between husband and wife with Lu Congrong. The whole fairyland has already known, why do you have to contact me with Lu Congrong? together?"

The left tiger snorted, and the yin test said, "Do you have a couple of things, can someone else know if you can make it clear? Who knows, are you two couples acting, one in the celestial world, the king, one in The heavens and the heavens are secretly laid out. The quietness of the three worlds is included in the capsule..."

"The surname is left, your blood is spurting!" Cao Xiaoxian was directly smothered by the smoke of the five singers. [

Even the American "female" people, after hearing the nonsense of the left tiger, couldn’t help but smack their faces, and their anger was faint.

"Blood mouth squirting? Hehe... Do you do it out, can you say no?" But the land is calm and powerful, and the family of three is in the same position, and it’s really admirable!

The left tiger looked thick and thick, but he didn't expect it to be a fang. Qin Dong really looked at him a little.

Cao Xiaoxian was left to be arrogant, and was about to talk to the left tiger theory. The left tiger ignored her. He turned to Fu Yanshan and others and yelled, "You idiots are idiots, right or wrong, good or bad, even It’s ridiculous to be with them!”

Fu Yanshan almost didn't die in the hands of Zuo Hu. He was naturally annoyed with him. When he heard the words, he made a cold cry. "Are you a good person?"

"Crap!" left tiger screamed, "If we didn't wear Yunge, the three worlds had already fallen into the hands of Lu."

"Oh... what the **** are you, what we all see is very clear!" Fu Yanshan said coldly.

"Mixed things! You are so courageous, don't you really want to let this seat overtake you?" The left tiger screamed and sighed, seemingly to eat Fuyanshan.

Fu Yanshan is not a fearful death master, plus Qin Dong is in, he will not put the left tiger in his eyes, his lips will be smashed back, but the beautiful "women" have taken the first step. Looking at the left tiger, the face is "colorful" and the road is "Left Tiger, I have some friendship with your family, Xue Qianfeng. You go back and tell him that there is me, heaven and earth are not in the hands of the calm." !"

After saying this, the American "women" turned their heads to the side, and there was no interest in talking to the left tiger.

The left tiger is not arrogant, and the evil smiles. "In any case, you and Lu Congrong are both family. They are not in the hands of Lu Congrong. It is the same in your hands. Mrs. Cao, you are taking our family. Snow House Lord is a fool?"

The eyes of the beautiful "female" people took a hard time and stared at the left tiger. Shen Sheng asked, "Is this what you said, or is Xue Qianfeng saying?"

The beauty of the "woman" has been lost, but the momentum is still there. This blink of an eye also makes the left tiger jump.

"What is it that I said, what is it that our Snow Pavilion owner said?"

The beautiful "women" snorted and said, "If it is Snow Qianfeng, then I am wrongly seeing friends. But if it is what you said, then today, you must give me an account!"

The voice of the beautiful "female" people fell, the **** of the left tiger became "unprecedented" and became a slap in the face. "Cao Nishang! You got a heartless madness or an amnesia! Your repairs have been abolished." I want to let my left tiger give you an explanation? Hahaha... Tell you the truth, this is what I said, then what? I have long since used to see your pretending to be high, it is disgusting. You are amazing, but it is just a man’s underarms. What's so great?” m^-^

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