The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2073: come!

The 326th chapter comes in time!

Huafengde probably still didn't understand what happened. One person stood there, and his expression seemed to be a little bit stagnation. Gu Tianba rushed to him, and fixed him to earn money and never give him any more. Stupid opportunity

Huajiyuan is wondering who is at the juncture of the millennium, and rescued Huafengde. Suddenly, the three voices filled with amazing energy roared from three directions at the same time.

This roar is very special. It is like the power of destroying the earth and destroying the earth. Wherever you go, the two sides who are fighting are all retreating, their hands are covering their ears, and the face is exposed. "A lot of repairs are a little bit worse, but they are directly on the ground and can’t move.

Even Huajiyuan, Gu Tianba, such a powerful and powerful realm, has no change in color. A heart is like a drum, a mad jump, and the infuriating in Dantian is a sign of collapse. [

Huajiyuan just wanted to open his mouth to ask, is he who is looking at the three different colors of color, from three different directions, to the rapid speed of his side, the speed is absolutely the life of Huajiyuan See only

When the light plunged, the human form appeared, and Huajiyuan was awakened by the horror. The sly road "is originally three..."

Lin Qingfeng’s face, “Color”, looked around and glared at Huajiyuan. He asked, “What is going on?”

Lin Qingfeng, drunk monk, Jin Pingyue three, rushed all the way, finally to the Qin House can be seen is a battle scene, everywhere is shouting

At first, the three thought that they were invading by foreign enemies. When you look closely, you can distinguish between the two sides of the battle. They are all the forces of the dragons in the country. It’s like being a aunt to see each other’s children, and still Going to death, can you not be angry? The three did not need to say more, immediately acted separately, and shocked both sides of the fierce battle.

Lin Qingfeng’s voice has not yet landed, and Qin’s vertical and horizontal plunging. When I saw Lin Qingfeng, I didn’t say much, and I was in a hurry. “Mr. Lin, you are coming back, Xiaodong, Xiaodong will not work!”

"What are you talking about?" The drunk monk exclaimed, both eyes were about to come out of the eyelids.

Jin Pingyue is anxious not to do, a pair of eyes full of eagerness, staring at Qin vertical and horizontal

Qin Zongheng still has an explanation, but anxiously, "Three people come with me!"

After waiting for the Qin dynasty to get up, the drunk monk grabbed his hand and thrived, turned into an electric light, and straight into the Qinfu Houtang Jinpingyue also turned into a streamer, then chased

Lin Qingfeng turned his head and looked at Huajiyuan, Gutianba and others. Shen Shen said, "They restrain their own hands, and they are not allowed to act rashly. Otherwise, don't blame me for Lin Qingfeng's ruthlessness!" Lin Qingfeng also rushed to the back hall of Qinfu.

A fierce battle, retreating because of the appearance of three people, Lin Qingfeng

"Fengde, you... are you all right?" Lin Qingfeng’s three people left, Huajiyuan couldn’t wait to ask Huafengde’s words, and his eyes were full of hidden concerns.

This made Huafeng De could not help but look a little warmer in addition to despair.

Gu Tianba snorted and said, "If you don't have the face to ask, if it's not Mr. Lin, they will be dead, now, Fengde is probably dead in your hand."

Hua Jiyuan sighed and his face was full of bitterness.

Gu Tianba hates the road full of "Mr. Lin, they are back, ask for a while, I see how you explain!"

Huajiyuan looked up at the ancient Tianba, saying, "Don’t let Mr. Lin fall and fall, I will come by myself!" After all, Huajiyuan pointed out that he had a dozen fingers on his body.

Every finger will pick up a blood arrow, and a dozen fingers will go down. Huajiyuan’s original red face will immediately become paler than paper.

Huajiyuan’s movements are extremely fast, and it is deliberate. The ancient Tianba and others want to stop and can’t stop a few exclamations and ring at the same time.

"Dad!" The first thing that moved was Huafeng De and his son. This blood relationship is how the Huafengde has been rushing forward and Huajiyuan has lived.

Gu Tianba’s brows were wrinkled, his face was full of regrets, and he murmured, “You...had you ever ruined your martial arts?” Huajiyuan is no matter what, it’s the top character of Longyuan’s martial arts. It’s always a pity that the fall is so super

As for the wooden sword, he is not only surprised, but more afraid that Huajiyuan has fallen into such a field. Can he still get a good time? The more I think, the more I feel scared. The wooden sword trembles and almost stands still.

"Dad, why are you suffering?" Huafengde has completely forgotten all kinds of faults of Huajiyuan. At this time, all the hearts are full of regrets.

Huajiyuan took a long breath and pressed the pain that came from all over again. Then he smiled and said, "Don’t cry, this is what I deserve. Just now, I almost killed you personally. At that time, I suddenly figured it out. The wrong person is indeed I don’t know what happened. During this time, I am like a konjac. Sometimes I know that I am doing something wrong, or I am going to do it. Maybe I am going to do it. You are right, I am old confused..."

The so-called man will die, and his words are also a kind of words of Shanhua Jiyuan. It sounds so sad. Even Gu Tianyuan, who hates Huajiyuan’s hatred, can’t help but feel a little moved.

Hua Jiyuan breathed a sigh of relief and went on to say, "I originally wanted to be self-sufficient, but later I thought that the sins I created must have an account, so I will abolish my martial arts first, and then Let Qin Shaoxia fall, die without complaints!"

"Dad, why are you... Why are you only awake when you get to this time?" Huafeng De was difficult to hide his sadness, could not help but burst into pain.

Hua Jiyuan gently patted Huafengde’s shoulders, with incomparable sadness and bitterness in his words, muttering “maybe... this is the inferior root of humanity”

Qinfu Houtang

"How... How could this be?" Checked Qin Dong’s wound, drunk monk and Jin Pingyue face each other, can’t believe it’s true.

Especially Jin Pingyue, even more urgent eyes are red, filled with tears

Lin Qingfeng is also the same, the face of the "color" unprecedented dignity, although Qin Dong more than once against him, let him not come to Taiwan, but Lin Qingfeng is like a heart-to-heart, even admire Qindong only because Qindong is young, not only The cultivation is inscrutable, and the rare character is correct, and the behavior is upright and upright, and even more valuable!

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