The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2088: Solemnly worship!

"Is it true that the snow-capped peaks that wear the Yunge Pavilion also have ulterior motives?" Xiao Stan’s brow lock can’t be tight anymore. Originally thought that with the uniform of the ruined unicorn, all the crises will disappear, but now He found that the situation today is more complicated and dangerous than in the past.

Qin Dong sneered aloud and said, "This snow peak is not simple. The wind evaluation in the fairy world is excellent. It is simply the leader of the righteous leader. It is more difficult to deal with than the calmer."

"How can this be good? The Eudemons have already made us feel a headache, and then we have the chance to win the power of the fairyland." Hu Tong’s expression is as bitter as it can squeeze out the latest novels. "Fiction"

Xiao Stan is also somewhat depressed, and his heart is annoyed. The power of this fairy world is high, but their happy days, why do you have to go through the heavens? I really don’t understand, for them, heaven and earth, what is so attractive to them?

Seeing the face of the "color" is extremely dignified, Qin Dong smiled slightly, Yang said "two predecessors, you can all be the heavenly heavens of the Taishan Beidou, so the spiritual pillar of the monk, no matter how difficult the situation, others can top Don't make it, but the two of you have to hold on to wow! If you are all stunned, then our heavenly heavens will really disappear." The latest novel "Fiction" [

Hu Tong heard that the **** "color" shocked and turned to look at Qin Dong, muttering the road "You are not willing to explain in public, why do you want to protect the unicorn, because you rushed to announce the news, Will we be unable to stand it, thus affecting the fighting spirit of other monks?"

Qin Dong nodded. "I really have such considerations. I don't think that I can look down on the two predecessors. It is really too big. It is really not to be missed!"

Hu Tong couldn't help but shake his head again and again.

Qin Dong saw a glimpse and asked, "Hu Lao, can I do this wrong?"

Hu Tong couldn't help but laugh, but it was a little bit bitter. "No! You do this, it's not only right, but it's very necessary! The old man just didn't think that you are young, but the thoughts are so detailed." Secret, it’s really amazing!”

Qin Dong God "color" a glimpse, busy road "predecessors are really a prize! But just now, forced by the situation, I have several collisions with your predecessors, it is rude here, I want to apologize to the older generation!" Qin Dong will bend down at Hutong.

If it is for another younger generation, this is awkward, Hu Tong is ready to accept it, but to Qin Dong, he really has a feeling of being awkward. He hastened his hands and will help Qin Dong to make a sound and say, "Don’t stop, Don't! This worship, the old man can't afford it."

Eliminating all kinds of doubts and confusions in my heart. When Hu Tong looked at Qin Dong again, he simply left the likes, and the more he saw, the more he liked to hate his granddaughter under his knees, otherwise he would be stuffed. To Qin Dong

"Xiaodong, when it comes to an apology, the person who should apologize is that I am right! To be honest, when I learned that you are the son of Qin Tailong, I immediately became full of doubt and hostility to you and I heard that you insisted on destroying Kirin's "sex" life, I even more determined that you and your father, also made the magical beast's running dog! If it is not like the scorpion head secretly smashed me to earn me, I will fight you, you can't live! But now I only know that I have told you that Longshenglong, Fengshengfeng, I don’t think so much compared to yours, you have to be too strong."

Hu Tong’s “sexuality” is straight, and his speech has never been so curved, he thought of what he said, and whether Qin Dong loves to listen.

Xiao Si Teng listened and said, "Hu Lao, don't say that..."

After waiting for Xiao Si Teng to finish the conversation, Hu Tong snorted, "Do not say so? Xiaomen Lord, I know, you are afraid that Qin Shaoxia listened to the uncomfortable heart, but the facts are facts, no cover! And I I said it at the beginning, Qin Tailong is Qin Tailong, Qin Shaoxia is Qin Shaoxia, I want to use Qin Shaoxia's open-mindedness and mind, shouldn't I think that Hu is talking to someone? And, I can eliminate Qin Shaoxia to find a way to convince Qin Tailong, let him abandon Evil is good, rehabilitated, as long as he is willing, then look at Qin Shaoxia's face, I will be the first to forgive him!"

This Hutong father, speaking, is like a machine gun, it is hard to let Xiao Siteng even "plug"

Until Hutong finished speaking, Xiao Siteng was full of ambiguous look at Qin Dongdao. "Xiao Dong Ai is a matter of great importance, so I have never said anything to anyone, including Hu Lao, you can not give birth to him. ”

Qin Dong smiled and said, "Where is it, Xiao Bobo thought that Qin Dong is a small intestine?"

When Hu Tong heard the conversation between the two people, he couldn't help but wrinkle and asked, "School Master, don't you have anything to look at me?"

Xiao Siteng nodded. "Since this time, Hu Lao, then I will not marry you. You Ai is greatly smashed Xiaodong’s father Qin Tailong."

"I... I am jealous of him?" Hu Tong glanced, his face was full of puzzles.

Xiao Siteng took a breath and said slowly, "In fact, it is Hu Lao, you, including me, the monks in heaven and heaven are all wrong." Then, Xiao Siteng will put Qin Tailong on the truth of the phantoms. Originally, I said to Hu Tong again [

Every time I mention what Qin Tailong has done and the insults he has suffered, Xiao Siteng can't help but feel a little excited. When he talks about it, he doesn't just dance, and even tears are often seen in his eyes.

Xiao Stan said the excitement, Hu Tong listened not to mention that from the first moment, Hu Tong’s mouth was greatly opened until the last word of Xiao Siteng landed, and his mouth could not close his fists. I’m shuddering, and the complex look doesn’t know how to describe it.

There are shocks, excitement, admiration, resonance, and embarrassment... All kinds of emotional turns are ups and downs in his chest, but Hutong’s heart is very strong, otherwise it is difficult to prevent the danger of stopping.

Xiao Siteng finished all this. Hu Tong was so silent for a long while, and he didn’t say that Xiao Siteng knew that he was digesting all this. When he just learned the truth, why not?

"Xiaomen Lord, said everything is true, didn't lie to me?" After a while, Hu Tong stared at Xiao Siteng's eyes and murmured.

Xiao Siteng smiled and said, "Is this big thing, do I still dare to lie to you?"

When Xiao Siteng’s voice just fell, Hu Tong slammed into the north and smashed down to the north. He was shocked by Xiao Siteng and Qin Dong.

“Hu Lao, what are you doing?” Xiao Siteng hurried forward to help

Hu Tong did not accept it and pushed his hand away.

Subsequently, Hu Tong was solemnly facing the north, shouting out, "Qin brother, you are for the heavenly world, for the "sex" life of thousands of monks in the world, do not hesitate to bear the burden, the line is great, its "sex" to pure Its virtue is the highest, its righteousness is heavy! Hutong is here, representing the world, and paying homage to you!"

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