The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2081: The courage of the Magic Orc Warrior!

The most profound Xiao Siteng, the feeling is still the same, the rest of the people's reaction can be imagined, and the look of each one is painful to the extreme, and the individual is the weakest, almost to the brink of collapse.

Fortunately, this pain did not last long, Qin Dong shot

This shot made the left leopard’s hair almost upside down.

In this wave of offensives, the left leopard said that he used more than sixty-three kinds of subtle and profound meanings. These two meanings are intertwined and complement each other, not only let the left leopard release the fairy power, sharp multiple times, but also make up The weakness of the left leopard trick is almost perfect for the latest novel "Fiction"

But this is almost a perfect wave of offensive, but Qin Dongyi broke the palm of the hand that saw Qin Dong, just like the palm of the hand, the strange hole penetrated the flaws in the offensive, and passed through the layer. The layer of Xianli, unimpeded, appeared in front of the left leopard [

"How could this be?" When Qin Dong’s palm was printed on the left leopard’s chest, the left leopard couldn’t believe that it would be true. The throat was involuntarily giving a scream of screaming and full of horror.

Where did he know that he had only fought with Qin Dong, and he almost completely violently exposed himself to Qin Dong in the face of Qin Dong’s powerful learning and comprehension, plus his metamorphosis talent. The various kinds of immortal meanings he has learned are not only mastered by Qin Dong, but Qin Dong is inspired by it, and he has learned a lot of the latest novels "Fictions".

This is the terrible thing of the dual sacred power. It is always on the top, overlooking everything, and everything is in the eye. However, this battle with the left leopard has really benefited Qin Dong. He even has Some regret, in the face of the left tiger, it should not be killed so quickly, wasted a chance to learn and improve

"How can this be? Hehe... Let me tell you, you and your unlucky brother are the wrong places in the wild! You must take the first step, don't forget to give your master, Xue Qianfeng, a good place!"

For a person like Zuo Leopard, Qin Dong will not be soft in the slightest, the voice will fall, the majestic dual sacred force will also be launched, and the work of the fold, in the leopard of the left leopard, will simultaneously spurt the blood in the body. Five internal organs, all made into smashed meat

"Just... is it so dead?" He looked at the left leopard and fell down on the ground. Hutong seemed to have some reaction, but he was half-opened and his face was dull and asked.

When Xiao Ruser heard it, he couldn’t help but giggled. “Hu Lao, can you still bear the left leopard?”

"Hey!" Xiao Ru's voice just fell, Hu Tong vomited a heavy spit, hateful words "I can't bear to die without him! But..."

Said, Hu Tong has turned his eyes to Qin Dong, the **** "color" is very complicated

What kind of murderous madness is left leopard, so in the hands of Qin Dong, this makes the dozens of masters present at the head, tens of thousands of monks are stunned, the expression is called a dream, staring at Qin Dong, In the eyes, there is only a deep awe, even the top ten masters who are on the top of the week. At this time, when facing Qin Dong, they can’t help but dare to move forward.

Qin Dong did not look at the body of the left leopard, and turned to come to Xiao Siteng’s face.

Xiao Si Teng looked at him, shook his head and whispered, "What kind of monster is your kid?"

Qin Dongmei’s “Mao” rose and screamed “Xiao Bobo, I am your savior, thank you for not saying it, how can you still open your mouth?”

Xiao Si Teng also grinned, and said, "What are you doing? Who makes me your elder? You have the ability to be born decades before me, and I will let you casually!"

Qin Dong smiled and reached out and pulled Xiao Siteng up from the ground. Xiao Siteng, who has basically no selfishness, has a heart in his heart. He had already acquired Qin Dong’s respect for Qin Dong, Xiao Bobo, not so casually.

"Hey!" Xu is the use of Qin Dong's strength, affecting Xiao Si Teng's injury, so that he can't resist a cry.

Qin Dong brows a wrinkle, said "Xiao Bobo, your injury is not light, let me come to treat you for injury!"

Xiao Siteng shook his head and said, "No need to worry! Although the left leopard is dead, there is still an old family!" Then, Xiao Siteng turned his eyes to destroying Kirin.

At this time, the look of destroying Kirin can no longer be described as ugly. It is almost impossible to see the death of the left leopard. However, he witnessed it with his own eyes. Until now, there is still a kind of fairyland power that is so powerful that God’s children are so strong. Qin Dong’s sweaty hair was not hurt, so he died. How terrible is this Qin Dong’s cultivation? [

I don’t know how to destroy the unicorn, but one thing he knows very well is that in the face of Qin Dong, his results will never be better than the left leopard.

Qin Dong frowned, turned and walked toward the destruction of Kirin.

Looking at the calm and calm pace of Qin Dong, Xiao Siteng’s heart is a sigh of emotion.

I thought that this time, the invasion of the Eudemons will be a huge catastrophe in heaven and earth. For this reason, he is exhausted, and he does not think about tea, but he does not hesitate to face his face. He appeals everywhere, and he can promote the unity of human monks. It seems that all he has done is simply to deal with the Eudemons in one fell swoop, and Qin Dong is a man!

Qin Dong still has a distance of several tens of feet from the destruction of the unicorn. The pace of Ting is not that he does not want to go forward, but because between him and the ruined unicorn, it is blocked by thousands of Eudemons. Several lines of defense

These defense lines, in Qindong, can’t be beaten, but Qin Dong’s care is not this, but the fearless courage of these fantasy orc warriors.

He only easily killed the scene of the left leopard, presumably they are all in the eyes, they certainly should know that they are in front of Qin Dong, is a complete ants, life and death can only be between the shackles, they are still After a fold of work, these lines of defense were formed. No one turned and fled, which is enough to illustrate the courage of the Eudemons.

It is said that the Eudemons are born warriors, and the only purpose of their existence is to die! Today, Qin Dong is a teacher.

"Destroy the unicorn, are you prepared to hide behind your hands for a lifetime?" Qin Dong looked to destroy the unicorn, a faint voice said

"No matter who you are! You can't hurt our family to have a "hair"!" Formed the first line of defense, face to face with Qin Dong, is the highest part of these illusionary orc warriors, at this time One of them bravely stared at Qin Dong’s eyes and shouted loudly.

In his drink, although there is a little tension, there is no trace of fear.

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